It was late, very late, and Anakin Skywalker was dead tired. It wasn't just the fact that he'd been up for over 48 hours. In just the course of a day, his whole world had been turned upside down. Out of all the things the Council could have done, they assigned him a Padawan Learner. Young Ahsoka Tano had shown herself to be quite resilient and courageous in her first mission, but also very reckless and impatient. That was something he would need to work with her on, among other things. She seemed eager to prove herself, and was definitely excited to be learning under 'the Chosen One.' Anakin only hoped that he would be able to teach her well.

But for now, that could wait. For now, he needed to sleep and rest his weary body. He opened the door to his quarters aboard the Jedi cruiser Resolute, only to find that some things simply did not wait. Aside from the fresher and his bunk, there was one tiny couch in the room, currently occupied by an even tinier Torgruta.

Anakin wasn't even going to ask how she knew which room his was, or why she was even in here. She had been up nearly as long as he had, and he didn't have the heart to wake her.

Ahsoka was curled up in a little ball, sleeping soundly. As Anakin approached, he noticed how much younger she looked when she slept. The brash, quick-witted ball of energy had transformed into a peaceful child. One who did not know all the horrors of war yet. Anakin sighed, thinking of all the evil he had seen, almost wishing there was some way he could shield her from it. At the moment, she looked much younger than fourteen.

As Anakin stepped out of his boots and undid his belt, a gust of cool air blew through the vent, and he saw Ahsoka shiver, tiny bumps covering her exposed skin. Without a second thought, he grabbed the spare blanket off of his bed and lightly draped it over her snoozing form, tucking it under her chin. As he did, she stirred, and opened her eyes, exhaustion sealed into her features.

"Wha?" she said sleepily, trying to focus on something, anything.

Anakin simply reached out and laid his hand on her forehead, sending her soothing thoughts. "It's alright Ahsoka, it's just me."

"Master?" she asked, trying to resist the pull of sleep. He smiled. "Yeah, I'm here. You did well today little one. Get some rest." She nodded slowly and sunk back into the couch. Anakin climbed into his own bunk and sank into the covers.

"Goodnight Snips." He whispered into the darkness. He closed his eyes and started to drift off into bliss.

"Night Skyguy." Came the quiet reply. Anakin smiled.

So yeah, really short one shot. Should I continue it? Let me know, and may the Force be with you.