Disclaimer: I do not own GATE: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku TatakaeriandCall of Duty.

AN: This is a major revision of some story elements to better suit the plot. I won't be changing the core of the story, just adding and changing some small and critical details to make this story more engaging.

Special thanks to the beta readers that helped me. Generalfeldmarschall and Freedom Honor. If there are any more readers out there to help me improve this story, I'll appreciate it.

UPDATED: 08/11/2016

Chapter I - Unprovoked

New York City. One of, if not, the largest cities in the United States of America. Believe it or not, most consider this city as the first great American city since the US's birth as a nation.

Before, it was but a small settlement of colonist from Europe. Now, it was literally a floating city - a modern day Atlantis, if you were to compare.

This city was one of the economic hubs of the United States. This was the place where people do business, to make money, or just visit the famous sights of the city like the Empire State Building, take a stroll around Central Park, or take pictures down in Time Square at night and watch the lights come alive.

All around, people were going about their own business - going to their jobs, or just plain exploring. But it wasn't always like this.

Not since the American-Russo War. This war marked the first time an invading foreign army set foot on the American homeland.

It all started on the early days of the Second Russian Civil War and the Middle Eastern Conflict of the early 2010's. Russian Ultranationalists were fighting against the Government Loyalist for control of Russia and an Arab dictator by the name of Khaled Al-Asad overthrew and executed President Yasir Al-Fulani of Saudi Arabia.

Naturally, the United States and United Kingdom could not stand by and watch as the possibility of over fifteen thousand nuclear weapons being turned against them.

Feeling that action must be taken, the US sends a large task force of several divisions of the US Marine Corps. to the Saudi Arabian Peninsula to remove Al-Asad from power. While the UK's elite 22 SAS Regiment would covertly gather intel deep within war-torn Russia.

Though US forces proved much more than a match for Al-Asad's armed forces, tragedy struck when a nuclear weapon was detonated in the heart of the city. Over thirty thousand US personnel were killed in action.

Fearing another incident like this would occur, the US and UK decided that this would be a joint effort between their remaining forces. And the first priority was to neutralize the nuke launch sites as the Ultranationalists had taken control of it.

Leading this operation was Cpt. John Price, a hardened SAS operative. Coordinating with the Americans, they were successful in halting the launch of any more nukes and detonated the ones that had been launched.

Still, even with this success, the Ultranationalists eventually won the civil war and left the US weakened. But maintained its presence in the Middle East to quell further OpFor actions.

Years passed and relations between Russia and the Western Powers deteriorate because of the actions of Vladimir Makarov, known terrorist and Ultranationalist Leader.

Makarov led an attack on Zakhaev International Airport, killing hundreds of innocent civilians and reactionary police officers in the process. But the killing blow was when he killed a member of his team that was secretly an American CIA agent.

When the Russians had figured it out, the Russian head of state, President Boris Vorshevsky was under immense pressure from the people to retaliate. Even though he preferred a more diplomatic solution, the pressure of his enraged country was too much for him to hold back.

And so, the Russo-American War began.

Unknown to the Americans and President Vorshevsky, an ACS module of a downed US defense grid satellite was copied and the Russians were able to give the illusion that a massive attack was happening in the West Coast, while in actuality, the attack would happen in the East.

Essentially, the US early warning system, NORAD, was compromised and it left the US wide open for attack.

The initial waves were devastating. With the Russians having the immediate advantage and the US Military having been weakened over the years, city after city, site after site fell.

Until the Battle of Washington DC. US forces have suffered massive casualties at this point in the war. Outgunned and outnumbered, US forces in DC held the Russians off valiantly but it was only a matter of time before they were overwhelmed and destroyed.

When it looked like DC would fall to the Russians, a nuclear weapon had somehow detonated in the atmosphere overhead, the EMP shorting put all electronics and plunging the entire East Coast in darkness.

In an attempt to stop the Russians, top brass saw no other choice but to authorize Hammer Down - complete bombardment of the US capital. But knowing that there were still some surviving friendly forces in the city, bombers broadcasted a counter sign to abort the bombing run.

If there were still friendlies operating in the area, they would have to deploy green flares on the roof of a high value structure. Accomplish this and the bombing run would be aborted. Failure was the destruction of Washington DC.

Fortunately, that did not come to pass as the remaining US forces were able to fight through heavy Russian resistance.

The Battle of DC was won, but it was not the end of the war. Though, it was a turning point in the war.

To the north, the battle of New York City was raging. After the decisive victory at Washington DC, American forces began gaining momentum and began to push back and reclaim much of the Eastern Seaboard.

But due to an electronic jammer, US communications and guidance systems were rendered useless. Without these systems, US aircrafts were flying blind and were extremely vulnerable to anti air.

In an attempt to neutralize the threat, US command tasked an elite team of Delta Operators call sign Metal to go in and destroy the jammer on top of the Stock Exchange.

The four-man team fought their way to the streets and were successful in destroying the jammer.

With the jammer no longer wreaking havoc on their systems, US command quickly organized a series coordinated air strikes on key Russians sites and before long, American forces were able to push the front lines all the to the river.

But this was not the end as the Russians could still launch a counter offensive with their navy and with most of its fleet in the New York harbor either destroyed or damaged, the Americans could not attack them head on.

Alternately, Team Metal would link up with a SEAL Team to board and commandeer a Russian Oscar-II submarine, they would force the sub to surface with mines and use its own weapons to destroy the Russian invasion fleet.

It was a bold and ambitious gamble but it worked. And this was enough to drive the battered and defeated Russians out of American territory. A victory, but a costly one.

The Americans had also lost much, thousands of warriors and citizens lay dead at their soil and the East Coast was in ruins.

The Russo-American War ended on August 18, 2016. But this would not be the end as a much larger conflict was brewing.

After the Russian military invasion attempt of the United States fails, Makarov plans a massive terrorist/military blitzkrieg attack on the cities and capitals of Europe with the goal of Russia being the supreme ruler of the continent.

To achieve this goal, Makarov secretly produced large arsenals of deadly chemical weapons, aided by African Militia in Somalia and Sierra Leone, to be used as a first strike weapon on many key military and government installations throughout all of Europe.

Makarov also persuaded large numbers of top Russian Generals and politicians to take part in his massive military offensive and a coup d'état to overthrow the Russian President.

Using the Russian peoples' belief that war against the U.S. is still justified, and viewing Vorshevsky's peace agreement as an act against the Russian people, a large majority of the Russian military side with Makarov.

Growing weary of the continued conflict, President Vorshevsky called for a cease fire and invited the United States to discuss peace.

While en route to Hamburg, the plane carrying the Russian President and his daughter were hijacked by men under orders from Makarov. Though able to evade capture for a time, President Vorshevsky was eventually captured by Makarov himself.

With the coup d'état successful, Russian Commanders build up a large invasion force to take Europe.

On October 6, 2016, a phone conversation intercepted by French Intelligence is reported to MI6 regarding a shipment of mysterious cargo entering London.

They immediately alert their interior security force MI5 to investigate. The head of MI5 tasks SAS to find out what the then unknown hostiles are up to.

SAS soldiers pursued the fleeing Ultranationalist terrorists through the London Underground, emerging outside Parliament and stopping one suspected truck. However, the other remaining trucks explode, blanketing the city with a deadly chemical agent.

But London was not the only one to be attacked. All over Europe, every capital of every nation was attacked with the chemical weapon, simultaneously attacking many military bases and intelligence headquarters such as GIGN Headquarters in France, Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany, and every military headquarters for each of the nations forces; causing catastrophic loss of human life.

With the European Nations in chaos and utterly defenseless, the entire Russian military swiftly begins to invade Europe, taking almost two thirds of the European continent, and attacking the isolated and crippled European military force.

Realizing the attacks were deliberate to clear the way for the Russian Blitzkrieg, the United States quickly began to mobilize every combat able asset they had to once again fight on the European continent.

Once again, for the third time in human history, war had engulfed the world.

On October 14, 2016, much of Europe had been liberated from the Russians, but a new problem came when Team Metal failed to rescue Alena Vorshevsky, the daughter of President Vorshevsky.

Knowing that threatening the girl would lead the Russian to give up the nuclear launch codes, US forces linked up with the recommissioned Task Force 141. This joint operation was led by both Capt. John Price and Sandman to save the Russian President and his daughter for the peace talks to commence.

Though they were successful, almost all members of Team Metal perished.

Upon the return of President Vorshevsky to Moscow, he quickly announced a ceasefire and invited NATO delegates to peace talks.

On January 21, 2017, Vladimir Makarov was killed by a vengeful Capt. Price. Symbolically ending the Third World War.

Ten years had passed since the end of World War 3 and the world was not the same as it was before. While it was true, there was peace, but the tension was still evident.

Though President Vorshevsky had purged the Ultranationalist extremist in his government, that did not excuse what his country did to all of Europe. Contaminating the continent with deadly chemicals, millions dead, and the destruction of countless historic and very important landmarks to name just a few.

It wasn't just the humans that suffered, but the environment as well. Most of Europe and its cities were turned into contaminated wastelands that would take decades or even centuries to clean up. And that's excluding all of the destroyed buildings.

This was, by far, the most destructive war ever fought. And suffice to say, Russia had paid dearly.

But in those ten years, the United States had become even stronger. The last war had been a sobering and haunting reality, a foreign army managed to penetrate their defenses and inflict devastating damage.

After the war, the US had stepped up its technological development in the different fields of science, making new discoveries and developing new technologies.

US armed forces also grew from 1.6 million to 2.2 million and were upgraded with the latest hardware straight out of DARPA. As well as the commissioning of next-gen warships and the reactivation of the US 2nd Fleet. Together with the 3rd Fleet, their main purpose was to defend the mainland in the event NORAD was once again compromised.

This improved and further solidified its standing as the most powerful military force on Earth.

Still, the damage done to the US homeland has yet to be resolved. Much of the cities in the East Coasts were in ruins after the Russians had withdrawn and there was still much rebuilding to do.

It would take decades to fix everything, even with the new advancements of technology.

In a subway station near the famous Time Square, was 1st Lieutenant Derek 'Frost' Westbrook, US Army Special Forces, Delta Force operator, and former member of Team Metal.

He was a veteran of many operations in his career as a soldier, and had fought in two very deadly wars. It still amazed him that he had lived after all of that.

Frost was the youngest member of Team Metal, only twenty-five years old when the Russo-America War broke out. He had fought in Washington DC, New York, Europe, and even Russia.

Yes, he fought in that fucking mine together with his team.


"Price, you have to get out of here! Get the president out of here!" Sadman shouted over to Price as they returned fire to hostile Russians.

"Not gonna happen, mate! We're in this together!" Price disagreed. There was no way he was going to let these yanks die here in a blaze of fucking glory!

Sandman threw a grenade to a cluster of Russians and blew most of them apart. Frost and Grinch mopped up the rest while Truck was pulling an injured Yuri towards exfil chopper.

"No time, Price! Get the president out now!" Sandman reloaded his M4 and turned to Frost. "Frost, with them! Give them cover while we hold the line!"

"But, sir-" Frost wanted to argue at that, but Grinch cut him off.

"Just do it, kid! We need to get that Rusky the hell outta here!" Grinch leveled his irons on a charging Russian and double tapped him in the chest, dropping him, making the man smirk.

"You better be right behind me, Sandman!" Price roared out and went over to Yuri whom Truck passed on to him to join the rest of his team. "Frost, give us covering fire!"

"Rog'!" Frost kept firing, seldom does he miss a bullet. Time seemed to slow down for him as adrenaline was surging through his veins. Sandman, Grinch, and Truck were holding back the Russians, but they were without cover.

They were all exposed and one stray bullet was enough to take them out. But still, they fought.

Frost saw Sandman take a hit to his arm but refrained himself. They'd get out of this alive. Every fucking one of them!

"Sandman, we're all aboard! C'mon, let's go before this whole bloody mine buries us!" Price called over to them as Frost kept laying down cover fire.

Getting on board of the chopper, Frost radioed his team. "Sandman, c'mon, we don't have much time!" Frost didn't want to die down here, but he didn't want to leave his team behind No one gets left behind, that was their way!

"Price, get the hell out of here! Get out of here now!"

"Sandman, you bloody bastard! Get you and your boys' sorry asses in this chopper now!" Price shot a few more Russians.

Frost went to speak. "Sandman, we're secure here! Let's go, get in that damn bird! We won't last long here!"

"Frost, you get your ass out of here, soldier! That's a fucking order!" Sandman ordered loudly as an RPG glanced a blow to the chopper. Not enough to bring it down, but enough to not hold this position any longer.

"Fuck! I'm hit!" The pilot said, trying to regain control of his bird. "I can't hold this position! We have to leave now!" He started to pull up!

Price came up to the cockpit. "Don't you dare pull this bloody bird up! We still have men down there!"

"What the hell are you guys doing?! This is no time to play the fucking heroes!" Frost kept shooting but it was getting too much and he was running low on ammo.

"You just get yourself out of here, son! We can handle things from here on out!" Truck said over the comms, throwing his knife right between a Russian's eyes.

Frost wanted to do something. He could not just leave his brothers-in-arms here to die in this damn mine! This was not how it was supposed to go down! "Fuck!"

Grinch let out a dry chuckle. "Don't sweat it, kid. We'll save you a seat in Hell's bar."

"Frost, you know this is how it's going to be. Not everyone can be saved, son. Now go, get your sorry asses out of here!"

The young delta wanted to argue but he knew his commanding officer was right. Deep down, he knew that this was a possibility. A possibility that was always present whenever they were deployed.

The chance that one of them or all of them would die.

Gritting his teeth, Frost cursed. "You fucking shit heads." He snarled before sighing. "It's been a damn honor."

"The honor is ours."

With that, the helo began its ascend out of the exploding mines with Price trying to raise Metal.

"Sandman?! Sandman, do you copy?! Sandman, this is Price, do you read me?!" When he got nothing but static, the aged warrior growled and threw his comms to the floor in anger.

Frost, meanwhile, was quiet. The stress of this war finally becoming apparent in his covered features.


That was ten years ago and the Delta Veteran could still remember it like yesterday. That day, he didn't just lost comrades, he lost friends, he lost brothers.

It still haunts him…how his team died while he survived… Sometimes Frost wished he had died in that mine with them. They call it survivor's guilt…every soldier that survived an ambush alone has it.

But add that to the horrors he'd seen in the wars he fought…Frost was lucky his mind had not broken under the pressure. He was Delta, trained to withstand great pain…but everyone had limits.

Looking over to his right, he could see people wandering the streets, acting like nothing ever happened. Guess that's how the civvies cope after New York City was a smoldering pile of rubble just over a decade.

The scars of the war remain present to this day…especially on Wall Street. All Frost could see was rubble everywhere, cruise missiles slamming into the buildings, Russians at every corner…these people don't know what kind of hell their soldiers face after a war.

They don't know what it feels like to slit a man's throat. They don't know what it feels like to see one of your guys get blown to pieces. They don't know what it feels like to have nightmares every fucking time you go to sleep.

That's why soldiers who saw too much were never really cut out to be civilians anymore. War was far too ingrained in them and were like caged animals sometimes.

So why was he here? Frost was on leave…or rather, forced leave. Ever since that day, Frost had dedicated himself to the Army because it was all he had left. The only family he had left was his sister, but he doesn't speak to her anymore.

Last time he checked, she was somewhere in Italy. She was United Nations, but that was three years ago.

Frost let out a silent sigh. He didn't need a fucking leave. He was functioning properly and was ready and able for anything. But orders were orders and he was ordered to take it easy for the next few weeks.

Easier said than done in his honest opinion. But unknown to him, today was going to change the world

A little girl was walking with her parents, not a care in the world until something caught her eye. To her left, at the center of Time Square, was something really strange.

She looked dumbfounded until she felt her parents tug. Having lost interest, she went along.

Time Square was at a standstill. People and cars stopped in their tracks because at the center was some sort of building or something that had suddenly appeared out of thin air

"What the hell?"

"Where did this come from?"

"How the fuck did it get here?"

These were but a few questions asked by the people there. This building looked old and looked like something from ancient Rome judging from its design. And the middle of it was all black. Like it was hollow, maybe some kind of opening to the inside of it.

Before anyone could ask anymore, something came out of the structure. Was that a flying dragon?!

The people were left in a state of shock, unable to believe what just happened that they didn't notice that other creatures were coming through as well.

Frost, having got out of the subways, was now outside of the 7th Avenue station and just kept a calm pace until he heard sirens blaring and people screaming. Furrowing his brow, he raced to the streets and saw people frantically running for their lives. He expected this to be a terror attack but nothing could have prepared him for this.

An assortment of grotesque monsters and strange looking humans with shields, swords were all lined up just outside the structure. The monsters were snarling and bashing the ground with their clubs and blades. The humans who looked like soldiers were lined up with their shields covering their front like the Phalanx formation of the ancient Spartans. Some were on horseback and riding the dragons. They were waving flags with a strange symbol on it.

The civilians took wary steps back in slight fear of what this was. "What the fuck…"

Then someone blew a horn and the monsters roared, baring their weapons. Some of the soldiers launched arrows into the air and killed some of the fleeing civilians.

And then, there was a massacre.

Frost came running opposite to the fleeing crowd into Time Square. What the hell was going on here?! He was confused, who the hell were these guys? How did such an enemy force get into US soil?

But these were questions for later. Right now, he had to assist in the defense of the city.

He turned a corner and saw a woman kneeling and covering her ears, she was clearly terrified and that fear paralyzed her. As a soldier of this country, he was obligated to protect all civilians at all costs.

"Ma'am, c'mon! You can't sat here!" Frost exclaimed, extending his hand for her to take.

The woman looked up and flinched. "W-who are you?!"

"US Army Special Forces, now get up and run!"

The woman immediately took his hand and got up and fleeing the scene. Frost cursed before looking to his right to see a lone police officer defending two scared girls from one of those dragon things.

The officer was clearly scared as well as he tried to hit the dragon with his standard issue MP-443 Granch but the bullets just bounced off that damn thing's hide! Eventually, he got lucky and shot the bastard flying it.

The enemy pilot fell down on the concrete and stopped moving. The officer and the girls breathed a sigh of relief until the enemy sprung up and sprinted towards them, a small sword in hand.

Having expended his clip, the officer could only stand as the bastard came nearer and nearer. Frost growled and sprinted towards the attacker and tackled him to the ground. The Delta operator had extensively trained in hand to hand combat and was able to overpower his opponent.

Without any hint of hesitation, Frost snapped this bastards neck and he fell limp.

The cop and girls had a look of shock etched on their faces and looked at the one who saved them.

"W-What the hell are those things?" The officer stuttered and the soldier could see that this was a rookie with how young he was. He couldn't blame the kid for how he reacted.

"Settle down, son. My name is Derek Westbrook, I'm a Lieutenant of the United States Army." What he said made the officer and girls' eye go wide in surprise. "I'll need you to take them to safety and call for reinforcements." Frost commanded as he picked up a sidearm, a few magazines, and comms from the fallen police and the other cop saluted.

"Yes, sir!" He then led the girls to safety as Frost stayed behind.

Frost then took cover behind some building to provide cover fire to the fleeing civilians from those dragons as he himself retreated to safety. As he did so, he dialed a number to the phone and it rang.

"This is an emergency military channel, please end this-"

"First Lieutenant Derek Westbrook, United States Amy, Delta Force Operator, serial number 77-662-134! Patch me to the fleet commander now!" Frost fired another shot to some pig thing right between the eyes and it fell dead on the street.

*USS Resurgence - US 2nd Fleet Command Vessel*

The USS Resurgence was the command vessel of the US 2nd Fleet. It the first ship of a newly designed amphibious battle carrier armed with the latest advancements in weaponry, surveillance, ect.

These carriers could hold and deploy a small army into the hear of battle. Carrying over two thousand marines, a squadron of the new FM-13 Phoenixes, six of the new XH-6 Warbirds, and at least four AXH-5 Infernos.

The fleet was comprised of thirty warships with ten of them being Resurgence-class carriers. They were reorganized and recommissioned six years ago as the US felt that in the event that a hostile entity managed to break through its early warning systems, the defense fleets would be the first line of defense. Giving valuable time for ground assets to prepare.

Today was just a routine patrol out of the coast of Manhattan and Capt. James L. Mitchell, an old and grizzled man, was up on the bridge, watching the waves roll by. Make no mistake, he had fought in the bloody war ten years ago and he had the scars to prove it.

But he thought that it might do him some good to catch that salty see air.

"Sir." One of his subordinates came up to him and saluted to which he returned.

"What is it, son?" Capt. Mitchell asked, a little annoyed that someone interrupted his quiet time for the moment. But he narrowed his eyes when he saw out of breath the kid was.

"A priority call from the main land. A Lieutenant Derek Westbrook, US Army Special Forces, has asked for immediate troop deployment within the city. He says it's under attack from an enemy force!"

Mitchell's eyes widened in shock. "What?!" He turned to the main land and saw that there were dozens of smoke stacks coming from the Big Apple. It made his blood run cold. "Patch me through to him!" He ran to the bridge and opened up a link to the delta operator. "Lt. Westbrook, this is Capt. Mitchell of the USS Resurgence. What the hell is going on there?" Everyone on the bridge stopped what they were doing and watched their captain.

"Sir, you need to send in reinforcements now! A large enemy force has appeared out of fucking nowhere in the middle of Time Square! Sending you a feed now!"

The screen faded black before the connection was reestablished showing the head cam. People were running and screaming right past as Frost led a few officers in holding off the enemy.

"Go! Go! Keep moving!" He roared as he and his rag tag team held off the hostile. But a few civilians didn't make it as they were brutally cut down.

"Shit! Left side, look out!" Just like that, the feed was lost and everyone on the bridge stood in shock. Their home was once again being attacked.

"Sound the general alert! I want troops on the ground and birds in the air A-fucking-SAP!" Capt. Mitchell commanded as an ensign hit the general alert and horns began blaring all over the ship.

"All ships on this net, this is Capt. Mitchell! Red alert, I say again, red alert. This is not a drill! An enemy force has infiltrated our defenses and are attacking Manhattan! I want all available units in New York now!"

With his order given, Capt. Mitchell began to hastily mobilize every marine, bird, and vehicle he had to defend New York.

And soon, his words reached the rest of the fleet and began mobilizing their forces as well.

*Fifteen Minutes Later*

The USS Resurgence was abuzz with activity. They had heard the general alert and sprung into action, but it wasn't until they heard that Manhattan was being attacked that they tripled their efforts.

The memory of the war was still fresh in their minds and did not want it to happen again. That's why the whole fleet had come to this operations and were steaming towards the Manhattan coast.

On the flight deck, a full platoon of US Marines began boarding on the Warbirds. They were going in first and secure the civilians trapped in the South until reinforcements came in.

The plan was to deploy troops in the South to help the defending officers push the enemy back while another landing in the North would push South towards Time Square. All the while, aircraft would strafe enemy positions.

"Warbirds, you have a go. Take off now." The control tower gave the permission and almost immediately, the birds began racing towards the burning city. The Marines were all itching to fight.

Overhead, a flight of FM-13 Phoenixes and four AHX-5 Infernos roared through the skies to provide CAS.

The air party now entered the Manhattan air space and from below, they could see a horrible sight. Men, women, and children not just dead, but mutilated. They were torn apart and it appalled the US forces.

The streets were littered with burning debris, blood, and the body parts of their citizens

"My God."

*Washington DC*


"What the hell do you mean New York is under attack?!" The president glared at his general in disbelief. Just minutes before, he was enjoying lunch with his family until one of his agents whispered something into his ear that made him bolt to his office where the general was.

Standing in front of him was one of the highest ranking one of the most experienced generals the US Military had, Lt. Gen. Hannibal Morrison. "It is as I said, sir. An unknown enemy force is attacking Manhattan. How they got through our defenses, I don't know. But we need to act now." There was urgency in his tone.

The president wholeheartedly agrees. "Do we have any boots in New York?"

"Yes, sir." Morrison opened up an image of Frost in full battle gear. " We have an off-duty Delta Operator on site and is coordinating the defenses as we speak. He had managed to make contact with 2nd Fleet and are now steaming towards Manhattan and mobilizing their marines."

The President growled in anger. Ten years...that's how much time has passed since fucking world war 3. The US, hell, the entire world was still rebuilding and then this happens?!

"General, I don't care how you do it. But neutralize the threat by any means you see fit. And then find out everything you can about them. Whoever they are, they will pay for this."

With his orders received, Gen. Morrison nodded. "Yes, Mr. President."

*Manhattan Battlefield*

"There's too many of 'em!" A SWAT officer hollered over as they tried to hold the defensive line. A very hard thing to do when hundred of enemies were coming towards you!

"Just shut the hell up and keep shooting!" Yelled in response before pulling a pin off a nine banger. "Nine banger out!" He tossed the grenade to the enemy as he and his men took cover.

Nine bangs were heard and the men came out of their cover and picked off the disorientated enemy but there were still too many of them and kept coming.

Frost had quickly organized the remaining police officers to form a defensive line, providing cover for the fleeing civilians. But they were running out of ammunition and sooner or later, they were going to be overrun.

And that's what stumped the Delta Operator. He had expected this to be some kind of terrorist attack or armed insurgents wreaking havoc. But these guys...these guys looked like something from a fairy tail book.

Some he recognized as a kid like ogres, and orcs. But there were also humans among them that eerily looked like the Ancient Romans.

But those questions can be answered by those that actually give a fuck. For now, he had to hold out before help from the defense fleet comes.

"I'm running low on ammo here!" Another SWAT called over.

"Me too! I'm down to my last rounds! Why are there so fucking many of them, goddammit!"

Frost too was down to his last mag and cursed. But before he could order a tactical retreat, the familiar sound of rotors could be heard.

"All friendly units on this net, this is Hurricane 3-1. Keep you heads down, boys, we're coming in hot!" Not a second later, two Warbirds roared overhead as its machine guns began their short and bloody work.

Red hot bullets rain down upon the enemy formation and began shredding them all to pieces. They foolishly tried to raise up to flimsy shields of theirs, but those bullets could penetrate three inches of concrete.

Not long after, the skies were swarming with American air power as the two warbirds touched down and delivered their payload of Marines before taking to the sky and begin their strafing runs on confirmed enemy positions.

"Who's your CO here, officers?" The Marine unit leader asked.

"I am." Frost stepped forward. "First Lieutenant Derek Westbrook, US Special Forces."

"Fucking good work out here, sir." The Marine leader gave the Delta am appreciative nod. He did good. "I'm Staff Sergeant Lowe, is there anything we need to know about the enemy."

"The enemy seems to be primarily ground based with little to no air. They used overwhelming numbers to overrun our positions. I organized what I could but we could only slow them down."

Lowe nodded. "Armaments?"

"Mostly swords, spears, and shields. I don't know what the fuck's going on here Staff Sergeant, but you and your boys can see for yourselves" He pointed to the smoking remains of the enemy formation and the Marines could see that it was true.

These idiots were armed with only swords, spears, and shields. But...that was fucking suicide! Who in their right mind would bring a knife to a literal gunfight?

Lowe shook his head, they could discuss this later in a damn report. "Do you know where they came from?"

"I do, sir." An officer came up to the soldier and marines. "Not long before the attack began, we got reports of a strange structure appearing out of nowhere in the middle of Time Square. That could be how they got in."

"Then we call in birds to pound their fucking asses." One Marine called over, surveying the damage. And it made him extremely angry when he saw a small boy missing the top half of his head.

Lowe agreed and radioed their air assets. "Stinger 1 to Hurricane, how copy?"

"Hurricane, read you loud and clear, send traffic."'

"Be advised, enemy positions are concentrated on Time Square. Need you and your birds to hammer it."

"Stinger, you're asking us to attack Time Square. Now, are you sure that intel is accurate?" Hurricane wanted to he fucking sure because they were going to destroy a major American site and a symbol of their culture.

Lowe sighed. "Intel is confirmed. You will see a strange structure in the middle of the Square. That is all the proof you'll need."

"...And if they're any civilians there?"

He knew he heard it...they all heard it. Looking around them, they could only see the mutilated and mangled corpses of their citizens...and they could see a few women being naked sprawled all over the streets.

"...Hurricane, if there are any survivors in their hands...be sure to make it quick. Stinger out." Lowe let go of his comms and threw it to the ground. "Goddammit, what the hell were they after anyway? To kill all these people?"

Frost grabbed Lowe by the helmet and shook him lightly. "Hey, focus, Marine. We have a job to do. Now, do we have armor coming in?" It rattled him to see his people in this state but they had to stop the enemy first.

Then comes the payback part.

Lowe finally got a hold of himself. "APCs and Marine reinforcements are landing in the harbor as we speak. Two companies each would land on the South and North of their positions supported by our armor while our birds rain down heavy on their positions."

"All right, good." The delta nodded to the plan. "Let's fucking get these bastards."


Frost didn't know how long they've been fighting but they were making extreme progress. With an entire Marine battalion, armor and birds, they had more than muscle to push back against the enemy.

Block by block, street by street, enemy formations were swiftly and mercilessly cut down but US ordnance. Due in no small part to the rage at what these fuckers had done to their people.

Every street they came across was littered with atrocities. Mangled bodies littered the streets, and their blood stained the pavement.

And dozens of women, you and old, were naked with their throats slit. It didn't take a genius to know that they were repeatedly raped before their throats were cut.

The enemy tried to escape back through their accursed passage way, but Warbirds would not let them escape their wrath and anyone who tried were swiftly cut down.

With no choice left, the enemy commander surrendered to US forces. But instead of the proper treatment a man like him should be privileged to, he was knocked down with a hard rifle butt to his face and was made to kneel along with the rest of them.

"Command, this is Hurricane...area secured, enemy forces defeated. Get these people some help. Please."


This should help some of the questions that I left unanswered. And just on the technicality, I'm changing the equipment from MW to early Advanced Warfare and Black Ops 2 equipment. And I'm planning to change some very key components.

I realized that I've followed the canon events a little too much and I want to build my own version.

I can't guarantee this but expect some graphic stuff in future revisions.

PS: I got a taste at playing MW remastered. My childhood...it's still alive.