Fading Light

Darkness. It's like there is absolutely nothing. No light. No sound. Just...nothing. Caroline was laying in a coffin, tied down with vervain ropes. "why?" Caroline cried silently to herself, "Why are you doing this to me?!" Caroline shouted, tears streaming down her face.

She hadn't fed in 5 days, when she had been given a glass of blood through a hole and then fed on the hand that had given it to her, she was pretty sure that that was it for the food front.

Caroline was twisting and turning in her coffin, the vervain ropes searing her skin, leaving her in an unimaginable pain. " Please, is there anyone out there? Please!?..."

Her will to live was crumbling. She had accepted the reality of her situation days ago but only now did she genuinely realise that there was a huge chance that she would never be saved. She would be left to rot in a coffin. Like a normal human being.

But she isn't a normal human being. "Right" she whispered to herself, "I am Caroline Forbes! Come on I can do this!" she told herself. Whilst Caroline was finishing off her well-known Forbes pep talk, her hearing started to pick up on grunts, moans of pain and crashes.

"What the?..." Caroline whispered to herself. Wait!, Caroline thought, maybe they can hear me! Caroline started thrashing around inside her small wooden coffin, trying to make as much noise as possible.

"Hey! Hey! Someone help me! I'm in here-" but before she could finish her plea for help white gas started to flood her coffin. Caroline started coughing and choking on the gas, every breath she took felt like someone was taking millions of razor sharp blades and running them on her inside and out a thousand times a second.

Caroline started screaming and writhing around in agony, each movement causing her more pain making her squirm more. The sounds of the fight were becoming louder and more distinct she tried to cry for help one last time before she gave up. "Please" she cried silently, "will someone help me".

Suddenly her coffin lurched and she was thrown from side to side; hitting the side of her coffin each time she was jostled. Causing her skin to rub against the side of box, that was covered in pure vervain. Caroline screamed with all her might hoping that someone might hear her.

Her box dropped and she felt like she was falling for hours when she finally hit something. Water. She realised that she had been thrown into a pool or an ocean or lake or something.

"HELP!" Caroline screamed as the water started to pool in, reigniting the vervain soaking her clothes with vervain once more, filling her lungs with deadly water. It worse than any death she could have imagined. As the pain started to overwhelm her she gave in to the darkness only to be ripped away from it by the sound of scratching and breaking.

Please just let me die, I didn't do anything to deserve this, Caroline thought to herself. She started to see a light through her barely opened eyes. "Oh my God!" she heard a voice exclaim.

She opened her eyes more, despite the pain it sent rippling through her body, a pair of blue eyes stared back at her filled with happiness, shock and horror.

"Klaus is that you?" Caroline asked, her voice barely above a whisper, the intense blue eyes lit up with happiness. "Yes Caroline, love it's me. I'm right here"

Klaus replied, his voice conveying his Joy and relief. His arms enveloped her as he tried to pick her up; her vervain ropes however stopped him from doing so.

"Caroline this is going to hurt love" Klaus warned, his tone safer than she had ever heard. "Ready? One, two three!" Caroline screamed at the pain radiating through out her body as the ropes that held her captive were relinquished. Her arms falling from her to which they were previously bound.

Klaus gathered body and held her against his chest as he heaved a sigh of relief. Then her body stilled and no sound came from her.

"Caroline?" Klaus asked his tone filled with worry," Caroline, love come on wake up this isn't funny" He shook her body to try and get a response.

Foot steps sounded behind him and the shouts of Elijah and Kol sounded from behind him. "Brother we need to-" Elijah voice cut off when he entered the hidden pool in the cave tunnels.

"Brother come, take Caroline with you we need to go now the witches are coming back and we don't know how many there are!" Elijah exclaimed his voice desperate.

Suddenly Caroline's body shot up her hands grabbing at her throat clawing it with a vengeance. "Caroline!"Klaus shouted his fear evident in his voice. Caroline to throw up blood her eyes turned a pale glossy grey, her blue eyes gone as if they had never existed.

Klaus started to panic the witches chanting was getting closer and his brother's eyes widened their panic evident also.

"Brother we need to leave now!" Elijah shouted as Caroline's body collapsed in a heap on the floor. Her breathing steadied and her eyes returning to their for orbs of deep, engraving blue before closing.

"Okay lets go" Klaus said as he gathered Caroline's bloodied, vervain riddled body to his chest and flashed of in the opposite direction from which his brother's came.

Caroline's hand grabbed at his shirt gripping it with all her might, letting him know she was there and for her own reassurance that it wasn't a dream and that she was actually free. "It's okay love I'm right here In not leaving you" Klaus whispered in Caroline's ear as her hand relaxed and fell back to her stomach.