Leonardo went frozen after he had successfully pulled his baby brother up onto the roof. He didn't really feel anything after both he and Michelangelo had shrieked after their brother had fell, deciding to sacrifice himself for Mikey. The feeling, it was just…numbness. That's all he could describe it to be. Detachment. The voice in the back of Leo's head provided him with the sentence they had heard their genius brother say too often for everyone's liking. 'It's shock. He's going into shock.' The moving mental picture of his immediate younger brother falling away from him replayed over and over in his head. He remembered Raphael's parting words filled with so much remorse and pain for his brothers, not for himself and the consequences of what he was about to do, but the last few moments of Raph's time with them had been spent regretting the emotional pain he would be putting his brothers through for doing what he was about to do. Their pain. Not his own.

It was that insight that brought everything back to him. He could now hear Michelangelo's anguished, screaming cries. He saw their baby brother try desperately to get to the edge of the roof, for he was still locked in Leonardo's death grip. But Leo knew what would be awaiting him. The sight of his younger brother's lifeless body smashed into the pavement below was one he knew he could never let Michelangelo experience. So he refused to let Mikey get what he wanted, instead he pulled his baby brother to his chest, wrapping his arms tightly and securely around his shaking shoulders as he stared straight ahead.

Donatello had finally gotten rid of the rest of the seeming endless reinforcements and turned to find his three brothers. But only found two across the roof from him. Running over, he jogged up beside Leo, and seeing his brother's pin point sized, shaking pupils, alarm made its way to the front seat in his head. Falling to his knees, in front of Leo, but to Michelangelo's shell, it was then that he recognized to be shaking and barely auditable cries coming from the youngest. Now thoroughly concerned, he placed his hands on Leo's shoulders, but getting no response, shook him a little.

"Leo? What's wrong? What's the matter?" Leo seemed to snap out of his funk then and his shaky gaze traveled to Donatello's. Looking around, Don also gathered that Raphael was nowhere in sight. Looking back at Leo and feeling dread rise, he asked the feared question.

"Leo…where's Raph?" At that sentence Leo's eyes started to fill with tears as he clenched his teeth tightly. Michelangelo gave an agonized sob in response.

"H-He…" Leo breathed out unsteadily, trying to fight his rising emotions to form a single, coherent sentence.

"What? He what? Leo, where is Raphael?" Donatello couldn't keep the rising panic from his voice this time.

"H-He…l-let go." Donatello's mouth opened then shut, then opened again as his pupils shrank to the size of pennies as he took in this information.

"Raph…he, no! Raph couldn't of…no!" Jumping to his feet, Donatello took off to the fire escape behind them. He paid no mind to trying to remain quiet as he flew down the stairs, hearing his eldest brother yelling his name and two more pairs of footsteps following him from above, evidence that both Leo and Mike were right on his tail. Soon, Don found his feet on the pavement of the side alley as he took off around the side of the tall building. Only to slide to a complete stop at the sight that greeted him.

Leo and Mikey were still descending the second flight of stairs, totally disregarding the last set as they flew over the railing, landing easily despite the height they had just jumped when a scream pushed them even faster around the corner, before they too skid to a full stop in shock.

"Raphie! No!"

Donatello was sprinting towards the unmoving form of his older brother, before sliding to his knees beside him. Michelangelo and Leonardo were not far behind, only to almost trip in horror when they got close enough to see the extent of the damage their brother has sustained. Donatello's hands hovered over his immediate older brother's body, for he didn't know what to do or where to even start. He didn't want to injure his brother further or cause him even more pain, if he was even alive to begin with. It looked as if Raph had landed on his shell, blood was everywhere. Donnie placed his fingers on Raphael's throat, searching for a pulse. He gave a choked sob when he found none and immediately started chest compressions. Leonardo took his place by Raph's head, touching their lips together and providing air when it was needed. Michelangelo was at a loss, not knowing what to do and not wanting to get in the way of his brothers.

Instead, he grabbed Raphael's limp hand, and about crushed it in his terrified grasp, watching his brother work in front of him.

"Raph, Raphie…please," Donatello whimpered after he checked for a pulse a second time and came up with nothing, beginning CPR once again. Michelangelo crawled up to his brother, and careful to not bother and making sure to stay out of Leo's and Donnie's way, buried his head in Raph's neck as the other two continued their separate jobs, choking on his whimpered cries.

"Come on, Raph, breathe!" Leonardo encouraged his younger brother as he provided him with oxygen yet again. Tears threatened to fall when Donatello found no pulse for the third time. When Don's hand went to cover his face as sobs racked his body, Leo shook his head in denial. Raph wasn't…he just couldn't be...

Mikey burrowed further into Raph's neck, his fingers still gripping his brother's hand in his own, as loud, tormented cries afflicted his own figure at the unspoken truth. Leo looked from one brother to the next before settling on his immediate younger brother's unmoving body.

"No…" Reaching out, Leonardo cupped his brother's cheek with his shaking hand as tears slid down his face before he repeated that single word over and over again as Donatello pulled Michelangelo from their deceased brother and instead into his own strong arms. Moving so his figure was bending over his sibling, both of Leonardo's hands went to his brother's face this time.

"Come on, open your eyes! Please Raphael!" Leo shook his brother gently, the denial strong in his system. Leonardo watched for any movement, trying to ignore his two brothers' cries a few feet away. When no response was given, Leo couldn't stop the emotional turmoil or the way his face twisted along with the unconceivable pain that seemed to flood his body, heart and soul as he placed his forehead to his pale brother's.

"I know I've made my slipups when it came to you, but please, please Raphie, I promise I'll be a better brother to you…just come back, just please, please don't leave me," Leo murmured, cried and screamed his fair share of pleas, promises and even threats as he gathered his brother in his arms, but nothing changed the fact that his brother was gone. He knew that. Leonardo knew that no matter how many things he promised, how many times he pleaded or even threatened his unresponsive brother, for he knew he was too late in the end. His younger brother, one third of his world, was gone.