Ch 3
The weekend had been a lot of fun for Raven. On Saturday there had been a party at Cleo's followed by a creepover at Draculaura's and the next day a group date to a double creature feature at the boovie theater.
It had been Raven's first ever after creep, er, sleepover. By the time she had actual friends she was in boarding school, where everyone had to be in their own dorm rooms by curfew and she was uncomfortable inviting people over to the castle during the summer, so Maddie had never slept over.
Now she wished she had tried inviting her friend. The ghouls had watched cheesy cable tv and pampered each other with facials and manicures, followed by playing games all night long.
The next morning, or more like early afternoon, they had gotten together with the boys for the boovies. She had been hesitant at first to go, since it was mostly couples with Cleo and Draculaura hanging on Duece and Clawd respectively, and Frankie and Jackson doing their usual awkward not-quite-dating-but-totally-dating thing.
Clawdeen had made it very clear though that Raven was not going to leave her hanging as the third wheel, so she had reluctantly gone. The boovies were funny in their ridiculous portrayal of humans and outlandish over acting. Raven had enjoyed them immensely.
"So, where to now?" Clawd asked, jingling him car keys as they made their way to his car.
"There's a new store opening at the maul I've wanted to check out." Cleo's suggestion had just left her mouth when Raven's iCoffin rang. She answered, confused who it could possibly be, since anyone who would be calling her was already with her.
Her friends all watched as Raven's eyes went wide. "Really? Are you sure? Yes, I'll be right there." She ended the call and stared at the blank screen in shock.
"Well," Clawdeen asked, bringing her out of her daze. "Are you going to tell us what that was about, or do we have to guess?"
"That was the headmistress. The mirror is working again. At least as a mirrorphone. I can call my dad and let him know where I am." Her voice sounded distant, even to her own ears.
"That's great news," Frankie said, then got a look at Raven's face. "Or is it?"
"I don't know what to say to him. I still don' t know if I want to go back or not."
"Don't worry about it. You'll figure it out," Duece said. "Besides, it's just a call, right. It's not going to whisk you off to Neverland, or where ever it was your from, so your plans don't have to be carved in stone just yet."
"Ever After," Raven corrected him. "And I know there's still a little time to think about it, but it's such a big decision and I thought I'd have time to figure it out before I have to plead my case to anyone back home."
"Maybe this is a good thing," Clawd said. "You and your pops can work it out together."
"Yeah, maybe."
Frankie wrapped an arm around Raven's shoulders. "It'll be fine. We can go with you to talk to him, if you want."
Raven looked around at all the reassuring and supportive faces of her friends. It gave her a boost of confidence that she sorely needed. "Yeah, I'd like that. If you all don't mind."
"Of course not," Draculaura shouted. "I'd love to meet your father. Oh, maybe if Headless Headmistress Bloodgood gets the mirror working for travel we can all visit your castle sometime!"
"Yeah, that could be fun," Jackson said, eyes lighting up. "I've never been to a castle that wasn't haunted or owned by a vampire lord."
"Sorry, to burst your bubble, but I doubt mine is all that much different from a castle in the monster world. Daughter of The Evil Queen, remember."
"Yeah, but it's still a fairy tale castle. I've been to a lot of different place in the human and monster worlds, but I've never been in the fairy tale world," He paused a moment in thought. "Would we need passports for that?"
Raven laughed. "Somehow I doubt that."
If the others hadn't been there with her, Raven wasn't sure she would have found the courage to call home. But with Frankie standing beside her, watching in awe as Raven tapped at the mirror and the glass turned foggy, it was surprisingly easy.
Raven held her breath as the fog cleared and her father's office came into view. It was just as she remembered it. Except for one thing. The person passed out asleep, glasses and crown askewed, over the oak desk was not her father.
She blinked in surprised, but before she could say anything in an attempt to rouse him, another familiar character walked into the room. The pink haired girl with feathered wings sighed as she draped a blanket over the boy at the desk, then looked up at the mirror and gasped in surprise.
But who she called out to was not who Raven was expecting.
"Oh fairy dust! Frankie Stein, is that really you? How in Hephaestus's name did you connect to Ever After?" The sudden shout caused the boy at the desk to startle awake and crashed out of the chair onto the floor, hitting his chin on the desk on his way down.
Cupid eeped and helped him into the chair, grabbing a handkerchief to dab at the cut on his chin. "Sorry, Dex. I didn't mean to scare you."
Frankie blinked rapidly and her bolts sent off sparks. Then she leaned over Raven's shoulder and squinted at the girl on the other side of the mirror.
"Cupid?! You look so different. I hardly recognized you. What are you doing at Raven's castle?"
"You know Raven?" Cupid lit up like a candle, turning from the still dazed Dexter to stare hopefully at them. Then she mimicked Frankie, staring hard through the mirror. "Curses! Raven, that is you, isn't it? How did you end up in the monster world?"
"Wait, hold up. You two know each other?" Raven looked at the two girls, totally missing the plot.
"Of course, silly," Draculaura beamed at Cupid, waving her hand at her excitedly. "She used to go here before transferring out." Then to Cupid, "So, you went to Ever After High? That explains why no one has heard from you since you left."
Clawd grumbled something that sounded like 'Good riddance', but Raven couldn't hear him that well over the ghouls all trying to talk to Cupid.
"Um, excuse me," Dexter interrupted them. "But could someone tell me what's going on?" He was looking back and forth between all of them, an adorably disheveled look on his face.
"Sorry Dex," Raven said. "Wait, what are you two doing in my father's office?"
"Raven? Wow, you look, different," Dexter took his glasses off and wiped them clean before putting them back on, as though making sure the green of Raven's skin hadn't just been dirt on his lenses. "Not that there's anything wrong with that." He hurriedly added. "I mean, you look good no matter what color you are. Er, did that come out right?" He was steadily turning red as he babbled.
"It's okay Dexter, I know what you mean." She smiled and tucked some of her hair behind her ear, breaking eye contact as she added, "And thanks." She had kind of forgotten about the skintone change and suddenly found herself a bit self conscious about it.
"Hey, wait," Jackson suddenly said, breaking the nervous tension. "That's the guy you mistook me for when we first met? I don't look anything like him."
"Oh no," Clawd said, grabbing the other boy by the face and monsterhandling him away from the mirror. "You are not going down that road again. We hear enough of it from both you and Holt, we do not want to hear it over some dude who isn't even connected to you."
"Um," Dexter said. "Who was that?"
"Just a couple of new friends of mine. Some of them are bit complicated, but everyone has been really nice to me here." Raven said, smiling at both her new and her old friends.
"I am so glad you ended up at Monster High, Raven." Cupid said. "I can't think of a more welcoming school to misplace yourself at. Oh, we have go tell your dad, that you're here." She made to leave then turned back. "Well, not here, here, but there here." She took off after that, but her excited shouts could still be heard in the distance.
Dexter readjusted his glasses as he fidgeted uncomfortably, now that he was alone with a green Raven and some of the strangest looking kids he'd ever seen. Which was saying something for a kid who grew up around trolls and goblins.
"So," Raven asked again. "What are you doing in my father's office."
"Oh, it was my turn on Raven Watch."
"Raven Watch?"
"Yeah, we've all been taking turns waiting by the mirror here, in case, you know, you found your way back."
Raven looked down at her shoes. "Who all is we?" She was almost afraid to ask. She had been so concerned with whether or not she should stay here, that she hadn't thought much about how everyone back home was reacting her being missing. Had they really been watching a mirror in shifts, just in case she came back through?
"Well, let's see," Dexter began, his eyes rolling toward the ceiling as though there was a list there for him to read from.
"There's me and Cupid, obviously, your dad and Maddie, which is kind of obvious as well. Then there's Cerise and Blondie who take turns searching the forest. Apple and Ashlynn have been directing animals to help them. Briar and Tiny have been looking in the giant kingdoms. Daring and Nevermore are suppose to be doing aerial searches over the kingdoms, but I think they get distracted sometimes. Mr. Grimm has been trying every scrying spell he can find and Ginger as been to every witch asking around. Humphrey's been searching the network, trying to figure out what went wrong with the mirror."
He looked down and gulped, before adding. "We thought, maybe the Evil Queen somehow took you." He shivered a little at the mention of her mother. "I'm just glad that you seem to be alright."
A tight knot of guilt settled in Raven's stomach. All week, when they could have been enjoying their time home with their families, her friends were instead searching endlessly for her. And here she had been trying to find excuses to disappear into the monster world for ever after.
Now that was selfish.
"Oh Dexter, I'm so sorry. I had no idea everyone was that worried about me." Then something Dexter said registered in her brain. "Wait, did you say Daring, top of his class in dragon slaying Daring, was with Nevermore? My Nevermore?" Her voice may have gone a little shrill at the end there, if the werewolves and vampire wincing was anything to go by.
"Yeah, they seem to get along surprisingly well. I think they both like doing crazy midair stunts." As if on cue, a dark shape swooped rapidly past the window behind Dexter. An exuberant cry could be heard, followed by a dragon's roar of delight.
Well, at least someone had been taking care of her girl while she was away.
Before she could respond the door banged open and an excited Maddie shoved her face against the mirror.
"Raven!" She said, laughter in her voice, "You found yourself. Oh frabjous day!" She stood on her head in her excitement and Raven realized just how much she had missed Maddie's own unique brand of madness. "This calls for a 'Raven's Back tea party." And with that she pulled a table and steaming tea set out of her hat.
All around Raven, the monsters were staring wide eyed and baffled. "What just happened?" Cleo asked.
"My eyes are telling me something that can't happen just happened. Has someone been slipping me wolfsbane?" Clawdeen rubbed her eyes as though to scrub the insanity away.
Maddie laughed, "You can't rub insanity out of your eyes silly. That will just smear it around. You have to use cool, running water. But why would want to get it out of your eyes. The world is way more fun when you see through madness." And she made her eyes rotate in opposite directions as she said this.
"Why did she just say that?" Frankie said in a terrified whisper.
"Oh, she says random things sometimes, but she's really a great friend. Trust me."
The sound of her father's voice, out of breath and shouting her name, filled Raven's ears. He stumbled into the office and clutched the frame of the mirror. As his eyes locked with hers, he let out of heavy sigh of relieve.
"Thank the Good Fairy, you're safe. Where have you been? I've been worried sick." He had only stalled briefly as her change in appearance and he didn't question it, Raven's heart lightened, her dad knowing it was her at a glance made her realize just how much he loved her. He looked at all the ghouls surrounding her. "And who are all these, people, you're with?"
"I'm sorry, Dad. I wanted to call sooner, but the mirror was broken and it took sometime to fix it. But I've made a lot of great friends here and they've taken really good care of me." She smiled at everyone in the room with her. "Let me introduce everyone. Guys, this is my father and the tea obsessed girl is my best friend, Madeline Hatter. Dad, Maddie, these are my new friends from Monster High."
Her father looked a bit confused by this exclamation, "I don't understand, what is that?"
"It's a school for monsters that exists in another world that doesn't have destinies," Maddie explained, taking a sip of her tea as though it was perfectly normal information to know.
Raven almost asked how Maddie knew that, but knowing her as well as Raven did, Maddie probably didn't know herself or wouldn't give an answer that didn't raise more questions.
"Well, it doesn't matter now," the Good King said. "Let's just get you back here, where you belong."
Raven frowned, as soon as she heard it said she knew it was true. She did belong in the fairy tale world, but still the thought of returning to a looming destiny made her stall.
"The mirror isn't set up yet for travel. Just communication," Raven said. She rubbed at her arm, needing something to do with her hands. Magic was tingling at her finger tips. Her newly freed magic. What would they say about it? What would Headmaster Grimm do?
Actually, Dexter hadn't mentioned him. Just Giles Grimm.
"How mad is the headmaster about this?" She asked. Was she going to be expelled?
"I don't care what Milton Grimm thinks. As long as I have my little girl back, he can go kiss a frog for all I care."
Dexter popped up over her dad's shoulder, "He was pretty upset. But mostly he muttered about how you always cause trouble and left the search to us."
Raven turned red with embarrassment. She didn't mean to cause trouble. Which was a cause of trouble in its own right, she supposed. Damned if she did, damned if she didn't.
"Raven," her father said. "When you come back, if you want to transfer to one of the village schools..." he left the offer hanging.
"Do you mean it?"
"I know how much you hate your destiny and when I thought I had lost you because of it, I realized that it didn't matter to me. It never did. I want you to be happy. In a way your mother and I never have been. You're my little girl, I want what's best for you."
"Thank you, Dad. I can't tell you how much that means to me." There were tears in her eyes. They had always been close, her destiny had weight just as heavily on him as it had her, but he had always been one to follow tradition.
She looked back at the monsters, conviction set in her jaw, then turned back to her father. "I'll be home as soon as I can. I promise."
Frankie squeezed her shoulder in support.
"I have so much to tell you," she continued. "You wouldn't believe what it's like here. There's no destiny to follow. You can be anything you want to be."
"Wow, really?" Dexter was still trying to get a look at her over her father's shoulder.
"Callooh! Callay! It's a world of Raven's. How mad is that? Hahahaha," Maddie said.
"It's totally off the page! I don't think anyone will believe me though."
She was almost drowned out by a influx of voices all clamoring at once to be heard, as the students of Ever After High piled into the room one after another.
"Believe what?" Apple shouted as she suddenly squeezed into the frame. "Oh Raven. You're green! Is it a curse?"
Briar could be seen pushing herself up Dexter's shoulders to see. "Love the new look, Raven! Totally Witch of the West."
"Fear not, dear Raven. For I have taken the utmost care of your beloved steed whilst you were away," Daring said, muscling into the front of the crowd. "You wouldn't happen to mind if I took her out, every once in awhile after you get back, would you? It is quite advantageous to drop down on ones enemy from above. And the fire is a nice touch too." He waggled his eyebrows at her.
"Raven where have you been? How did you get there? Can I interview you when you get back?" Blondie shoved through the crowd, only to be consumed by it a moment later, only the tips of her blue bow visible.
After that everything else was lost in a sea of voices as they all talked over themselves. She could only make out a bit of something Cedar said, commenting on Frankie's stitches.
Slinking around in the background shadows, Cerise gave a little wave. Raven waved back as Cerise scooted to the far back, clutching her hood to keep it from being jostled off by the crowd. If ever there was a rebel who could use a little extra boost in courage to openly be herself it was Cerise.
Raven was fairly certain Cerise would love to know that there was a place where she wouldn't have to hide who she really was or what she could do. But right now Raven needed to stop the overwhelming noise.
"Woah, everyone. One at a time. I can't understand anyone when you're all talking at once." But her own voice was lost in the chaos.
A loud clap shut everyone up on both ends. Giles Grimm stood with Humphrey Dumpty at his side, "And now that I have your attention. I believe it would be a good idea to talk with the mirror technicians on the monster's side. With their help I believe we should be able to get the mirror up and running smoothly in no time."
"Check it, lores and ladies. It won't be no thang for M.C. Dump T." Humphrey said. From behind her, Raven heard a nasally groan. "Ugh, not another one." Clawd gave a sniff. "You know what, complain all you want about that one."
Raven ignored them as Giles made his way closer to the mirror. "Feather's are fair, if leaves be." After years under a babble curse, he still sometimes slipped into Riddlish without meaning to. Raven gave it some thought, then smiled. "Reflections fade where paths part."
Maddie squealed in delight. "You're getting really good Raven. Why, we'll have you talking proper nonsense in no time."
"Thanks Maddie. Compared to Zombie, Riddlish is crumpets and cake."
"Was that a language? How is that easier to understand than Zombie?" Cleo said. Raven could picture the look on her face, and tried to cover her laughter with a cough, but it just came out as a snort.
Giles cleared his throat, "My apologies, I hadn't meant for it come out like that. All the same, we should get to work, if you are to be home in time for school to start."
"Oh, of course, Mr. Grimm."
"I'll go tell the Headmistress," Frankie said. She headed out, Draculaura and Clawdeen trailing after her.
Raven answered a few more questions until they returned with a goblin and a man with four eyes, they were both wearing shirts that said Shreak Squad. Raven moved out of the way while Giles and Humphrey consulted with the tech monsters.
"So, I guess this is it, then," Raven said. She studied her shoes so she wouldn't have to look them in eyes, feeling like she was abandoning them and all that they had to offer.
She belonged in her world, that was were her happiness lay, she knew that to the fairy core of her being, but she still wished she didn't have to give up all that her new friends had given her.
"Are you sure?" Frankie asked, genuinely concerned for her.
"Yes." Raven sighed and finally looked up. "I just wish I didn't have to leave you all behind. You ghouls are the beast friends a witch could ask for. But this isn't my world."
"We'll still be your friends. And it's not like their going to just shut the mirror down. You could always come visit," Clawdeen said.
"Oh! Or better yet," Draculaura began. Clawd groaned again. "Here we go. Adventure time," he mumbled. Draculaura whapped him with a rolled up student flyer and continued, "We could go with you."
"Huh, you mean, like, now?" Raven asked, surprised by the suggestion.
"Sure, why not. It wouldn't be the first time we've disappeared into another world. Only this time there are no megalomanacial principals trying to take over the world, or carnies trying to kidnap monsters, or vampire lords trying to steal the throne or normies framing us for vandalism or..."
"Okay," Raven said, bring an end to the stream of crazy. "I get the picture." She thought about it for a minute, the idea did have some merit. She had gotten to see their world, it could be fun showing them around hers.
They were all looking at her expectantly, like she had the power to authorize the trip. Even Clawd, who had mere moments ago been griping about the trouble they'd get in.
"I suppose, as long as your families don't mind. I don't see how it could hurt."
It took three hours to get the mirror functioning as a proper travel mirror. Raven knew it was working when her reflection changed from green back to her usual pale cream complexion. In that time, Frankie had some how managed to convince the last of the parents to let her friends come with her.
Most were surprisingly okay with it, only the Wolf's had needed a real talking with. Raven hadn't really met any of her new friend's parents, but still she had thought they would have been more hesitant to let their children run off to a different world.
"They've gotten used to us running off on adventures, so it's not like they don't know we can handle it." Clawdeen explained when Raven asked.
"You guys are going to have tell me about some of them some time," Raven said.
"You bet," Clawdeen smiled. "Where the hell are Cleo and Draculaura?"
They were the only two not back yet. Almost as though saying their names had summoned them, they both walked through the door. Following behind them was a mountain of boxes.
"Sorry we're late," Draculaura said by way of greeting. "But I couldn't decide between the purple blouse with the ruffles or white one with the lace trim."
"Um, D," Clawd said, looking at all her luggage then to his own small bag. "You do know we are only going to be there a day or two tops, right? What do you need with all that stuff?"
Duece just raised a brow at Cleo, who hadn't even tried to make an excuse for being late. She tsked at him.
"I'm going to a new world, where I'll be representing all of monster kind. I have to make the right first impression. Obviously."
Draculaura giggled at Clawd. "Exactly. And you never know what could happen. There could be a party, so I need a couple party dresses; or a natural disaster, so I need some sturdy shoes and pants, but they still have to all match, or I could get caught in the rain," she said. Clawd cut her off.
"Okay, we get it. You wanted to be prepared for anything. All I'm sayin' is that much luggage is probably not going to fit through the mirror. It's only a standing mirror." He pointed to the mirror, which was only wide enough for one person at a time.
"Sorry, but Clawd's right. You guys are going to have to cull the herd there," Raven said. "It's best if you only take one suitcase through a mirror, or most of it will get lost on the way."
The horrified looks on both ghoul's faces was all that anyone needed to know their opinions on the matter.
It took another two hours to get the luggage sorted out, a task that was ended abruptly when Clawd and Duece both each grabbed one random suitcase of their own ghoulfriend's, looked inside long enough to see the most essential items were present, proclaimed it the bag for the trip and chucked it through the mirror.
"I guess that settles it," Frankie said. She had one suitcase.
"Let's hope those went to the right place," Jackson said. He only had a small duffel bag.
"They had better, or you are in a lot of trouble mister," Cleo said, poking her finger into Duece's chest with every word.
"It should be fine," Raven said. She had packed what few belongings she had collected since her arrival into a large backpack. "Let's go."
She reached out a hand to the nearest ghoul, Clawdeen. Clawdeen paused a moment at her reflection, startled by the difference.
"What happened to my ears," she reached up to feel that she still had them. Her reflection looked far more human then she had ever seen it.
"It'll be okay, I changed a bit when I came here too."
Reassured, Clawdeen stepped through the mirror. One by one, her friends followed.
Raven looked to Headless Headmistress Bloodgood, who had her head resting in the crook of her arm.
"Thank you so much, for everything." Raven gave her a quick hug, and went home.
The end. Well, for now. I guess this means I have to start writing the sequel now. I should have already started it, but work and life have kept me busy. Look for that in a few months. Anyway, hope you all enjoyed. - Spina