Hi shanks! This is my first long story for The Maze runner trilogy and I hope you guys like it. Its about what happened to Newt's sister and well, you'll see how the story goes. Most of it is based on the movie but there are elements from the book that are not included in the movie which I added inside. Hope you guys like it and enjoy!

I sat on the sofa with my brother, James.. Our mother was kneeling in front of us, her eyes red from crying and her face wet with tears. Both of us had backpacks slung over our backs and I had my doll in my arms. My mother was stroking us, whispering. "Why aren't you coming with us, Mummy?" I asked again for what seemed like the hundredth time and she look like she was about to burst into tears again. "I can't sweetie. Mummy isn't well to go," she said and I saw sorrow in her eyes. My brother just sat there, his face sad but he had a steely gaze in his eyes.

My mother went over to him and she took his hands. "No matter what, stay together with her. Don't split up," she said and he nodded. He was two years older than me and he was starting to sprout. My mother turned to look and the clock and as she turned back to face us, she started to cry. "It's time," she said just as a knock came on the door. She went to answer it and two people in creepy jumpsuits with their faces covered came in, their footsteps echoing throughout the house.

"Thank you for letting us bring in the children, Madam Harper. Your children will help bring an end to the Flare," one of them, a man said and the other, a woman came to us and sank on one knee. "Come on, children. Time to go," she said but I jumped up,and ran to my mother, pulling her into a hug. "Will we see you again?" I sobbed as tears started coming down from my face. "No, my dear," my mother said as she sank to her knees and pulled me into a hug. My brother came up and she pulled us both into a large embrace.

"No matter what they tell you or what they do to you, remember that I will always love you," she whispered and the man behind us coughed. "Come on, children," he said and with that he took my arm in a not so gentle grip and lead me out of my own house. I turned around and my brother was just coming behind me. "Mummy!" I screamed as we walked out and as the door closed behind us, I saw my mother sinking to her knees and sobbing.

We were lead to a car and hustled inside. As we drove into the dust, James hugged me tight. "Don't worry, Charlotte. I won't let them harm you," he said as I sobbed into his chest. We held onto each other before eventually falling asleep. We woke to the sounds of large doors opening and we were suddenly swallowed by darkness. For a while it was almost pitch black but after a while we entered a brightly lit cavern.

The door swung open and we were lead into a sort of hospital bay where they started to take our blood and check our bodies. I saw my brother get changed into a hospital gown, his sandy hair shining in the light and I saw him cursing under his breath. He looked at me with his brown eyes before a curtain was drawn around him. I sat on my bed as a doctor came in, a clipboard in her hand. "Hello, miss," she said and she started to check everything. She gave me a few injections and she then gave me a set of white clothes that looked so plain that I hesitate on pulling them on.

"Well, Diana, you can go join your brother now," she said and I looked at her with confusion. "Uh excuse ma'am, but my name is Charlotte, not Diana," I said but she shook her head. "Your name is now Diana and that's that. Now go and have your dinner. You will be shown to your rooms afterwards,"she said before I was almost dragged out to meet my brother, who was dressed in similar clothing. "Bloody bastards," he said and I smiled. He took after my mum in swearing constantly in British curse words. I tried to do so but she always said it was not lady like.

As we were lead out, he took my hand in his. "Did they started to call you by some weird name?" He asked and I nodded. "Yeah. They called me Diana," I replied and he wrinkled his nose. "Well, they kept on calling me Newt. Sorta the short for for Isaac Newton, they said," he said as the man in front of us opened a set of double doors. Beyond those doors were many children around our age or slightly older, sitting at long tabled chatting as they ate their dinner. "Go on. They're your family now," the man said before we were shoved in and the doors closed behind us.

James swore again under his breath and he lead me towards the long line of kids waiting for their food. Some weird sloshy stuff was dumped into a bowl and we had some vegetables with it. We sat at an empty table and I eyed my food, fork in my hand. "Well, you've gotta eat sooner or later," a voice piped up from behind and a young Asian kid around my brother's age came and sat next to me. He had black hair and his eyes were pretty tiny. He had a goofy grin on his face.

"Name's Lee, but these weirdos call me Minho. I assume you're siblings?" He asked and James nodded. "Yeah. Name's James. This is my sister, Charlotte," he said and Lee grinned. "British, eh?" He asked and my brother grinned. "Yeah," he said and Lee just stuck his fork into his gunk of food and shoveled it into his mouth. "Come on, it's not as bad as it looks," he said through a mouth full of food and we reluctantly began to eat. As we ate, we got to know a bit more about Lee, or rather Minho, who preferred his given name more that his real one. He had Korean parents who moved to America when he was little. He had been here for months as they took him away from his parents very early on after the Flare started.

"Folks went all mad and when they came and take me, they were surprised I haven't joined the loony bin too," he said just as a bell rang. "Well, time to go back to our rooms," he said and he lead us down the hall. "Normally the new kids get the rooms at the end . At least that is what I remembered," he said as we walked past kids chattering among each other. I passed by a boy and a girl who was laughing even though they haven't said a word to each other. "That would be Thomas and Theresa. Heard they're pretty high ranking and all in WICKED," Minho said and my brother's eyebrows shot up.

"WICKED?" He asked and Minho nodded. "Yeah. Although I wonder whether they're actually helping us or just using us as lab rats. Ah here we are," he said and he pushed open the door leading into a small,room with two beds. "Well, see you two tomorrow," Minho said and he left us there. We saw that our backpacks had been thrown on either one of the beds and I jumped onto mine, sinking my face into the pillow. "I can't believe we're here," I said and James came and sat on my bed, stroking my head.

I got up and he held onto me. "Promise you'll always be with me," I whispered. "Always," he said as he stroked my head. That night we slept with each other, our bodies tight under the covers in the room that would be our home for years to come. Except that didn't happen.

Thank you for reading this fanfiction and please review below. I will try to update one chapter everyday and I hope you guys liked it!