This story, which is part of an Ultimate Muscle series I'm creating, is based on an episode of Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends entitled "Race For Your Life, Mac and Bloo." The storyline follows the continuity of the TV series. Please enjoy!
All franchises referenced in the story belong to their respective owners.
(BTW, a full version of the cover image can be found on my Deviantart page under the name katamariluv.)
It's a lovely day in Japan. Kid Muscle is lying peacefully in his bed when his alarm clock suddenly rings. "Mmrn," he mumbles. "Can't be morning already." He drowsily shuts the alarm off, upon which he slowly open one eye and gasps. "LEAPIN' PASTA IN SAUCE, I'M GONNA BE LATE FOR MY MATCH!" Upon this he quickly rushes out of bed, showers and shaves, then runs back to his room to dress; he comes out moments later wearing his pants as a shirt and vice versa. "This isn't right!" He then dashes back in, dresses correctly, then runs downstairs where he begins to tug on his boots while munching a piece of toast.
Kid then dashes out the door and hustles down to the bus stop, paying little mind to his old foe Kevin Mask standing on the curb. Unfortunately, no sooner does he draw near than the bus motors away. "Wait, please!" Kid exclaims urgently. "Don't...go..." Sadly, it was too late. Kid drops to the pavement on all four and groans, "Oh, pancakes."
Kevin chuckles rudely, "Ha, ha, late again, I see." Kid rises to his knees and buries his face in his hands with despair. "Oh, now I'll never make it to the stadium on time." At this moment the masked knight gets a sly gleam in his eye. "Well say, Kid Muscle, might I interest you in a wager?"
"Uhm, maybe," an apprehensive Kid replies. Kevin's plans never had any good outcome, especially where he was concerned. "What did you have in mind?"
"What say you and I race to the stadium?"
Upon hearing this, an shocked look crosses Kid's face. "R-race? On foot? But the stadium's thirty miles away!"
"I knew you'd back out," Kevin sneers, brashly poking Kid in his round nose. "Just as well, you're in no shape to outrun anything faster than a sloth slogging through molasses. Ah well, see you at the stadium, Kid Chickenheart...Oh, wait, no." Upon this he then begins jogging down the road.
Kid scowls as he watches the masked knight go. "Huh, Chickenheart," he grumbles as he shuffles down the road with his hands in his pocket, kicking a small pebble. "Just 'cause I don't wanna get mixed up in that; It's just pointless and dumb anyway. So what? Let him get to the stadium before me. What's the worst he can do? Gloat? Strike victory poses left and right? Rub it in my face every single time I see him? Call me 'A loser', 'Slowpoke', 'Joe Slowmo', 'Captain Slug'? So what? He can call me whatever he wants. Who cares? It's not like it bothers me. Nope, not one bit. Not one little bit. Not one little teeny-tiny-teensy-weensy bit." As the wrestler's anger grows, he begins walking faster and faster. "I'm absolutely fine with him never, ever, ever letting go of it for the rest of our lives. I-I'm perfectly green with repeatedly hearing the story of the great race and how he ran two million miles in eight seconds, leaving me panting and wheezing in a pathetic defeat. Then when I'm and old man on my deathbed, Kevin will watch and wait for me to kick it, then after I do he'll be all like, 'Ha-haa, yes! I outlived Grandpa Turtle!' which has been his name for me for years, and there'll be nothing I can do about it because he will literally never, ever, ever let me live this down!" His anger now well and truly reaching its apex, Kid begins charging furiously down the sidewalk. "OH NO, HE DIDN'T!"
Meanwhile, Kevin is strolling casually down the road, whistling with his arms folded behind his head, when he suddenly hears rapid footsteps and turns to see Kid barreling up behind him. "Well, so you decided to show after all, Kid Muscle for brains," the masked knight scoffs, beginning to pick up his pace. "You're not as dumb as I thought, but then again, how could you be?"
"Save the formalities, Kevin Mask," Kid replies fiercely. "I will defeat you!"
"Hah! Don't make me laugh." Kevin snaps. "I'll run rings around your pitiful self and come back for more!"
"We'll see about that!" Kid replies avidly.