Dawn crept upon the two figures darting stealthily through the factory buildings, making them increasingly more nervous of the possibility of their discovery and capture even in the earliest stages of their mission. It was supposed to be a simple task: assassinate the target-the first of the three names on the list Jacob gave them, a Reginald Cavendish, overseer of operations at the coal factory-and secondly, free any and all workers who had been forced into slave labor by said overseer. The whole plan was to be in and out of the area by sunrise, possibly with a few new recruits if they were lucky.

"It's not looking too good, Ms. Frye. Daylight is upon us and we are still nowhere near our target," Henry said nervously to his partner. Evie merely nodded in response as she used her Eagle Vision to scout the grounds in front of them.

"I don't see any guards yet," she said. "Maybe they are all inside the building? Having a meeting, perhaps?"

Henry snickered. "Hmm, I wonder what about…" he said rolling his eyes.

That got a smile from her as she sat down on the ground behind their hiding place of upturned tables, chairs, and barrels. They both had a clear view of the factory where the Templar agent was supposed to be. Suddenly, they saw movement inside one of the doors to the left side of the building that they assumed to be an office of some sort, and watched as two mooks came strolling out with a small table and two chairs.

The Assassins fidgeted nervously when the mooks continued to move closer and closer to their hiding place. They sighed in relief, though, when the men stopped about midway between the factory and their hideout to set up the table and chairs to play cards.

One of the men lit a cigar and asked, "Know when the boss'll be back?"

The other, looking annoyed said, "Christ, haven't I told you before? He ain't comin' today. There's this new shipment tha's gonna be in at the docks, and he's gotta be there to get it."

"Alright, alright. No need to get upset. My memory isn't so good, you know? Never has been, haha!"

"Yeah, sure. Or ya just don't pay bloody attention, you old fool," he spat playfully. The two of them bantered with one another the whole time while Henry and Evie worriedly wondered what to do next.

As the day went on and the sun started to shine down on to the open area, the two mooks decided to take their game to the side of the building under the eaves for shade. Evie had fallen asleep during their wait leaving Henry to keep watch at the time. Unfortunately, he had also started to nod until he heard the sound of chairs scraping the ground as the men moved towards the office. He turned to wake his partner to find that she had fallen onto his side, her head lolling upon his shoulder. He began lightly patting her cheek.

"Ms. Frye… Ms. Frye! Evie! Wake up, now. Come on."

He watched as she slowly came out of her sleep, eyes still half closed and mouth still slightly open. He almost laughed at the sight as he helped her sit up. She looked around drowsily and finally settled on him.

"Oh dear. Had I been asleep long?"

He chuckled. "No, not too long. But we need to focus now. I heard one of the men say something about Cavendish's second in command coming in his place."

Evie sobered at this and allowed Henry to help her sit all the way up (making sure not to be seen) and kneeled beside him. "What do we do now? They are still sitting there and we have nowhere to go. Should we kill them it would alert more of their friends and we'd have a melee on our hands."

"I'm not too eager for that myself," the older Assassin said while using his own Eagle Vision to note several guards walking around in other buildings on either side of them.

"Mr. Green?"


"What was in that package you received the other day?"

A little caught off guard, Henry turned to his partner and stared at her.

"It's a secret. I will show it to you one day. But for now, let's find a way to somehow salvage this mission."

You're nearly as bad as Jacob, she mused, but his tone had a finality to it that told Evie to not press the issue. She eventually nodded and returned her attention back to their surroundings.