EPILOGUE- I finally got this up, wow. This story took much longer than I anticipated, but honestly I'm happy it took this long because if I had been trying to put it up as often as I started out, it would have been rushed and not good.
SonicELITE: Nah, here's the actual ending haha.
AnthroDragon: I'm not sure if you have no soul or if my writing was just that terrible lol
ICan'tWrite07: Well, here's the ending, so you tell me!
SweetRiceball20: That is most certainly not it; this is!
I don't own Star vs. the Forces of Evil.
The monster arm was burnt beyond recognition.
GENERAL POV- 2 Years Later
"Star! Are you ready to go?"
Marco shifted the backpack he had slung over his left shoulder, double checking to make sure that he hadn't forgotten his math homework again. He was doomed in that class if he did.
"One second, Marco!"
The sixteen-year-old smiled thinly and shook his head, stepping over to the kitchen and glancing inside to find his mother chopping up vegetables and dumping them in the waiting slow-cooker at her side. "Hey Mom, we're about to head out. See you after school?"
Angie barely looked up from her cutting board, wagging the knife jokingly in Marco's general direction. "Yeah, yeah. Now shoo, or you two are going to be late."
Marco held up a hand and grinned, ducking out of the kitchen and turning in time to see Star come flying-literally-down the stairs, her left hand rummaging through the confines of her backpack. "Marco, have you seen my wand?"
Instead of answering, Marco reached up quickly with his left hand and grabbed the base of Star's wings, jolting her to a halt before she could slam into the wall. She smiled sheepishly down at him and sank to the floor. "Thanks. But seriously, have you-?"
He chuckled and held up said wand in his hand. "You left it on the coffee table. Can we leave now?"
Star snatched the wand from his fingers and grabbed at his hand, dragging him to the door and calling out goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Diaz. "Okay so seriously, tell me I was imagining it yesterday when Jackie Lynn Thomas tried to ask you on a date?"
Marco blushed and ducked his head. "Well yeah, but you know I turned her down."
Star slapped his shoulder before slinging an arm around his waist. "You better have said no. You're mine."
Marco smiled warmly and leaned over, pressing a kiss to the princess' temple. "Yeah, I know. You know she's just jealous."
Star pouted and crossed her arms over her chest. "Too bad. She can stuff it."
"Didn't you guys used to be best friends?" Marco inquired as they waited for the bus.
Star gave him a tiny glower and shoved at his side lightly. "Well yeah, but someone made sure that we didn't stay like that."
Marco held up a hand in defense. "Hey. You know I was brainwashed."
Star giggled and hopped up onto the steps of the bus as it rolled to a halt in front of them, skipping to her seat and sliding to the window so that Marco could sink down next to her, adjusting his backpack in his lap comfortably.
"Hey Marco! Hey Star!" piped up Ferguson from in front of them, his head popping up over the green plastic seat, Alfonso at his side. "Did you guys hear?"
"Hear what?" Marco asked, leaning against Star's left side lightly and gazing up at the boys curiously.
"Mrs. Mahone finally had her baby, so we have a substitute for psychology for the next like two months!"
"Aw, yes!" Marco cheered, lifting up his hand and high fiving Ferguson. "You know who it is?"
"Not a clue," Alfonso answered for the pudgier one. "Just that she has this reputation for being super tough."
Marco frowned. "Then why are we cheering?"
Ferguson shoved his shoulder, nearly sending himself to the floor at the force he used. "Because, you idiot, she's old. Maybe she's tough at grading, but there's no way she can keep order in the classroom."
Star rolled her eyes at the trio and stood up as the bus came to a halt in front of the school, swaying a little at the motion. "Well, while you guys figure out how best to torture your new psych teacher, I'm stuck failing my Home Ec course."
Marco chuckled, following his girlfriend off the bus and waiting for Ferguson and Alfonso before continuing into the building. "I told you I can tutor you. I am an amazing chef."
The doors squeaked on their hinges as the group pushed inside, Marco pausing in the entryway. "Hey, I gotta go drop off this excuse note from my dentist appointment Friday in the office. Meet you in homeroom."
The trio waved and ventured off, leaving Marco to turn and open the door of the office, his shoulder sliding on the glass and his fingers clutching the note tightly. When he looked up though, no grip on earth could have kept the note in his fingers.
An older woman stood at the receptionist's desk, talking quietly to the secretary as she handed over a driver's license for the woman to look at. She was hunched in the back, with dark brown eyes and slender, almost spidery fingers, and a hijab covered her head, though Marco had a sneaking suspicion that if he pulled it off he wouldn't find hair under it.
He'd find dead snakes.
Marco swallowed hard as the Seer-the Seer-turned away from the desk and gestured to him, a smile twitching on her cracked lips. "Come, young man. Don't let me keep you," she rasped, her voice like sandpaper.
Marco licked his lips and scurried to the desk, handing over the note to the secretary, waiting nervously as she verified it and handed him what was basically a receipt for his absence, at the same time handing over an identification sticker to the Seer. "Thank you for subbing on such short notice, Miss Voyante. I'm sure that Mrs. Mahone would appreciate it."
The Seer smiled thinly, her eyes never leaving Marco's gaze. "Of course. Anything to help the children learn. Come, son. Walk with me, show me around the school."
Marco knew he couldn't say no in front of the secretary without coming off as nasty, so he nodded numbly and shouldered his way out of the office, The Seer directly behind him.
"I thought you were dead," was the first thing he managed to get out after the door swung shut.
The Seer rolled her eyes, which had switched from brown to red abruptly. "Wonderful to see you too, my child. I was not dead, no; it was best if Toffee believed I was dead, however. I did much the same thing he planned to; kept a part of myself hidden away so that if anything were to happen to me I would regenerate. Though I wasn't foolish enough to have it be a body part so readily visible to the world."
"What-? Never mind," Marco amended quickly, not ready to find out exactly what part of the Seer's body was missing. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm checking up on you," the Seer murmured softly, pausing to rake her eyes down Marco's body, gaze landing on where his right arm had once been. He shifted uncomfortably and rubbed his left hand over the stub of his shoulder. "I see that Toffee went through with his plan to prevent you from freeing yourself of the monster arm. He was convinced you would not go to such drastic measures to destroy it."
Marco wrinkled his nose and shifted his backpack again, tapping his fingers against the strap. "Yeah," he mumbled. "I'd rather not discuss it. Why are you really here, though? No offense, but you don't really strike me as the "check-up" kind of monster."
The Seer pursed her lips and pressed her fingers together thoughtfully. "You are correct," she admitted. "I came to warn you. About Toffee."
Marco nearly protested that the monster was dead, until remembering that he had thought the demon before him was dead as well. "What about him?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows.
The Seer sighed. "I believe that he was never truly gone; merely waiting and gaining his strength to come after you again."
"How would that even be possible?" Marco protested. "We destroyed the limb he set aside, and then killed him. How could he just…still be alive?"
"Tell me, son, how did he die?"
Marco frowned, struggling to remember. "We…Star burned the finger that he would have re-grown out of. He burst into flames because of it."
The Seer cursed softly, causing a couple of meandering students in the hall to look at her in surprise. "Marco, destroying the chosen body part does not inherently destroy the monster. It greatly weakens them, yes, but it does not permanently destroy them."
Marco froze in his tracks, heart sinking. "What do you mean?" he demanded.
"I mean," she said softly, pausing outside of Marco's homeroom, "that Toffee must have used some sort of spell to get away from you in a way that made it seem as if he was dead. He is greatly weakened, I assume, because that type of magic is taxing. But he is still out there, Marco."
Marco groaned and slumped against the wall, dragging his hand down his face. "You're kidding me, right? I can't do that again, I can't go through all that again, I can't…I can't put Star through that again. Not when everything is finally perfect."
The Seer smiled gently and rested a gnarled hand on his shoulder. "All in good time, my dear. The amount of power he used caused his health to decline to the point of near death, and his revival of health will most likely take many years. I was merely coming here to warn you of the future."
She gazed down at him, and Marco got the uncomfortable feeling that she was seeing far more than just his missing arm. "For now, I am here to keep an eye on you and Star. When the time comes, I will be here to assist you. Until then…"
Her hand twisted open the door and gestured in towards Star, who was giggling at something that Alfonso had said. Marco relaxed a little at the sight of her and glanced over at the Seer.
"Until then," she continued, "be happy. Enjoy what you have, Marco. Because there will come a day when you could lose it all."
The End.
But seriously thanks everyone so so much for reading, favoriting, reviewing, following, and everything. I appreciate it a lot. And thanks again to my lovely child artsyfalafel for making the lovely cover art that I used for this story. It's still my phone lock screen.
If there are any questions left unanswered from this story, let me know in the reviews and I will see if I can answer it!
Until then, keep up with being wonderful readers!