Chapter 1. The Pirate Queen

Baron Von Ellingsworth stood huddled in the corner of his personal cabin trembling. His sobbing wife, the Baroness Von Ellingsworth, tried to hide herself and her massive skirts behind him. He gulped and looked up at the massive pirate, easily three times his size, standing before him. An exotic bird the color of the sunset sat atop his shoulder. The Baron fought to steady his breathing.

"W-W-W-What a-are you, you going t-to d-do to us, C-Captain?"

The pirate laughed. "Cappin'?" He spoke with a thick Spanish accent. "I ain' no Cappin'."

Baron Von Ellingsworth shuddered. "I-If you aren't Captain Drake, t-then who-"


All heads turned to the direction of the voice.

"Captain Drake," the pirate strode forward, brandishing a rather menacing looking sword. "That is, Captain Erika Drake." She leaned forward, the sparse fabric of her corseted bodice leaving little to the imagination. Her ruby lips twisted into a smile.

"What's the matter, Baron?" She taunted. The tip of her blade hovered at the base of his throat. "Weren't expecting a little lady like me, were ya?"

He swallowed hard. "N-N-No, C-Captain."

"Well," she whispered, her lips at his ear, "next time you will. These are my waters, Baron." She pressed a kiss to his cheek, leaving a smudge of rouge behind.

The Baron's jaw dropped.

Captain Erika laughed. "Come Sam, our work here done."

"Aye, Cappin'." The large pirate followed her out, but not before his bird left a present on the Baron's expensive Persian rug.

Baron Von Ellingsworth moved almost instantly to the small window his cabin offered. He watched as the pirate ship disappeared into the distance, thanking God for surviving his encounter with the infamous Captain Drake and the crew of The Black Siren.


"Move it, men! We haven't got all day!" Once back on her own ship, Captain Erika stood at the helm barking out orders. "You! Help keep a watch out for the navy!"

"Aye, Captain!"

"Would the two of you be careful with that trunk? I expect to find it in my cabin undamaged!"

"Of course, Captain!"

"And would someone please find the Lieutenant and have him meet me in my cabin?"

"On it, Captain!"

"Aye! Now back to work with ye!"

The men hurried off to their tasks. Pleased with the day's work, Captain Erika nodded to herself and strode towards her cabin. With the door firmly shut behind her, she moved towards the glittering trunk placed in the center of the room and pulled back the lid to examine its contents.

Oh yes, she thought, running her fingers along the smooth fabric. These will do nicely.

A knock at the door interrupted her musings. She closed the trunk and rose to her feet.

"Enter." Captain Erika smiled. "Lieutenant."

He bowed. "Captain."

"Always so formal, cousin! Tis simply but us, just Julian and Erika."

"All right, Erika," Lieutenant Julian said. "I was told you wished to speak with me."

"Yes. Tell me, Julian, what is your take on our friend the Baron? He was most generous, yes?" Her sapphire eyes flickered towards the truck.

He chuckled. "Indeed. Although, judging from the grandeur of his ship, I believe his generosity will go quite unnoticed."

"I thought as much. No matter, he was wise not to travel with the full extent of his wealth. I would sorely miss another appointment with such a dashing rogue."

"I'm certain he relishes in your affections as well."

Both pirates laughed.

"I do so love our family discourse," Julian sighed, "but alas. I have duties to attend to and you've a ship to run."

"Aye. Off with ye then, Lieutenant. I've a ship to run and your constant blabbering is interfering with that." She winked.

He rolled his eyes. "Yes, Captain."


It's finally here and I'm so excited that I'm literally shaking! I present to you: PIRATES! Updates will be every Monday. Tell me what you think of the first chapter. I promise, it's going to be a wild ride. (On a side note: this story is currently rated at a high T. May change to M depending on Captain Erika's behavior in later chapters. You have been warned.)