April 14

Today I met someone interesting. His name is Okumura-kun, he's loud and a bit stupid but he seems to be a kind person so I'll try to get along with him.


I turned around and saw Paku and Izumi heading towards me, I stopped on my tracks and greeted them with a smile.

"Are you heading to the cram school as well?" I asked when they got nearer to me.

Paku nodded while Izumo verbally confirmed it,"Yeah, We're in the same class so we might as well go together."

I chuckled at Izumo's akward shyness and gladly walked along with them on the empty hallways of True Cross Academy before slipping out the key and inserting it at a door of an empty classroom. The three of us walked in the deserted hallways of Exorcist Cram School before I decided to asked which room were we having the class.

"Ah! It's Room 1106." Paku answered while Izumo confirmed it on her class schedule.

"She's right. It's probably at the other end of this corridor." Izumo answered as she glanced at the doors.

"That's amazing Izumo-chan." I commented, making Izumo flustered and Paku giggle.

We began walking again and chatted quietly on the way. The three of us became friends during the entrance examinations, bonding over the examinations and how nerve wracking it was. At that time I didn't speak much to them preferring to listen to them and while it took awhile for me to get comfortable with them, I didn't regret making friends with them. Izumo's akward shyness was cute and Paku's peaceful countenance made me feel calm.

Then there was also the fact that both Paku and Izumo liked cats so I was able to converse to them happily about my cute persian cat, Shiro.

"Ne,Rui-tan, This is our classroom right?" Paku asked and I looked to Izumo who was able to tell which room was which.

Izumo blushed before confirming it for us. Paku and I giggled at Izumo's cute pout, we then entered the classroom and saw four boys already conversing on the other end of the room. A bald kid, one with a mohawk and a guy with pink hair the three of them were talking while the boy in a hoodie remained silent, it was an interesting sight and I smiled at them in greeting before proceeding to seat on the opposite end from them with Izumo and Paku.

Izumo brought out her cram school supplies while Paku read her notes, I on the otherhand brought out my smart phone and began browsing the web with an indifferent look. The room was stale and it was quite messy just thinking about the state of the room sent shivers to my skin and I frowned in displeasure in order to stop the shiver in my body.

A few minutes later, the door opens and a boy with pointed ears enters along with a mildly cute dog. I blinked at this sight and thought that perhaps cram school wouldn't be so dull. I caught his eyes and smiled at him as a greeting before going back to my phone and reading, no sooner had I turned my attention back to it the door had opened and I recognized the freshman representative, Okumura Yukio.

I blinked and thought, 'How amusing.'

Having already obtained a mashou long ago, I allowed my mind to drift and not at all listening to Okumura-sensei. Instead I was listening in on the boy who had his dog with him.

"I like mashou no onna but..."

Of course that got my attention and for some reason or another, I decided to store that information in my head, then I was back to not listening until of course,he decided to interrupt Okumura-sensei.

'Huh? They look a bit similar?'

Somehow I had the feeling that their conversation was a bit personal...I fidgeted on my chair and felt uncomfortable, I glanced at Izumo and Paku who had this uncomfortable look in her face while Izumo merely looked pissed off.


I get the feeling that Izumo and this boy would not at all get along well. Just then Izumo stood up and pointed out the demons coming at us which made me realize that the rotten stench of animal blood had attracted the Hobgoblins. I made a move for my sword before realizing that I had in fact left it at my dorm, I grit my teeth and tried to find a way to defeat the low-class agitated demons when bullet sounds rang in the air.

Okumura-sensei had fired at them,startling Izumo and Paku while I merely flinched.

"Everyone out of the classroom!" Okumura-sensei said.

Everyone rushed out of the classroom, Izumo dragging Paku and I outside of the door. Okumura-sensei had apologized for the commotion while I stared passively at him, Paku looked frazzled and I rub her back in a comforting manner. Which was of course, when I heard the interesting tid bit of Okumura-sensei calling the boy who had caused the commotion,"Okumura-kun."

'Ah, they must be brothers.' I thought offhandedly.

Hotheaded and emotional were the first two words that came to my mind when he caused another scene but hearing him acknowledge his mistake made me think that he wasn't bad at all if only a bit stupid.

I saw Okumura-sensei singlehandedly eliminate the Hobgoblins which amazed me, of course Okumura-kun who was still trying to pursue their conversation amazed me as well, considering how he was not at all pained by the fact that 5 Hobgoblins were biting him. What happened afterwards was something I did not know since the door was accidentally closed by a Hobgoblin. We were all staring at each other in the hallway before I decided to call out to the two brothers inside the room,

"Sensei~! Are you all right?" with my deadpan voice.

"Rui..." Izumo chastened me for sounding bored.

I flushed and turned away from Izumo's stare.

When both of them came out of the room, I noticed that things seemed to be a bit better between the two of them and smiled at Okumura-kun who noticed it and gave me grin.

But I get this feeling that things would be more interesting if I'm with Okumura-kun so I'll try to know him better. The next time we meet, I'll make sure to introduce myself to him.