Me: Well then I had to deleted the old one and replace it so you guys can read the new rewrite. That's right, I am completely re-typing this story as to fix up any grammar mistakes that I have failed to see in the past.

There may be a few changes and here and there but that is what a rewrite is, correct?

I will try to update every week the best that I make that every two weeks but I make no promises as I am still having trouble with these blasted Kidney stones!

Mm if any of you have any advice on getting them out, be my guest.

Anyway onward to the story!

Oh on that note, White Collar Black Wolf and Mizzrazz72, that for the telling me about the problem.

Summary: AU – After meeting with the Headmaster, Harry meets a strange woman that says she can change the past to a better future with his help. Will Harry help her change history to a better one and help those who were in need of help in the beginning?

Pairings: Tom x Minerva, Charles x Dorea, Abraxas x Cassiopeia, Orion x Walburga, Cygnus x Druella and Tobias x Eileen

I don't own Harry Potter. All credit goes to J.K Rowling – I love your work! Ah oops…enjoy the new rewrite!

-Hogwarts, Year 1996-

Harry Potter was staring at the quiet Quidditch stadium from the stands. He went outside after Headmaster Dumbledore showed him a memory.

It was when Dumbledore visited an orphanage to meet a boy, Tom Riddle aka Lord Voldemort.

In the memory, Dumbledore was just only a Professor at the time and it was his task to explain Tom about being a Wizard.

'Just like how Hagrid told me.'

Throughout the memory, Harry listen to the conversation before noticing something familiar in Tom's eyes. Hope?

Did Tom back then had hope? Maybe to find a family member in the Wizarding world to live instead in this run down orphanage?

'I know I did…but all of my magical relatives are died.'

Just before leaving from the memory, Harry could have sworn he saw young Tom smiling a bit before he and the headmaster was back to his office.

Harry shook it off before getting up from the stands and started walking back to the castle. He didn't want Snape to find him out here and take away points.

Just as he was about close to the entrance, he heard something strange.

Harry turned around and looked anything suspicious but found absolutely nothing. He frown a bit before shaking it off and turned around to head inside.

Instead he was face to face with a young woman with long ebony hair with golden highlights onto her bangs and a bit of crimson tips at the ends of her hair, had sapphire eyes that shine like the gem itself and was wearing a light blue silk dress with a black traveling robe and blue boots.

"Hello, by any chance, are you Harry Potter?"

"Um…yes – who are you? And how did you know my name?"

"Oh right, silly me. Please do forgive my rudeness Mr. Potter, the name's Yuki Fudo at your service and as for your question, I know you from my vision I had not too long ago."

"Vision? What do you mean vision? Are you like a seer?" wondered Harry.

Yuki scratched her chin and looked the other way, "Something like that."

"I'm getting a feeling you can't tell me," said Harry as Yuki nodded her head. "Ok, can you at least tell me why you are doing here? Besides about your suppose vision you saw."

"Can't a woman have a night stroll? Honestly, some people like to walk during the night where it is quiet," replied Yuki with a pout.

"What?! No – I mean well…um of course! I mean you see me outside, right?" said Harry nervously.

Yuki giggled, "You're one funny boy, that's all I am going to say."

Harry sighs, "Look I don't want to sound suspicious but how did you get through the barrier?"

"Mm oh! That's easy," said Yuki. "The barrier that surrounds Hogwarts is meant to protect the students from any invaders that wants to cause harm to them. And I didn't came here to do that."

"Alright then why you did came here for?" asked Harry.

"Let me ask you something first," said Yuki as she got a nod from Harry. "Why are you out here rather inside of Hogwarts? Should you be in class or something?"

"I…I needed some fresh air to clear my thoughts," replied Harry. "Besides, Headmaster Dumbledore took me out of class."

"I see," said Yuki. "What was your thoughts about?"

Harry sighs,"…what would have been like if this one person could have a second chance of living?"

Yuki titled her head, "Would that person be none other than Tom Riddle?"

Harry widen his eyes, "H-How did you know that?"

Yuki winked at him, "I have my ways Mr. Potter but never the less, wasn't Riddle who killed your parents? Why on earth do you want to give him a second chance?"

Harry sighs, "Not too long ago, I saw a memory when Tom was young. He was being introduce about the Wizarding world by Dumbledore himself."

"Go on," said Yuki.

"In the memory…he was calm and collected but when Dumbledore was heading out, I…I saw something in his eyes that told another story. It was hope."

"Hope?" asked Yuki.

Harry nodded, "Yes…I wasn't imagining it. I know that look as I did it the same when I learn about me being a Wizard myself. I mean no one can't be born evil, can't they?"

Yuki slowly grin before grabbing hold onto Harry's hand.

"And those were the magic words I was waiting to hear!"

Suddenly the two were engulfed by a bright light and were send to a remote ocean sight. Harry had a shock look on his face before falling onto the sand.

"Ah, the breeze is so welcoming this time of year," said Yuki as she stretched her arms out before looking over to Harry. "Don't you think Mr. Potter? Or may I call you Harry?"

"Um Harry is fine – wait! Where did you take me?!"

"Is it not obvious? I didn't want that old coot Headmaster of yours interrupting me on what I am about ask you," said Yuki.

Harry glared at her, "You can't insult…"

Yuki held up her hand, "I just did and for your information, that bastard is not what you think he is…double crosser."

"Double crosser?! Can you please tell me what's going on here?"

"Oh right! But first here me out," said Yuki as she took a sit on the sand. "It's quite a bit of a story so best to find a comfortable spot if I were you, Harry."

Harry sighs before sitting down at the sand, "Well, go one then."

"Well, as you know Hogwarts was founded by four Wizards and witches, correct?" started Yuki.

"Yes," said Harry. "Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin. The four houses stands for each founders."

"That's right," said Yuki before looking down. "But what this generation doesn't know or forgotten is that…during their time, the witch trails had started. You know about the witch trails in Salem and Britain, correct?"

Harry nodded, "Just a bit. I heard about it from a library in my elementary school but I didn't know there was trails here in Britain as well."

"Well…there were," said Yuki. "The founders thought building a school would protect the children from the angry mob of muggles and their own families."

"So what happen to the muggleborns then?" asked Harry.

"If they felt like there were in danger, they would stay at the castle until they finish their schooling," replied Yuki. "But is sad because those children never get to see their family ever again."

"So the muggleborns who stayed in the Wizarding world became residents here in the Wizarding world," said Harry. "What did the purebloods thought about that?"

Yuki titled her head, "Nothing. They were just glad that they didn't have to return back to the muggle world where they could get kill because of having magic."

"Wait – What?! I don't get it! Slytherin hated muggleborns because there were not purebloods!"

Yuki narrowed her eyes, "Now who told you that pathetic lie?"

"L-Lie? Are you telling me that Salazar's hate was a lie?!"

"Obviously," said Yuki before smiling. "There was going to be a burning in the village as the villagers found a young Wizard, a child no less but Salazar and Godric went there and saved the child. It was there that Helga and Salazar who were married decided to raise him so they did a blood adoption ritual."

Harry had his mouth open in disbelief.

"Salazar…he adopted a child? And married to Helga?!"

Yuki smiled, "Shocked? I bet if I tell this to the Wizarding world, they would call me crazy."

"Crazy? They will through you into a mental hospital if they have one that is," said Harry before biting his lip. "So what happen? Why did the history books say that Salazar hated the muggleborns?"

"It was not Salazar but his adopted son, Eldon," replied Yuki. She looked down at her hands, "He believed that the muggles should pay for their misdeeds of killing off his fellow Wizards and witches so he vow to take revenge upon them and take down the villagers. Salazar thought it was his reasonability to stop him…but he never turned and the attack on the village went underway."

"What happen to Salazar?"

Yuki sighs, "Godric believed that Salazar agreed onto his adopted son's belief and join with him in the fight but no one saw him. It was a few days later after the fight that Rowena got a vision about…about Salazar's death. Eldon's right-hand witch, Alesia killed him from behind and left his body at the forest."

"K-Killed?!" said Harry in shock. He placed his hand over to his head, "I…I don't believe it. To think that all this time that Salazar was good and not hated muggleborns."

"Of course not silly," said Yuki with a smile. "If he really did hated muggleborns then he wouldn't save Rowena when she was a young child."

Harry widen his eyes, "Wait a moment! Rowena Ravenclaw was a muggleborn?!"

"That's right! At the time, Salazar lost his parents from an angry mob and was living with his godfather, Merlin. Not too long after, he learn about a young girl that can use quite powerful magic in her age and was quite surprised to find out that her family was muggle," replied Yuki.

"And that young girl was Rowena," said Harry. "And her family was ok with her being a witch?"

"Mm at first they were a bit worried but when they saw that the magic can be used for good, they encourage her to practice," replied Yuki before frowning. "But unfortunately, the villagers didn't agree and well…they killed Rowena's parents and were about to kill her as well but Salazar was able to save her just in time."

Harry looked down sadly as he couldn't believe what he just heard but something is still puzzle him.

"H-How do you know all about this?"

Yuki grinned, "Um well I have been living for more than 1000 years now…or was it 2000? You know I lost track of time after living for so long."

"A-A 1000 years old?!" said Harry. "How is that possible?"

"It's in my heritage Harry," replied Yuki before looking serious. "But anyhow, the reason why I told you about the founder's history is to change the past to a better future."

"Change…the future? But how?" wondered Harry.

Yuki smiled softly, "How you ask? You are asking a woman here that have been living for more than a 1000 years here Harry. I have quite a knowledge of different variety of magic including time travel."

"T-Time travel?!" said Harry in disbelief. "Are you suggesting that we go back in time? When the founders are still alive?!"

"Not that far Harry," said Yuki as she winked at him. "How would you like to help me give Tom Riddle a second chance?"

"Give…Tom Riddle…a second chance?" murmured Harry before shaking his head. "How can I? I mean if we do go back to time, how can I help to raise a child? I'm barely a child myself."

"True, you may be just a young teen but its common young teens around that time to have a child," stated Yuki before smiling. "Besides, you will make an excellent father to him as you understand what he went through."

Harry widen his eyes. Him be a father to the Dark Lord when he was just a child? An innocent child just like himself.

Yuki bit her lip, "Through…there is a small catch, Harry."

"A small catch you say," murmured Harry before sighing. "What is it?"

"In order for you to stay in the past, you have to change your blood to a different family line rather than the Potters," replied Yuki.

"Change…my blood? Like a blood adoption?"

Yuki nodded, "Yes."

"But why?" asked Harry.

Yuki sighs, "Harry, you can't just go straight to the past and change it just like that. The moment something changes from the past, the future you grow up will change and…you will disappear."

"I…see, I get what you mean," murmured Harry before sighing. "But where am I going to get the replace blood you are talking about?"

Yuki smiled before summoning a knife and cut the palm of her hand. She offered her bloody hand and the small knife to Harry.

"If you accept my blood then you're accepting the Fudo's bloodline and the special powers it has but be warn…if you accept this then there is no turning back child."

Harry widen his eyes before looking at the hand with the blood and the small knife. Can he really help and change the past and the future?

"Harry…" said Yuki softly. "If you do accept this, then you will not just help Tom's future but so many lives will be saved during the first war. That old coot couldn't but you can."

Harry thought for a moment and stared at the offering blood and knife once again.

-Cole's Orphanage, Wool's, Year 1930-

Mrs. Cole was a very tired woman but she had a job to do.

She was the caretaker for the orphan children to find new homes after losing their parents or they were abandon on the doorstep.

Normally she would be enjoying her job but not too long ago, her husband was killed while trying to get some food for the orphanage.

Today she was working on how to maintain the orphanage food storage when two people came walking in. It was a young teen and a well-dressed woman.

The woman looked like she was about in her late 20's and was wearing a rather expensive dress. Her sapphire eyes shine like the gem itself with such grace in them.

The young teen looked about 16 and fresh out of high school. He was wearing a black coat, white shirt, black pants and black shoes. His emerald-sapphire eyes had such kindness in them that Cole never thought she would see in any other man.

Mrs. Cole smiled warmly at them, knowing one of the children will be going to a kind and loving home.

"Welcome to Wool's Orphanage, how can I help you?"

Yuki smiled, "Of course, mind if you show me to your office so we can discuss a few things."

"Very well," said Cole before looking over at the young man. "Is your son going to be adopting or are you?"

"My…son will be the one that is adopting," replied Yuki while Harry gave them a weird look. She waved at him before winking over to Cole, "So your office?"

"Right this way," said Cole before looking over to Harry. "Young man, the children are outside playing if you want to see them."

"Um…sure, thanks madam," said Harry.

He watches as Yuki followed the caretaker to her office before dashing upstairs. The raven teen started to look for a certain room which held one young child, Tom Riddle.

With Dumbledore's memory, he found Tom's room.

When he entered, he could see that the room was not as bad as it was in Dumbledore's memory.

The walls were painted gray but was slowly chipping away, there was a worn out dresser next to a bed which was being used. Young Tom Riddle was sleeping on it.

Harry took a few deep breaths before bending down and started to shake Tom awake.

"Hey Tom, wake up. Can you wake up for me?" whispered Harry as soft blue eyes opened. The raven teen smiled softly, "Morning there sleepy head. Had a nice nap?"

Young Tom stared at the stranger before titling his head, "W-Who are you, sir?"

"I will tell you but right now we need to get going," said Harry before going over to the dresser. He pointed at it, "Do you want to take anything with you?"

"Um…no," said Tom as he looked down. "I…I really don't have much sir, sorry."

"It's alright, you will get a whole new wardrobe when we get settled in," said Harry before picking up Tom. "So shall we get going? I have someone waiting for us downstairs."

Young Tom flinches as the nice stranger picked him up and carried him out of his room. He carefully laid his head onto the raven teen's shoulder and smiled a bit.

'Did…my wish came true? Am I going…to have a daddy?'

Young Tom stopped thinking when they reached downstairs at the front entrance where an elegant woman was standing in front of the doorway.

"So I take it that everything is done with here?" asked Harry.

Yuki winked, "But of course silly. Now we best be going as we have so much to do and what little day light we have."

"Right, so where to first?" wondered Harry.

Suddenly Harry and Yuki heard growling noises coming from young Tom's stomach. The young blue eye child blushes.

"I'm…I'm sorry. I didn't get to eat breakfast because this big bully at the orphanage took my food away from me."

Yuki and Harry sighs before knowing where to take Tom to first.

"The Leaky Cauldron then," said Yuki before looking around. She smiled at the young child, "Sweetie, hold on tight and don't let go. Don't worry, we will explain everything."

Young Tom nodded and settle his head onto Harry's shoulder.

"Now I'm guessing you don't know how to apparate, correct?" said Yuki while Harry nodded before making an annoyed face.

"I may not know how but I hate the after effects."

Yuki giggled, "I'm sorry but it is the fastest way to travel around this time era. If you noticed, there are barely any cars or much technology in your time era."

"So…that means that the night bus has not been invented just yet," said Harry before sighing. "Alright, let's getting going."

Yuki smiled a bit before taking Harry's hand and apparated to an alley that was close by to the Leaky Cauldron. She held onto Harry as he was trying to recover from side apparating.

Including young Tom as well.

"Honestly, it's almost like you two are like father and son," murmured Yuki before taking out two vial potions. She handed the potions to them, "Here, this potion will calm down your stomachs down. It's my own creation so there is no awfully taste in it."

Harry looked questionably at the potion before taking it.

"Oh wow! This taste great!" said the raven teen before handing the second vail to Tom. "Here Tom, this will make your stomach feel better."

Young Tom had his hand covering his mouth before looking at the strange drink. He didn't know what was going on but for some odd reason, he didn't feel weird about it.

The young child slowly reached for the potion and took it. Within seconds, his uneasy feeling went away and he felt fine.

Harry smiled, "I take it that you are alright now. Well let's go get something to eat so we can explain to you everything."

Young Tom nodded as the three of them went inside.

Yuki ordered the food while Harry went to find a seat and placed Tom next to him. They waited not too long and eat their food as the same time, Yuki and Harry started to explain young Tom the Wizarding world.

-Gringotts Wizarding Bank-

"Now Harry," said Yuki in a serious tone. "From this point, let me handle the goblins."

Harry took a bit of surprise from Yuki's voice tune and sudden change.

"Um…sure but why?"

Yuki sighs, "Because…there is something that I didn't tell you about and that is the identity of my blood adopted father. And the only one who knows are the goblins but please understand that I didn't hide this from you of bad intentions."

"I wouldn't but you better explain to me afterwards," said Harry.

Yuki nodded, "I will. Now follow my lead and don't say a word unless you are address from a goblin, understood…Harrison."

Harry sighs of his cover name, "Yes…mother."

Yuki smiled before looking over to Tom, "The same goes with you Thomas. Remember what we talked about not too long ago."

Young Tom nodded his head slowly, "Y-Yes G-Grandmother."

"Prefect! Shall we?" said Yuki as she gestured Harry to go in first.

The raven hair teen walked in as a proper Lord Wizard while Yuki placed her hood over her head to cover her face before walking right beside Harry.

Yuki lead them to the front desk where an old goblin was busy working on counting the gold.

"May the gold flow richly towards thy wealth and health, my friend," said Yuki.

The goblin stopped working and looked down from where he was sitting at.

"Who witch talks in the language of old? Who are thy?"

Yuki smiled was shown before lifting a bit of the hood but only to allow him to see.

"It's been quite some time that I have not seen you, Gringott. I can see you are as stubborn as your father and grandfather before thy."

Gringott looked closely at her before widening his small eyes, "It…can't be – you…you are alive, my fair Lady?"

Yuki held up her hand, "Please Gringott, can we discuss this somewhere in private. I don't want unwanted Wizards listen to this."

"B-But of course, right away! Griphook, get over here!"

Harry turned and noticed how young Griphook looked back then.

'He must have just started working here,' thought the raven teen.

"Griphook, take them to Room 3 immediately!" ordered Gringott.

"Very well sir, if you please follow me," said Griphook before guiding Yuki and Harry to the room.

During the walk, young Tom was so curious that he want to explore but he couldn't. He knows it would be wrong and stupid as he could get easily lost in this unknown building. Not to mention this was no ordinary bank but a magical one.

Who knows what this place has in stock?

After a few minutes, they reached to Room 3 where they were told to wait for Gringott, the Head Goblin. It wasn't a long wait.

"My Lady, I am so thrilled that you have finally returned," said Gringott happily.

Yuki smiled before taking off her hood, "Come now Gringott, you know me since I was just a child so there is no need to be so formal around me. Please do use my given name."

'She knows him? How old are you Yuki?' wondered Harry.

"Very well if that is what you wish," said Gringott before frowning. "But where are your young brother and sister, Yuki? All three of you disappeared a few days after that blasted war with those muggles. Where did you all hid?"

"I can assure you that my younger siblings are safe and sound," replied Yuki. "But the reason why I have returned is for my heir and son, Harrison Salazar Slytherin-Fudo to take his rightful place as Lord Slytherin and my Great-Grandnephew, Thomas Harrison Slytherin-Fudo to take his rightful title as heir to the Noble house of Slytherin."

Harry widen his eyes, 'Wait a moment! So that means that her blood adopted father was none other Salazar himself! It was no wonder that she know of the true history of him.'

Gringott widen his eyes before giving a bow to the three of them, "It's quite an honor to meet the future Kings of the Wizarding world."

'F-Future Kings?!' thought Harry in shock while young Tom had his eyes widen.

"Gringott, do you still have my Father and Mother's vault keys along with Aunt Rowena and Uncle Godric's?" wondered Yuki.

"I do Yuki, do you want them back?"

Yuki nodded, "Please as I promised them that I will watch over their personal belongings since their passing."

"But of course, if you would just give me a moment."

Yuki and Harry nodded but when the moment the Head Goblin left the room, Harry turned over to Yuki with a somewhat glare.

"King?! What in Merlin's name did he meant by that Yuki?!"

"Sorry Harry but honestly would you ever believed in me, a complete stranger, telling you that I have royal blood," said Yuki.

"But…Salazar wasn't royal unless – what is your full name Yuki?"

Yuki stick out her tongue, "Oh phooey and here I thought I wouldn't have to say it…fine, my full legal name is Yuki Anya Slytherin-Fudo, the last heir to the royal Fudo bloodline and the adopted daughter to Salazar Slytherin and Helga Hufflepuff."

Harry had his mouth open before closing it slowly.

"Well…that um…is a shocking twist."

"To most people, I guess but it's quite normal for me," said Yuki before seeing that Tom had fallen asleep onto Harry's arms. "Well now, it looks like young Thomas here has taken a liking to you, Harry."

"I guess so," said Harry before giving Yuki a look. "But seriously, what's with the middle names? I agreed that my first name to be changed but not my middle name. And why does Tom have my cover name as his middle name?"

"Well it is tradition for someone to give their first name as a middle name to their first boy child," explained Yuki before making a face. "Well around this time era that is."

Harry blinked a bit, "That…explains a few things in the pureblood names then."

Yuki smiled, "Oh yes, purebloods are quite traditional and around this time era, they took pride of their magic and how pure it is."

Harry sighs, "So practically it is still the same as it was in my timeline."

"In some way, yes it can be but not really, Harry," said Yuki just as Gringott returned with a wooden box and placed it onto the table.

When the goblin opened it, there lay four sets of vault keys. One was golden with a lion emblem, the other was blue with a raven emblem, the third one was yellow with a badger emblem and lastly a green one with a snake emblem.

"It is my greatest pleasure to finally hand them back to you Yuki and may you gold flow as like the spring of no 'morrow," said Gringott before bowing.

Yuki smiled, "I thank thy and pray thy that your wealth and health will flow swiftly."

Gringott nodded, "Now is there anything else that I can do for you today?"

Yuki shook her head, "No, that will be all for today my friend. I need to return and reclaim Slytherin manor and restore it to its proper glory. The house elves have been neglected for all these years and I need to make sure they are alright."

"Very well, Yuki until next visit," said Gringott with a bow.

Yuki smiled before placing the hood again and turned over to Harry, "Shall we?"

Harry nodded before getting up and shifted Tom to his right shoulder. The two of them left the bank before Yuki grabbed hold onto Harry's hand and dragged him over to one of the stores.

"W-Where are we going Yuki?"

"Call me Mother Harry as you are now practically my son," said Yuki before winking. "And do you honestly think that you can walk around wearing those muggle wear around here?"

Harry sighs, "No, I guess not. At least we can get some clothes for Tom here."

"Correct, now come on we don't have all day and we still need to head over to Slytherin Manor afterwards," said Yuki as they entered the store.

"Right," murmured Harry.

After two hours of measuring, fitting different fabric and young Tom being center of attention as the assistants couldn't stop fussing over him, the three set out where Yuki apparated them to her old home, Slytherin Manor.

Harry and Tom stared at it with awe eyes while Yuki dropped down her hood.

"Bloody hell," murmured Harry. "This place is huge! Are you sure this is a manor and not a castle?"

Yuki giggled, "Positive Harry. Remember I used to live in a castle being a princess no less but I never did like the extra room that was unnecessary. I prefer…something like this, small but comfortable."

Tom pointed at the green and black manor, "You call this small? My old room at that orphanage was small grandma but not this! You can fit the entire world here!"

Yuki and Harry laughed at young Tom's comment before walking inside.

"Amazing," said Harry. "Even if this place needs a cleanup, it still somehow holds its structure."

"It's because of the house elves magic but," said Yuki as she touched the faded cream walls. "It wouldn't last if the house elves loses their magic cause the lost connection of the Master or Mistress of the manor."

"Really? I…didn't know that house elves' magic protects the house," said Harry as he remembers freeing Dobby from Senior Malfoy.

"Most wizards forget that the house elves are their own magic but it needs to be in control," explained Yuki as she entered the once elegant living room. "It was Aunt Helga's idea to have the house elves to be bound by magic with the wizards or witches to keep their magic in check and they live much longer as well."

"So…it's a win-win situation then," said Harry. "The wizards gets someone to help them while the house elves live much longer and have their magic in control."

"Correct Harrison," said Yuki before raising her hand before waving at the worn out couches. They were changed into new ones that were dark green silk ones and were wooden made.

"Mm…I wonder how many house elves are here now," wondered Yuki while Harry shrug his shoulders.

"Call one of them, I guess," said Harry as he placed a sleeping Tom onto one of the clean couches. Yuki nodded before opening her mouth.

"Zippy! Front and center!"

Within seconds, an old house elf appeared right in front of Yuki and was wearing a worn out cloth that had the Slytherin crest.

"L-Lady Yuki? Lady Yuki, is that really you?"

Yuki smiled softly before nodding, "It's been so long Zippy. Please forgive me for not coming here much sooner. Can you ever forgive me?"

Zippy smiled, "The others and I understood my Lady so please don't feel bad."

"The others? So everyone is alright then?" asked Yuki.

"Yes my Lady, everyone is alright but who are they?" wondered Zippy before titling his head. "I can sense the young teen's magic core with your magic signature my Lady. Is he your son?"

Yuki sighs in relief before nodding, "Yes, Zippy this is my blood adopted son, Harrison and his adopted son, Thomas. They will be staying with us from now on."

Zippy jumped happily, "Oh wonderful! Do any of you need anything?"

"Well first thing first, I need to reclaim this manor under my magic core so if you please step forward," said Yuki while Zippy nodded.

Harry watches as Yuki placed her hand onto Zippy's head and before long there was a bright light surrounding both Yuki and Zippy.

Soon the light dim and Yuki took off her hand from Zippy.

"Well that's that. Now Zippy tell Missy and Cider to make supper for three people. Two for adults and one for a young child," said Yuki.

Zippy nodded, "Right on it, Mistress Yuki!"

"Same old Zippy and the manor is looking better now," said Yuki as the house elf disappeared.

"What – hey, you're right," said Harry. The raven teen noticed that the worn out walls have become elegant walls with flower designs on it.

"Like my magic core is quite strong, it powered up Zippy's bond to the manor and is slowly restoring the manor to how it use to look like," explained Yuki as the fireplace was being slowly restored.

Harry sighs, "I have a lot to learn about magic. Hey Yu – I mean Mother, do you think I can enroll to Hogwarts and continue off for my 6th year?"

Yuki crossed her arms, "Mm I don't see why not or…I can teach you instead. What do you say? I can teach you all I know including the old magic ways how the four founders taught me."

Harry widen his eyes in awe, "Just…like the four founders?"

"Correct! And judging by your face," said Yuki with a smile. "You are shocked like I was when I was told the same thing."

Harry sheepishly rubbed his head before nodding a bit.

"I…guess so but what about Tom? He is still pretty young to go to preschool."

Yuki winked, "Leave that to me Harrison but for now, let's just get settled in. Tomorrow we will find our rooms where I can place the clothes we got from Diagon Alley."

"Alright then," said Harry as he took a sit by Tom who was fast asleep. The raven teen smiled sadly at him, "I don't want to wake up him but he does need to eat."

Yuki laughed, "Don't worry, the smell of food will. Oh right! Rosie, front and center please!"

Another house elf appeared in front of Yuki but this one was wearing a yellow cloth with the Hufflepuff crest on.

"Mistress Yuki, you have returned! Oh happy day! Happy day indeed! What can Rosie do for Mistress Yuki?"

"Can you get a few bed sheets for me and my family? We will be sleeping here in the living room for tonight while the manor is getting restored," said Yuki.

"Family?" said Rosie before looking over at Harry and Tom. The young house elf jumped in joy, "Oh Mistress Yuki has a young Master and a little Master as well! What happy day it is! I will get the bed sheets right away! Anything else Mistress?"

"No, it's fine Rosie," said Yuki before taken out the bags of clothes from her traveling cloak. "Now that I think about it…here, mind finding a place for this clothes for the time being?"

"Right away!" said Rosie before snapping her fingers and the bags disappeared from Yuki's hand. "Anything else?"

Yuki shook her head, "Na, but can you see if our supper is ready?"

Rosie nodded, "Of course my Mistress!"

When the second house elf left, Harry sat properly before smiling softly.

"The house elves here are sure kind and friendly and you say this is Slytherin Manor, right? Nobody will ever believe me back in my timeline that Salazar was really good wizard. I mean I can see in the house elves here are really happy."

"You don't know the half of it," said Yuki softly before Zippy and Rosie appeared in front of them, announcing that supper was ready.

Harry woke up Tom and carried him to the dinner table where the young child woke up immediately.

The small family started eating their meal before getting ready for the task in hand and what changes they have to make for a better future.

-Break Line-

Me: So what you guys think? A bit better? I will be rewriting all of my current Harry Potter stories until the point for the new updates.