Alucard had never imagined that Seras would come into her vampirism on her own. Granted, it had taken the…persuasion, if you will, of the Major for it to happen, Alucard had always assumed it would either never happen, or that he would have to force her into it.

When he thought back to his own turning, he could almost admit that it had taken him the same amount of persuasion as it had Seras. However, he being the first vampire, there was no one to guide him along this path. But he would not let that happen with Seras. She was a true draculina now.

It was time to release her.

It almost panged at his undead heart, to realize that he may be losing his sweet little draculina. He knew that deep down, the clumsy police girl was still in there. The vampire who stood before him now was simply her new armor. He liked this new Seras. She had finally risen to the potential he saw that night in Chedder. Soon, she would be an even more powerful draculina. And his for the taking.

"Come to my chambers Police Girl. There is much we need to discuss." With the simple command, Alucard disappeared from her room. Seras quirked a delicate eyebrow at his actions. She had fully expected him to scorn her or jest at her more. But he didn't. And that was very unlike her master.

Following his command, Seras made her way to his chambers. The first time she had ever been in his chambers, she had been terrified. The closer she got to his door, it had felt almost as if the darkness was trying to consume her. But now as she approached, she felt no fear. Just as she was about to knock, Alucard's voice reached her ears.

"Enter Seras Victoria." Her eyebrow quirked again. He never used her name so many times in the same day, let alone the same week. When she entered, she found him sitting upon his throne, his red coat gone leaving behind a simple Victorian style white shirt and his black pants tucked into his leather boots. The old Seras would have blushed.

Next to him sat two wine glasses and his favorite wine-blood concoction. Slowly, he poured two glasses, his eyes never leaving hers as she came to stand in the middle of the room.

"Tell me Seras, what was the last order you received from Sir Integra?" Alucard passed her a single wine glass.

"I have been ordered to hunt down the remaining Millennium members and take them out."

"Do you believe this is something you can handle?" Alucard sipped his wine. He knew that she would be able to; he simply wanted to know if she thought so.

"Yes." Seras held the wine glass in front of her, yet did not drink it.

'What is the meaning of this? He sure seems friendly,' her demon muttered. Inside her mind the demon paced back and forth.

'Shut up. You know we cannot disobey. Just be quite' she scolded the demon. It smirked in reply.

'I feel hurt Seras. I almost feel as if you don't like me', was the demons curt reply.

'I despise you', was all Seras said as she cut off the inner discussion.

"What do you want Seras?" Alucard asked abruptly.

Betraying her emotions Seras's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Excuse me Master?"

"What do you want Seras?" Alucard asked again. Seras was lost. Even the demon was lost.

"What do you want out of life Seras? What do you want right now?" Alucard rose from his throne and approached Seras slowly.

"I...I don't know what you mean Master?" Alucard could see a glimmer of the old Seras Victoria shine through her armor. He smirked.

"I want to know what you want Seras. Do not keep me waiting." Smirk plastered on his face, he took another step towards her.

"I want….I want to be free….Master." Seras gave the only answer she could think of. Seras had realized that she did not like receiving orders. Not even from Alucard. It meant she was under someone's foot and now the idea repulsed her. The old Seras loved it because it gave her purpose and direction. But now, Seras had purpose. She knew what she wanted and did not need anyone to tell her what to do or how to do it.

"I want to kill Millennium. I want to be on my own. And I want to leave. Master." Alucard came to stand less than a breath away from her as she spoke. She tilted her head back and met his eyes.

"Then drink. Seras Victoria. And be free." Alucard's hand cupped the back of her head and his face came to meet hers in a chaste kiss before exposing his neck to the young vampire. Seras's eyes widened at his actions and the demon inside her roared.

Her lips grazed the spot on his neck that held her freedom. Her breath released and fanned out over his skin, causing him to grip her head a bit tighter. Without further hesitation, Seras dropped the wine glass and grabbed his arms and sank her teeth into his neck.

As the glass shattered Seras's eyes rolled into the back of her head in ecstasy. He tasted like power and lust and she drank it in, not letting a drop escape from her lips. Alucard's eyes closed in pleasure as the small girl drank from him. His hand grasped her hair and held her to him like a life line. He could feel the power in her growing and her scent was become more intoxicating than it already was.

Her grip tightened as she drank, Alucard welcoming it as he snaked his other hand around her waist pulling her closer. This was what he had always wanted. He had wanted her to accept herself as a vampire and to become powerful. He wanted a companion, not a slave. And now, as she drank from him, he was finally getting his way.

Seras began to slowly stop sucking his blood down as she took her fangs from his neck. She left her lips in place, her tongue languidly grazing over her puncture wounds as it began to heal. Finally done, she released his neck and drew back. His grip on her loosened but he did not let go.

"And so…you are free Seras Victoria." His hazy gaze met her wild one. Power circulated through her veins and she honestly felt like she was high. As she gazed up at him, the demon inside of her purred in satisfaction. Overtaken by sensation and the lustful look in Alucard's eyes, Seras stepped up and drew him into another kiss, this one lasting much longer.

His grip tightened once more as she kissed him harshly. His tongue darted out into her mouth at the first opening and she moaned, bringing a smile to his lips as they kissed. Her hands snaked up his back to pull him closer for a brief moment before she brought them in between herself and Alucard pushing him away. Alucard did as silently told, taking in her swollen lips and bright red eyes.

"I am no longer your Master Seras. You are free to do as you please. I do not hold you here, and neither does my Master." Seras closed her eyes as he spoke. "What will you do now draculina?"

"I will leave." Alucard crossed his arms. Not exactly the answer he was hoping to hear. She was freshly released. He could still technically overpower her and force her to stay. But that wasn't what he wanted either.

"Rest assured Millennium will be caught and slaughtered by my hands though." Seras opened her eyes, taking in the image of her former master.

"So you have no intention of ever returning then?" He didn't sound like he was pleading, just a simple question.

"For now…no. But perhaps…I may one day." Seras let a small smirk grace her lips. It wasn't a promise, but her smile told him she would eventually.

Without a glance behind, Seras turned and walked out of Alucard's chambers. Arms still crossed, he stared after her. He would let her leave…for now. She would be allowed to go out and get her revenge and get her hands dirty on her own, but when the time was right, he would go after her and he would make her his.

****With Seras****

'You hold to much value in personal possessions girl', the demon snorted.

'I will not leave this place empty handed demon. I will leave with what is mine', she hissed back at it.

When Seras entered her room, she quickly grabbed up a black backpack and began filling it with supplies. She grabbed only the necessary items she would need in order to travel. A few spare clothes, but nothing much considering she could now have her shadows do that for her.

Walking over to her coffin she kicked off the lid and tore back the cloth that lined the inside. Underneath sat the dirt from her birth place. She grabbed a small garbage bag and filled it with the dirt, tying it off and placed it in the bag. Back in her closet, she grabbed two pistols much like the ones Alucard carried.

She had asked Walter a while back to manufacture similar pistols for her. She had argued that in close combat, the Harkonnen would be useless and she would need something much smaller. At the same time, the idea was also appealing to the young fledging for she would match her master. But those times were over now. She grabbed two thigh holsters and was just about to buckle them on when she realized she was still wearing the Hellsing uniform.

Almost in disgust, she ripped open the shirt sending the buttons flying. She threw it along with the skirt to the floor. Turning to her closet again, she reached in the bottom most drawer of her dresser pulling out a pair of black pants and black t-shirt and grabbed her favorite pair of combat boots. It wasn't anything fancy, but the black would allow her further concealment and the pants would allow her to move as she pleased.

As she dressed herself, her mind pondered over the past year. 'Honestly who makes a solider wear a skirt?' she scoffed. She never had liked that uniform. She had always thought the idea of being the only female and having to wear a skirt because of it was absolutely idiotic. Especially when they had mercenaries such as Pip and his lot on their payroll.

As she finished lacing her boots she grabbed her holsters once again, strapping the snuggly to her thighs. She walked back into her closest, picking out one last article of clothing; a long black trench coat. Pulling her arms through the sleeves and adjusting herself in the mirror, Seras could not help but stop and stare at her reflection for a moment.

The innocence was almost all but gone from her eyes and in the few weeks she had been there, the Major's torture had physically changed her. She was more petite now, no baby fat to be seen. Her hands curled naturally into fists at her side, stance open and prepared to fight at the drop of a hat. The biggest change had to be in her face though. Her face was hard and ready to kill.

She shook her head at such a stupid way of thinking. Vanity was a waste of time. She had no one to impress. But she did have people to kill. She moved into action again, shoving extra ammo into her backpack and sliding her pistols into place. Zipping the bag shut, she threw it over her shoulders and left her room behind.

Before she left, she stopped by the kitchen when it was clear and grabbed a few blood packs to add to her supplies. As she zipped the bag closed, Walter walked through the door.

"Miss Seras." His eyes widened at her presence and appearance. "Is something wrong?" Seras slung the bag over her shoulder and started walking towards the door. She came to a stop next to the old butler.

"Walter. Thank you for your kindness. You have always been helpful. Perhaps one day, we will meet again." Seras turned her head towards him and gave him a brief smile, before stepping through the door and zipping down the hallway before he could follow after.


As Seras stepped through the door, the moon was high in the sky and blinked her in the eyes. Momentarily stunned by its brilliance, Seras found herself smiling slightly.

'I can see why Alucard loves to look at the moon so much now.'

'What do you plan to do Police Girl?' her demon spoke.

'Do no refer to me as Police Girl demon' she growled. With a sigh the demon rolled her eyes.

'Then do tell, how should I refer to you oh wise one?' Seras smirked.

'As Master.'

With that Seras Victoria stepped off towards her revenge, disappearing into the night.