A/N: This is just a small start to something that has been in my head a long time. I know I'm way off the hook sometimes.

You should know, I will never write an unhappy ending for them.

Let me know what you think.

Carol had been divorced for three years. She remembered that day like it had just happened. It would always be in her brain as the day of her biggest failure.

The day her marriage to the only man she ever loved was over.

May 7, 2012, Maggie went with her to court to hold her hand, and Daryl never showed up. The judge granted it anyway. If he thought it wouldn't happen just because he wasn't there, his strategy was way off.

That was how the world was now, you could divorce someone and they didn't even have to be there.

It was a brave new world she was living in actually, where marriages were disposable and love wasn't enough to keep two people together.

Irreconcilable differences, cause of death indifference.

She hocked her rings that day and sat in the pawn shop parking lot, in her car and cried.

Her lawyer said she should have gone for half of his business and half of their house. She didn't want anything, she packed up her cloths and went to live with Maggie.

She couldn't do that to him anyway. He stayed in their house and bought her share.

He was calling her every day back then, but not anymore.

Three years later she and Maggie still shared an apartment. It worked for them, they both taught in the same school district and could even drove to work together.

The first year he called her on her birthday, their anniversary and the divorce date and she didn't answer.

The second year he called on her birthday and their anniversary and she didn't answer.

This year he switched it up and called on the divorce date again. Today.

She didn't answer that call either. But she called Maggie, and the rest of her friends to go out that night.

She didn't want to think about Daryl today or any day.

That was over. It needed to stay over.

She was so grateful they didn't have kids, it would have been so much messier. It was clean and easy, their divorce.

Maybe not that easy.

Because leaving the person who you shared your whole life with shouldn't be easy.

They had met each other in high school and dated the entire time. They got married the October after they graduated high school, convinced they could live on love and passion.

So many people fell into that trap and then they all found out, like Carol did.

Sometimes love isn't enough.

Maggie answered her group text first, then, Tara, Michonne and Andrea. They would all meet at the Mexican restaurant that night and get her through this day.

She was so grateful for her friends, they were by her side through all of this and she needed them.

Her birthday was next month.