Author's Note:

1. I began writing this story when I was fairly young, so the writing was... quite horrible, honestly. I liked the concept though, so I decided to give this story a rewrite. Still follows the same plot, some of the ideas are different but I'm sure you guys will love it.

2. I'm not a consistent writer, sometimes I write and sometimes I don't. Therefore, the time between chapters can be up to maybe a month to two months. I'll try to make chapters long.

3. This first chapter will be very short, however, because I do need to catch up on Dragon Ball Super. I haven't watched any episodes past Champa's introduction, so before I write any farther than that point in the timeline I'll need to catch up. Be patient please.

4. Thank you all for your continued support. I appreciate it. I'll be updating other stories as well and hopefully creating new ones.