Author's Note: This is just a quick little one-shot I did using the song "Gravity" By Sara Bareilles. The story follows the majority of the lyrics and I'm sure it's a lot better if you listen to it while reading. I might make a full story based on this eventually if there's enough interest, but for ya go!

"Something always brings me back to you.

It never takes too long.

No matter what I say or do

I'll still feel you here 'til the moment I'm gone.

You hold me without touch.

You keep me without chains.

I never wanted anything so much

than to drown in your love and not feel your reign."

Bulma sat outside on the balcony of her beautiful, large house. She stared hopefully out the window, listening to the soft hum that the Gravity Room released while her guest trained. It was getting late. Her lover would be finished soon enough.

She knew their recent affair was not a wise decision. She had just broken up with her unfaithful boyfriend, Yamcha, and was in a vulnerable state. But something drew her to Vegeta-she couldn't quite describe it. It's like she was magnetized to him, finding it difficult to even keep her hands off of him. She knew she was falling in love with him. She knew she was becoming dependent on his touch every night. But she also knew there was no chance for their relationship. Vegeta was lonely on Earth and in his loneliness, he found Bulma. But he could never love her truly, she figured. He was harsh, cold, uncaring. Even in their fleeting moments of passion, she could tell his was only a matter of lust. She was a genius, but here she was acting foolishly for him.

Suddenly, the Gravity Room ceased its murmur and the shower started running. Bulma quickly entered her room, taking a quick peek in the mirror as she awaited her nightly visitor. What was it about him that was so addictive?

She felt the cycle start again: every day it was the same game. He'd train all day, stopping only for meals, then come to her at night. They'd meet, make love, and he'd be gone before the morning sun rose. She'd awaken to a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach and spend the first half hour of her morning in tears. She was conflicted: she would take crying every day over not having him. Yet, she wished she could be free of him altogether. She felt like she was his prisoner, but the sick part is that she kind of liked it.

Her door handle turned-Vegeta had arrived.

"Set me free, leave me be.

I don't want to fall another moment into your gravity.

Here I am and I stand so tall,

just the way I'm supposed to be.

But you're on to me and all over me."

He walked into her room, delicately shutting the door behind him. Bulma sat at her vanity mirror still playing with a few turquoise, stray hairs. She looked over to him, her eyes meeting his. A confident smirk crawled across his face as he began approaching her. There were no words between them-there rarely were during these nights. No sarcastic comments, no arguments...just the still silence surrounded them. Almost as if she were in a trance, Bulma rose from her seat as Vegeta stood before her. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her to him. She held her breath as the heat from his body engulfed her. She stared desperately into his onyx eyes, hoping to see any trace of romance. Unfortunately, she saw only fire. He gently, yet passionately, pulled her lips to his. Bulma threw her arms around his neck as their tongues found each other. Swiftly, he reached beneath her bottom and lifted her in his arms as she straddled him. He then tossed her on the bed and began tearing at the thin, silk dress that draped over her body.

"Vegeta, be careful! This is an expensive nightgown!" Bulma spat.

Vegeta let out a low growl, "Do you think I care, woman? Just get it off."

"Oh my Kami, you are so impatient." She sighed, carefully removing the dress and placing it on the floor next to her.

Vegeta smiled at his prey. He removed his own clothes before his body met hers. She loved hearing his racing heartbeat as he lay on top of her. It made him seem more human, more capable of someday loving her. She was living in a dream, but in this moment she never cared.

He ran one hand down her breast, past her stomach, stopping at her thigh. His other hand tangled itself in her short, blue hair. Once again, he plunged deep into her mouth as his hands continued roaming her body. Her face felt hot and she couldn't wait for him any longer. With a swift thrusting motion, he settled into her.

Their movements were deliberate yet gentle. She felt more alive than ever in the too-brief time they spent as one entity. Much to her dismay, the moment quickly passed.

Vegeta rolled off of her, panting as he attempted to contain himself.

Bulma wiped away at the small sweat beads forming on her forehead. She looked over at the prince, her eyes scanning his glorious figure. She still couldn't believe that this was the man she was sleeping with. If only she could get him to stay with her without the agony that the morning light brought.

She curled up in the base of his neck, intertwining her legs with his. She breathed in his soapy smell, wrapping her arms around his neck. She was never sure how he'd react to cuddling, but he had not objected yet. Instead, he snaked an arm around her stomach, pulling her naked body closer to his. She could swear she almost felt his head tilt on to hers. Maybe it was all in her mind. Soon, she could no longer deny her exhaustion-he took the wind right out of her-and it wasn't long before Bulma drifted off to sleep.

"I live here on my knees

as I try to make you see that you're

everything I think I need here on the ground.

But you're neither friend nor foe

though I can't seem to let you go.

The one thing that I still know

is that you're keeping me down.

You're keeping me down.

You're on to me, on to me, and all over..."

Bulma was awoken by the shifting of Vegeta's body. She knew it was late at night and assumed he was preparing for his big exit.

"Vegeta, wait." She wrapped her arms around him tighter.

"What is it, woman?" He almost whispered, his dark eyes filled with both curiosity and irritation.

She gulped. She had never done this before. But it was now or never.

"Will you...stay? With me? Here?" She couldn't look at him for fear of his reaction. Instead she focused her attention on his flawless abs. Always a good distraction.

Vegeta wasn't quite sure what she meant. He wasn't a big sleeper anyway, especially in an actual bed. The thought of staying in a bed all night didn't make sense to him. It didn't sound completely displeasing to try to sleep a bit. He was certainly comfortable with her in his arms.

"Hmmm" he grunted, seemingly reluctant to speak. "If this interferes with my training it will NOT be happening again, do you understand?" His tone was harsh and blunt, but as Bulma finally looked back up into his eyes, she saw something there besides fire. She thought she saw a flicker of affection.

"It won't, I promise." Her big smile nearly broke her face in two. She buried her head deeper into his neck. Although morning had to come eventually, and their lives would revert back to normal, tonight she would have the man she wanted. Tonight, she would have his love.

Tonight, she would pretend.

"Something always brings me back to you.

It never takes too long."