A/N: Drabble Drabble Drabble. Woo have this!

"Those really do sting."

"They really hurt you know!" Natasha was sat with Clint while he cleaned his bow as she re-fletched some of his arrows.

"I know, you used them on me when I shot better than you." He snorted, reaching for the oil between them. She was strapping another small explosive mechanism to another arrow and putting it back in his quiver.

"Did I? Oh yeah I did."

"Yeah, most recruits get the Taser initiation, my long standing friendship with you gets me Widow Bites. Thanks." He smiled as she did.

"But seriously." Tasha said as she charged up another set before a mission. "I might start to pity the bastards."


Bloodied, bruised and back in the safe house in the relative backwaters of Illinois. Clint dumped his once again dirtied bow on the bed they'd share and groaned. He eased his shirt off his back and grunted as the movement pulled at a slightly deeper cut on his stomach. Tasha was already pulling the first aid box out from under the bed and throwing gauzes at him. She strapped two pieces of butterfly tape over his stomach before padding the gauze over the top.

"I lied." She winced as she rotated her shoulder, Clint had popped it back in on the way back to camp. "I don't pity them, I'm just glad they hurt them that much."