Hey everybody! I'm back, for the moment. My second year of college is kicking my butt right now. I barely have any time to write my stories because in one of my classes I have to write a report every week. I was surprised about that fact and frankly I'm upset right now. But I gotta do it to pass. This semester is really stressful but I'm trying my best powering through.

So, enough about my life. This story is a fanfic of The Gray Garden. If you don't know what it is, where have you been all your life? It's like the greatest RPG game out there! For those of you who don't know, it's a game where angels and demons live together in harmony. There's more to the story but I don't want to reveal too much because there's too much to explain, and it would be better if you experienced it yourself. I highly recommend that you play the game yourself or watch a walkthrough on YouTube. The art is really cute and the plot is excellent. All right, on with the story!

Disclaimer: I do not own Gray Garden. Mogeko/ Deep-Sea Prisoner owns it. The only characters I own are the upcoming ones that I don't want to reveal in this sentence.

In this certain universe, there are many types of worlds with different compositions. Some are pitch black, others engulfed in flames, and some that are barren wastelands. They are all occupied by demons and angels, but in each world they are as different as their worlds. There are rumors that there is a single world where angels and demons live together peacefully. Even their God and Devil were rumored to be more than acquaintances unlike other worlds' Gods and Devils.

Almost all citizens in their worlds are content living in it. All but one. This specific being wishes to leave her world and live a different life, a better life.

In Desolate Metropolis of the world, Desolate Wasteland, the citizens went about their day. They didn't really interact with one another. They only sent wary and menacing glares and went on their way. The populace usually kept to themselves. If they so much as brushed shoulders, they would break into a fight, one person coming out alive. Anybody watching wouldn't even be disturbed or concerned about the dead body.

This world was absolutely dreary. Everything was in the color of sickly gray; the houses, the nearby forest, even the people's personalities. They were all monotonous, nothing differing them apart besides their powers. The angels were about as violent as the demons, if not more. There was no sun or moon to tell day from night, just floating orbs of ghostly light that light up when it's "daytime" and go out when it's "nighttime".

But there was one thing that all the citizens had in common that made them have the same reaction. A flying creature shadowed by the darkness flew above the metropolis in the direction of the castle. The people growled at the creature and threw objects at it, but it easily dodged them with grace. The citizens could easily fly to the creature and beat up the mysterious being themselves, but they thought it wouldn't be worth the effort.

The creature continued to fly towards the floating castle. It circled around the grandeur structure from a distance, searching for something. Its eyes brightened as it spotted what it was looking for and descended with elegance.

An angel with midnight black- feathered wings and a gray halo was casually sitting on a wall, overlooking the inner courtyard with a bored expression. A giant steel broadsword was strapped to his back. He wore a tight black tank top with baggy silver pants. A chain hung down from his pants and spiked bracelets adorned his bone-white wrists and neck.

His ears twitched when he heard flapping sounds coming towards him. He was about to stand up and take out his sword, his hand poised to grasp his sword's handle, when a familiar voice called out to him.

"Hey Crimson!"

His heart skipped a beat when he heard an angelic voice say his name. He put down his hand and looked up to the direction of the flapping wings. His crimson red eyes glinted with happiness as he smirked at the creature.

"Hey, Arbil," he greeted in a deep, baritone tone. "What's up with you?"

Arbil lightly landed on the wall next to her friend, her bare feet barely making a sound. Her long raven black hair streaked with silver trailed behind her like a silk cloth flowing in the wind. A single braid fell over her left shoulder and her yellow halo rested on the side of her head. Her simple black dress framed the curves of her body. Her mismatched wings were the only unique features that set her apart from everyone else in her world. Every person in her world were either a full demon or angel, but not Arbil. She was both and her wings showed it. Her left wing was an angel wing, all feathers and pure white as snow. Her right wing was a leathery, black bat wing with a curved claw at the tip.

She smiled brightly at her only best friend as she sat down. "Nothing much. I was bored, so I thought I should come by and visit you."

"I appreciate your concern," said Crimson, "but you know you're not supposed to be here. He will find out."

The hybrid frowned. "Yes, I know. I even took a risk flying over the city while everyone was out and about." Her frown changed to a smile when she turned her head to Crimson. "But I really wanted to see you since it's been awhile."

Crimson's heartrate sped up at her kind words, but hid it well behind his composed façade. Arbil was the only person that shared his viewpoints about hating this world. They were completely different from the rest of the populace, so they always stuck together. They've been friends since they were little, and over time, Crimson started falling in love with Arbil. He didn't show it often as much as he would like to. He knew that she didn't share the same feelings, so he kept it to himself. But he was perfectly content just having her by his side.

Crimson scoffed. "It's only been a few days."

"It felt like an eternity to me."

The two laughed lightly, feeling like they were the only two bright lights in the void of darkness. But the cheerful atmosphere was shattered by a voice that was respected and feared by all.

"Well, what do we have here?"

The two looked down at the ground where the voice came from. The person had his arms crossed with a sneer on his face. The person had gray, tousled hair that was spiky in various places. He wore a gray shirt under a black trench coat, his tie undone and wrapped around his neck. He also wore black dress pants and pointy black shoes studded with silver. A skull and crossbones necklace complimented the outfit.

"Your Holiness!" Crimson said, not sensing his presence.

He threw himself off the wall and landed before the being, immediately getting on one knee and bowing his head. The person looked at Crimson for a second, then lifted his gaze to Arbil. She slightly flinched back at his intense stare. She hated how he was practically demanding with his eyes that she had to do the same thing as Crimson. Every fiber of her being wanted to refuse, but she had no choice. She couldn't go against him.

With less enthusiasm, she pushed herself off the wall and landed right next to Crimson. She got on one knee and dipped her head.

"Your Holiness," Arbil replied with hidden disdain.

The only reason that the two beings were bowing before the person was because he was Revlis, the God of their world. He ordered that anybody in his presence had to bow to him, and refer to him as "Your Holiness". They had a Devil as well, but he rarely involved himself in his world's affairs.

Revlis stared at Arbil with his melted gold orbs then turned to Crimson. "Crimson, what are you doing hanging out with this thing?" The God said "thing" with a hiss. "You know she's not allowed here."

Crimson tensed as his God insulted his friend. He wanted to rip out his sword and attack anyone that dare to insult his secret love, but refrained. He was powerful, but not powerful enough to beat a god.

Arbil stayed where she was, simply brushing off the taunt. She was used to it. What she didn't understand was why Revlis seemed to despise her more than the citizens. His hate and disgust for her seemed to go beyond of her just being different. She was no threat; she didn't have any powers or weapons, just her claws on her right hand, so why does he hate her so?

Before Crimson could respond to defend his friend, Arbil spoke up. "I'm sorry, Your Holiness. I just wanted to greet a friend."

Revlis growled. "You have no friends, halfling. I don't understand why you think that. Leave now, before I get angry. And don't come back here again or else."

Arbil nodded her head solemnly. "Yes, Your Holiness."

She stood upright and walked a few steps away, not glancing to Crimson even once. His heart broke a little as he couldn't protect his friend. She spread her mismatched wings and took flight, heading back to her home in the Dead Woods.

And that's it for now! I am currently working on the second chapter, but I don't know when I'll post it. I'm very busy this week, studying for an organic chemistry exam, and also trying to have fun with homecoming around the corner. Anyway, review please and have a nice day!