Written by my dear friend isyourcermetgoingtogrowfor thisiswhereilivenow
Thank you frens

"Are you sure you're up to this, Ty? Maybe I could go check on him and you could stay here?" I suggested, watching as he winced at having to bend over and tie his shoe laces. My hands replaced his, giving him an excuse to sit up again. Immediately he wrapped his arms around his stomach.
"If you drive I think I'll be okay…" he mumbled, leaning on me when I sat next to him.
"I don't want you getting sick in the car."
"Don't jinx me…I wont."
"Just stay here," I urged. "I can go and see them-"
"He's my best friend, Jenna. I have to go," he insisted, slowly standing up. "Besides…its not that bad…"
I rolled my eyes; I'd never seen him look more uncomfortable in his entire life, yet he was insistent about going to see Josh this morning. Apparently a phone call wouldn't cut it. "Fine. Get in the car."

As we drove he didn't make a single noise; knowing that if he even hinted at being in pain we would be going straight back home to bed. We made it there in one piece, though, and Tyler was at the front door before I'd even gotten out of the car.
"Josh, you alive?" Tyler banged on the wood rather obnoxiously, enough to frighten the living daylights out of anyone.
There was movement inside the house before the front door slowly opened, revealing a very worse-for-wear looking Mark. "…Tyler..?"
"Hmm. Are you okay?" He looked him up and down, starting to look a little paler himself.
It was obvious that Mark was not okay at all, and that Tyler was going downhill again as well. "…Sick…Taco Bell…"
"Is bad for you," I finished. "Both of you go inside and sit down." As Mark turned around again I pushed my husband in the door, sighing in relief once both of them were sitting again, Tyler leaning forward with his head in his hands. He sighed quietly when I stood in front of him, running my fingers through his hair.
"Josh is…" Mark started to tell me, wincing instead as his stomach cramped and biting his lip.
"Sick, I know. Is he here?"
"…Sleeping…" he nodded.
"Good. Do you two want something to eat? I can make you lunch or…" I trailed off, seeing their expressions.
They both cringed in answer to my question, glancing at each other before back at me.
Tyler struggled to get up, almost getting to his feet before I pushed him back again. "I-I need to check on Josh…"
"No, Tyler, you need to stay there, love. You're going to make it worse." I hugged his shoulders, kissing his cheek.
"But Jenna- what if he's-"
"I'll go see him, alright? You two stay here. Do you need anything?"
Tyler picked up a blanket from the arm of the couch and wrapped it around him and Mark, while Mark fumbled with the TV remote. "We're okay now," Tyler told me, leaning his head on Mark's shoulder.
"Yeah," Mark added.
"Good, I'm going to check on Josh then." Once they both nodded I went down the hall in search of him, finding him passed out on a bed, partially curled around a bucket. Very similar to Tyler's position last night. I pried it off him, pulling the blanket over him properly and turning to leave again. He may as well sleep while he had the chance.
"Jenna…" he asked quietly as I reached the doorway, sleepily glancing up at me. I sat next to him on the bed, running my hand up and down his back.
"You are awake then?" I teased, laughing when he mumbled "no" under his breath. "The other two are in the longue, if you want to join them." On second thought I added "Or you can stay there, of course. I'm sure they wont mind if you don't want to move." Just from the way he was lying it was obvious how unwell he was feeling. It was odd seeing Josh with a lack of energy.
He contemplated it for a moment before falling out of bed, practically crawling down the hall way and flopping onto the couch in between the other two. "Tyler, this is your fault…" he complained, nudging him with his shoulder before hugging him tightly, both of them on the brink of going to sleep.
"How?" he grumbled tiredly.
"You're the one that said we should go to Taco Bell…" he accused.
Tyler smiled a little. "Yeah, but you agreed."
"Hmm…You're out of the band…"
He was laughing now, unable to help it. "You don't get to make that call! You're out of the band!"
"I quit anyway. You're too hard to work with."
They were quiet for a moment and Mark was hiding a smile, resting his head on his hand.
"Hey Josh?" Tyler started again.
"You want to join the band again? It's kind of lonely without you."
"Yeah, man. That'd be sick as frick."
"So sick!"
"Yeah, and the three of you are sick as frick right now, so settle down," I laughed, interrupting them. "You need to rest." They didn't take much convincing.

I spent the next hour trying to keep three uncooperative boys hydrated – not an easy task when they're all incredibly nauseous and don't want to swallow anything – while trying to convince them to go to bed. Mark eventually took pity on me and disappeared down the hallway but Josh and Tyler resisted, still staring blankly at the TV through half-hearted conversation.
"Tea. Drink," I insisted, handing them both mugs. "You're going to make yourselves feel worse if you don't."
"Thanks, Jenna," Josh mumbled sheepishly while Tyler rolled his eyes.
"You're more like my mother than my wife," he accused, smiling at me.
"Well right now you need mothering," I teased, leaning down to kiss his forehead. He was hot, but his temperature had definitely gone down some. Josh's face was less flushed as well, which was a good sign.
Tyler wriggled around to get behind Josh, lying on the couch and effectively making himself at home.
Josh watched him in dismay, obviously not wanting to move either.
"Nap with me, dude," he mumbled, sort of hugging him. He didn't have to ask twice and Josh pulled the blanket over them. "Happy now?" he asked, trying to tease me but not well enough to pull it off.
"Yes. Goodnight, you two."

I was just glad the worst of it was over; they would be alright now.