I thought I really should wrap up this end of things. Well, less that end...more, what the hell happened in the first place?
Michael yanks nir vessel back together, re-binding particles and atoms against the burn of holy fire and nir own fury. Ne rushed back down, wings flared, Stull Cemetery barely changed-
The Pit open.
Is this some new rebellion? Lucifer stands at the edge, Michael is frozen for a moment, what is he doing-
Not Lucifer.
"Sam!" Why can't they understand? "It's not going to end this way! Step back!" They can't change this, no matter how hard they try!
"You're going to have to make me!" Michael can see Lucifer's Grace writhing, but it's Sam shouting at nem, nir brother must be furious-
"I have to fight my brother!" Ne has to, if ne doesn't do it now Michael's going to lose nir nerve and this has to be carried out, if there's the slightest chance of Them returning-
Sam faces the Pit. Spreads his arms.
Michael lunges, before ne can even think about it. It is not to save Sam Winchester. Human hands wrap in his vessel's clothing, pull the wrong way, and Michael's wings cannot pull nem backwards.
This can't be happening.
This isn't what was supposed to be happening.
This can't-
Lucifer screams, furious, and Sam Winchester pays the price.
Michael withdraws, as far from nir brother as he can.
This can't be, this isn't possible. That Michael has ended up here, of all places, was not the Plan. Everything else went perfectly. Fate slotted together around the Winchesters, destiny sliding into place exactly as intended, Michael had seen the exact result ne'd expected. There was no other option. No alternate path.
So how...?
Someone had to have made a mistake.
Obviously, it was not the Winchesters.
Michael wastes a century denying that ne could be at fault. A second century was spent dealing with the realization that ne was the only one who could be at fault for things going so, so wrong. The third is spent ignoring the taunts Lucifer throws at nem over Sam Winchester's soul, as if he thinks drawing Michael's attention to the mangled thing will drive nem into anger.
Michael does not care. Ne is angry at Lucifer, yes, but ne has never wanted to fight him.
Time passes.
Eventually, Sam Winchester is no longer enough to keep Lucifer's attention.
Michael avoids Lucifer, but the Cage is only so big and it turns into a game of cat-and-mouse that Lucifer seems to delight in. Michael's refusal to fight back discourages him, though, and eventually he retreats back to Sam. Michael settles into a different corner of the Cage.
Ne contemplates praying. Not that it will do any good. Praying has not helped nem in a long time. But maybe, now...
Michael discards the idea. Pointless. Ne tries to figure out what mistake ne made, instead.
Lucifer is not occupied for long. Michael is looking (pointlessly) for some opening, some imperfection in the Cage, it was only ever meant to hold one archangel after all - and Lucifer gets a hold of nem by the primaries.
Michael is startled enough that Lucifer manages to drag nem down, feathers coming loose with the force of it. Michael screeches, in pain or anger ne can't tell.
Lucifer does not stop there. Michael tries to push him away, wings tucked defensively behind nir back, but Lucifer knows the Cage well and that, along with Michael's unwillingness to actually hurt him, becomes his advantage.
Useless, Lucifer spits. Pointless, hopeless, just look at you, stuck down here with me, you're not even trying.
Michael isn't.
Ne doesn't know how much time passes until Lucifer bores of tormenting nem, until he goes back to Sam Winchester. Michael retreats into the farthest corner of the Cage, aching and wondering why.
Nir wings ache, and the cold of the Cage reaches in and refuses to be shaken off. Michael may be fire, but ne are a slow-burning ember at the moment, barely any spark left. Nir true form was light and heat, but Lucifer had had millions of years to chill the Cage with his rage and Michael could not change its nature.
Michael kept nir eyes on Lucifer, as he played with Sam Winchester. Ne wanted a warning, next time nir brother lost interest in what he seemed to regard as his toy.
Lucifer noticed, of course.
Michael did not bother keeping track of time, but after a long while Lucifer switched tactics, plying Sam gently and abandoning his torturous methods. Michael only watched as Sam slowly lowered his guard, even more slowly trusting Lucifer when Lucifer says that he is done with the pain.
Ne watches and sees the agony in Sam Winchester's soul when Lucifer rips back into him without so much as a warning.
A new presence arrives.
Sam Winchester's soul is whisked away. Michael throws nemself at the opening and meets the unyielding border of the Cage. Ne has no time to dodge before Lucifer is there, too, spitting insults and finding the sorest places on nir wings did you really think you were ever getting out of here?
Michael still does not fight him.
There is no longer the lure of a vulnerable human soul to distract Lucifer. Michael finds quickly that it's hopeless to try and block his reach, to try and stop him from getting at any part of Michael. It only makes him more determined.
Michael is not nearly as willing to hurt Lucifer as Lucifer is willing to do to nem, to cut and rip and scorch nem with a frost so deep that Michael wonders, desperate and more than a little afraid, if this was always what Lucifer was meant to do with his cold-burning Grace.
Fleetingly, in a brief slightly-calmer moment, Michael thinks that this is what Sam Winchester must have felt like.
Lucifer withdraws, and at first Michael is too relieved to realize what he is doing. Ne does figure it out when Lucifer gives nem just enough time to recover, to forget the sharp pierce of his Grace, and then sets back in with a renewed interest.
He tries to set Michael's head spinning when he's not doing it manually, whispering threats and shouting and calmly talking, telling Michael he knows everything ne's done, what ne did to get sent down here, dear old Dad really doesn't care about you at all does he?
More often than not, it works. The Cage has succeeded in getting Michael fully out of sorts. Ne wouldn't even recognize nemself, if whoever ne'd been before this had seen nem.
Michael tries to think of what ne'd say, if ne ever had the chance to speak to the angel ne'd been before the Fall. Warn that Michael? Would ne have believed any of it?
Michael hasn't even thought of nir Parent in eons. Then Lucifer swoops down on nem again, wings mantled like a threat, and Michael can't think of anything at all.
Another Presence intrudes. This time, a much more familiar one.
Michael has taken to counting time in how many times Lucifer has left nem alone in between playing his games. This happens after the fiftieth, or perhaps the fifty-first.
Lucifer's head snaps up, wings snap out, as angry as ever. Strangely, he says nothing.
Michael does not rise. Ne does not even move forward. Ne shrinks back, in fact. What right does Michael have to stand in Their presence anymore? Ne can barely move without hurting in some way. Every imperfection feels like it's picked out in a spotlight under the attention that is focused on the two of them.
Michael can sense Their sadness as clearly as if it were nir own, weighing down on nem like the force of a black hole.
Truly, Lucifer?
Michael does not listen to what insults Lucifer undoubtedly spits back. Ne is tired. Can't things just...stop? For a moment?
You do not have to remain here.
And you've given us another option? Lucifer sneers back, but Michael can tell he is curious.
Yes, They say calmly.
Under what conditions?
You may leave, They say. But you will become human.
Lucifer laughs mockingly. Michael feels as though ne is frozen to the spot. In the Cage, it is not so unlikely that ne actually is. Human?
This is your idea of a compromise? Lucifer spits, and turns his back while telling Them what They can do with that offer.
Michael? Nir name from Them makes Michael start. Reluctantly, ne drags nemself forwards.
What do you say?
Human. Michael feels a faint curl of disgust. They had just been the catalyst for Lucifer's rebellion, for this whole disaster. Become one of them? Ne couldn't imagine it. This is meant as punishment, perhaps, a demotion of the highest order for Michael's mistakes.
But compared to the Cage? They are dirty, lesser creatures, and yet...
I will accept Your offer.
Lucifer is a flare of shock and anger behind nem, and then the Cage fades away.
Ne is nowhere in particular, but with Them, it is not so surprising. It's a welcome relief from the cold. Michael tries to assume a proper stance, but nir wings are nudged into a more comfortable position before ne can bow.
Michael takes it as a message that this is not meant to be a formal audience.
You are quiet, They say. Have you no questions for Me?
There is plenty Michael wishes to know, but if They have not seen fit to share it with nem, it is hardly nir place to ask. I bow to what You choose to do.
Disappointment. What? What did ne say? Michael locks the questions away in nir mind, nevermind that They must already know what ne has thought. Michael is unused to being in Their presence. Ne cannot forget that ne is Their child, meant to carry out Their will.
Oh, Michael, They say, like a sigh. I wish you understood.
There is a part of that Presence reaching out to nem, a surprisingly affectionate gesture. The pain fades to a distant ache, not an immediate hurt. Michael relaxes into the touch involuntarily, before ne can remember to appear properly respectful.
What do They mean?
Know this, They say softly. I do this as a gift to you, Michael, not a punishment.
Michael knows They must be able to sense nir surprise. Ne says nothing. The empty gaps where an approximation of flight feathers were on his wings are suddenly embarrassing. What is Michael now? Being human is a gift, to erase a semblance of an angel.
Listen to what they teach you, They say. And know that you did the best you could, Michael.
The power around nem digs deeper. Michael braces nemself for the hurt, but it does not hurt like Lucifer did. It is the sensation of wings falling away like they're unraveling, of Grace swirling away from nir access until ne is-
Not Michael.