I feel as though the first version of this story was a little too fast paced, so I'm doing a second version of it. One that has been improved from what I originally wrote. I hope you all enjoy this new version of the story.
Disclaimer: I don't own Danny Phantom, or Ben 10!
"Hero Time!" = Talking
"Hero Time!" = Thinking
"Hero Time!" = Yelling
"Now you listen here, mister! I refuse to let you decline my son's right to a proper education just because of what a bunch of favoritist teachers say about him! It's either both of my children, or neither of them!"
Arguing with the principal of another school over the phone was a woman who looked to be in her mid twenties, but was in reality in her mid forties. She had shoulder length light brown hair, cyan blue eyes, and pale skin. She was wearing a light blue HAZMAT suit with black gloves and shoes. But why was she arguing with a principal?
Well, it all started earlier today while Danny was still at school. Dash Baxter and some other members of the school football team thought that it would be a good idea to gang up on and beat up Danny's two best friends. And they would've succeeded too, had Danny himself not found them and defended them.
But this just caused him to take the full brunt of the damage. He didn't lose anything important, thank the lord, but he was beaten black and blue. He was definitely bruised pretty badly, but he would survive.
Maddie had arrived on the scene some time after that, and had helped Danny's friends get him to the Nurse's office without incident. When school let out, she had given all three teenagers a ride back to the Fenton Works so that they could rest from that ordeal. And now, here she was trying to get her son and daughter transferred to a new school.
But it wasn't going very well. All of the schools that she had called so far wouldn't accept Danny due to most of Casper High's teachers calling him a problem child. They only wanted Danny's older sister, Jazz Fenton, due to her astounding academic record. But Maddie wasn't gonna stand for that.
"WHAT PART OF "IT'S BOTH OR NEITHER" DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?" Maddie yelled over the phone. Her response was not what she was expecting.
"Hm? Huh? What the? Hey! I can hear clearly again! Thank you kindly, Mrs. Fenton! Your yelling must've brought back my hearing! I honestly thought you only wanted to transfer your daughter to our school." said an elderly man's voice.
"Well, that's not the case, principal Korin." Maddie replied. "I'm calling to request a transfer for both of my children to be transferred to your school on grounds of blatant favoritism towards the more popular children from the teachers at Casper High. MY SON WAS BEATEN BLACK AND BLUE BY THE SCHOOL'S FOOTBALL TEAM, AND NONE OF THE TEACHERS DID ANYTHING TO STOP IT!"
"Yes, I've received similar requests earlier this afternoon from the Mansons and the Foleys. Apparently, they have great respect for your son due to his selfless attempt to defend their children." Korin replied. "Rest assured Mrs. Fenton, your children will be welcomed with open arms here at Predators Academy. They'll begin their classes next Monday. Until then, have your children take the rest of the week to rest up and recover."
"Thank you very much, principal Korin! Oh and on a side note, you might wanna think about getting a hearing aid since your hearing isn't what it used to be." Maddie said politely.
"I'll keep that in mind. See you Monday!" Korin said with a chuckle before hanging up.
Maddie also hung up, and sighed from the stress as she plopped down on the couch. It certainly felt like her age was catching up with her.
"I wonder if this is how Danny feels after his school days at this school." Maddie thought to herself.
Now that she thought about it, Maddie had forgotten that Danny had gone for a walk in the woods with his friends. No doubt so those three kids could try and calm their nerves. But she couldn't shake this strange feeling that something was definitely going to happen to her child sometime today. Something that would change his life forever.
"And for once it has nothing to do with ghosts, or ghost hunting." Maddie said to herself.
Walking through the deep wooded area of Amity Park were three teenagers. All three of them looked to be about fourteen years old, but they were all different in appearance. These three are Danny Fenton, Sam Manson, and Tucker Foley.
Tucker was a boy that looked to be of African American heritage due to his brown skin and black hair. He was wearing a red beret, black rimmed glasses, a yellow turtleneck, green cargo pants, and a pair of brown hiking boots.
Sam bad more of a Gothic look. Her black hair was pulled up into a small ponytail on top of her head, she had pupiless purple eyes, pale skin, and was wearing purple lipstick. Her attire consisted of a black tank top that left her midriff bare, a black, green and purple skirt, and black combat boots.
Finally, there was Danny. He had black hair that spiked in a forward direction, icy blue eyes, and pale skin. He wore a baggy white T-shirt, a pair of baggy blue jeans, and a pair of white and red sneakers. However, Danny still had a few bruises visible on his face from that beating he received from Dash and his football buddies.
"Why do I even try anymore around here?" Danny asked. "Every time I try and prove my worth at that school, I always end up on the receiving end of the fist!"
"Yeah. I hear ya, Danny. It's no easier for me or Sam." Tucker added.
"Let's not forget that those teachers keep trying to sabotage our education to make the popular kids look better!" Sam added with a scowl. "I honestly wish that we could just get transferred to a new school! One that doesn't play favorites with any of the students!"
The three teenagers had no idea that today would mark the beginning of a grand adventure of epic proportions. One that will bring about many a clash between predator... And prey!
I hope this reboot will work with you guys. I'm also gonna post some art for this new story, so I hope you guys enjoy this! READ, REVIEW, FLAMERS SHALL BE CONSUMED BY ALL OF THE ALIEN PREDATORS IN KHYBER'S POSSESSION!