AN : Hope you enjoy. This is the longest chappy I have written.

P.S sorry for the long update!

At last they arrived at the scruffy candy shop. Rukia had passed out on the way and she really needed help. What the hell was wrong with her? It had to be more than a cuncussion to get Rukia to pass out like this. Karin was holding Rukia over her shouder, luckily she was light as a feather.

"Kisuke get the fuck out of here! There's something wrong with Rukia!" Karin yelled with a strained voice.

"Karin do you think she'll be okay?" Yuzu said with a rim of tears welling up.

"I don't know."

Finally Kisuke came out with his signature fan covering the bottom half of his face mischievously.

"Ah I see you are in quite the..."

"Just shut up and let us in Kisuke!" Karin said through gritted teeth.

"Being rude I see. Well you know I could just not let you in..."

"No!" Yuzu begged "We're really sorry Urahara. Aren't we Karin."

"Really?" Kisuke stated with the knowing smirk behind that fan. "Why don't you apologise then."

"I'm sorry." She told him through still gritted teeth. Tightening her grip on Rukia. A death glare now smothering her face.

He stepped to the side of the door streching him arm out in welcome. "Well come in I'll have a look at Rukia."

Both of them entered the candy shop and into an old fashion japanese style room. Karin placed Rukia gentally on the floor, while yuzu got her a pillow. Patiently Yuzu waited for Kisuke meanwhile Karin, being the impatient person she is, fidgeted and mumbled swears under her breath.

After half an hour of patience he was done. "Hmm...sorry but I have no idea what's wrong with Rukia, her reiatsu is out of control. When I try healing her with kido she completely rejects it. It may be because I gave her a faulty gigai but the side affects would been less severe." He said strangely serious. "I'll have to keep her under observations."

"How long will it take?" Yuzu asked.

"I'm not sure but, I estimate it would take around 5 days to a month of healing."

Suddenly Rukia woke up breathing violently with beads of perspiration rolled down her face. Her eyes wide and her skin as pale and sickly as before. "What hapened?" She questioned.

Yuzu nearly cried out in joy after seeing Rukia wake up and gave her a massive bear hug. "Oh my gosh Rukia I thought you were gonna die!" She screamed her voice craking slightly.

"Strange, I didn't think she would wake up." Kisuke whispered to himself. " You see Rukia" he said so everyone could hear him, " you mysteriously passed out. I'm gonna have to keep you here under observation."

"But I can't stay here!" Rukia nearly yelled "I only have two weeks to plan my wedding!"

"Rukia just cancel your wedding and do it on a different date." Karin stated more annoyed than ever.

"No! If I'm not gonna plan it I need someone else to! I just need someone." She said stubbornly.

After hearing this kisuke gave it a thought. It wasn't a bad idea. "Rukia that's actually not a bad idea." He said

"What!?" everyone said in union. This brought back Urahara's cheeky smile, but this time it was more sutble.

"You see if someone else plans the wedding there would be less stress for Rukia. I think that's the source of her passing out. So if someone else plans this she will heal faster for the wedding. There's a better chance anyway."

Rukia gave this a thought for a while, what had she gotten herself into.

"Question is who's gonna plan it?" He finished. They all stared at Rukia expectantly.

Who would plan it she asked herself. Rangiku would surely make the wedding a nightmare. She could give the honour to renji, considering he was the maid of honour, he would only have to plan half of it because she already planned the other half. But he was training for a week. She could give the plans to someone in the soul society but they would probably change it into something they wanted not what she wanted. The image of soifon planning it made her cringe. Soifon would probably make it Yoruichi themed. The idea sent shivers done her spine.

"How about Ichigo do it?" Yuzu said innocently.

Karin snorted at that statement and replied with, "I could plan a better wedding than that moron."

"Are you offering?" Yuzu asked. Then Karin gave an 'Are you serious?' look. After that Yuzu had her ususal happy face. "Oh Karin we could plan the wedding together! We could go dress shopping, make-up shopping, jewellery shopping- basically shopping for anything!" Yuzu screamed

"How 'bout no." Karin said plainly.

Not listening to the idiots Rukia was in deep thought. Could Ichigo actually plan the wedding? He did know Rukia quit welll. It wasn't a terrible idea, he could get help from Rangiku and Yuzu. Plus he was a captain now so he had experience with people going out of control. Maybe he was the best choice for this, she thought to herself.

"Maybe Ichigo isn't a bad idea." She said out loud. Maybe a little to loud. They were all staring at her with stunned faces ( but Kisuke who knew chaos was bruing).

"Rukia I think your sickness might have infected your brain." Karin said blankly.

"Here me out. I know he's not the sharpest tool in the box but I trust him and now that he's a captain I think he may have better control of the situation. So Ichigo's the one who's gonna plan my wedding." She explained. "Oh, by the way, if you give him any crazy ideas it will be the last time you see the light of day." She said with a glare, which didn't work because she looked like a sick baby.

"I think you might have..." Yuzu cut hear off.

"Rukia if you think that's for the best than I support you. You just have to find a good way to tell Ichigo."

As if on cue Ichigo stormed in the room. He looked really sweaty and exhausted, breathing in deep breaths and once he saw Rukia it looked like he was gonna faint.