Chapter 17 – The First Day
Jane paused before she entered the waiting room. She took a deep breath, holding back the greatest smile that she'd ever smiled in her entire life. She exhaled it slowly, and pushed opened the door to greet their awaiting family. Maura was probably back into the room by now and resting. She didn't want to stay gone too long because the babies were probably going to be brought in soon.
Everyone jumped to their feet; Angela, Hope, Frankie, Tommy, and Vince, all surrounding her.
"Oh Janie, was it a boy or a girl?" Angela asked excitedly.
Jane had practiced how she was going to break the news over a hundred times, but when that moment came, Jane's thoughts and voice were choked out by emotion. She stood there bawling like a baby, her body was on an overload of excitement.
"Oh no, what happened?" Angela said embracing Jane.
"Is Maura alright?" Hope asked. Panic was clearly evident in her voice.
Jane nodded quickly, "Yes, yes… Everything is fine." She took a deep breath and laughed, "We had a boy!"
The room erupted into cheers.
"And a girl." Jane added, smiling broadly.
The looks on their mothers' faces were priceless. Angela's mouth dropped open as she looked over at Hope who was looking at her. And then they both looked at Jane's grinning face.
"Maura had twins," Jane said nodding.
"Oh my god, twins? Are you serious?" Angela gasped.
"Yes, Ma. We had twins. A boy and a girl."
Angela reached and hugged Jane tightly, and Jane reached and pulled Hope into the embrace as well. Angela was beside herself with joy and she couldn't contain the tears.
"Oh Janie, I am so happy right now."
"I know you are, Ma."
"When can we see them? What are their names?" Hope asked.
Jane chuckled. "Uh, we haven't gotten that far with naming them yet. Maur is probably resting in the room right now, so maybe in an hour?"
Hope nodded and pulled away from them. "This is so wonderful!"
"Thanks for being here for her, Hope. That really meant a lot to her."
Hope nodded, smiled and turned back to the guys to receive congratulations. The atmosphere in the room was overwhelmingly joyful. Jane hugged Angela one more time before excusing herself from the group.
"I'll call you on your cell when she's ready for visitors." Jane said softly as she kissed her mother on the cheek.
"Oh, I can't wait!" Angela chirped.
Jane laughed and hurried out of the door. She made it back to Maura's room in record time. She broke her speed before entering the room. Inside, she was greeted by the adorable squawks of her little ones. Each one had their unique sound. Jane was amazed.
She stepped quietly towards Maura's bed to see that she was holding one of the babies, nursing it. The R.N. was holding the other one and comforting it until Maura was ready to feed it. Jane walked over to the sink and washed her hands quickly and then went and retrieved the baby from the R.N.
"Which one is this?" Jane asked softly.
"Baby boy Rizzoli." She answered.
Jane nodded and walked over to Maura's bed and leaned over and kissed her lightly on the lips.
"Hey baby, how are you feeling?" Jane whispered.
Maura sighed and nodded, "I'm feeling wonderful." Maura's smile melted Jane's heart as she took her seat next to Maura's bed.
"Are you in pain?"
"Not yet. More than likely when the epidural anesthesia wears off."
Jane nodded and watched as Maura fed the baby girl. It was an amazing sight. Maura looked so motherly and she had this…glow about her. It amazed her how natural everything seemed. The baby knew exactly how to latch on to her mother and get nourishment. And the little boy in her arms sensed Maura was the source of his nourishment as well and began crying to be held by her.
"I think he's hungry too." Jane whispered softly.
Maura chuckled and nodded. "I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to feed them both at the same time." She and Jane both looked over at the R.N. for guidance.
The R.N. smiled and went to Maura's bedside where she instructed them on how to latch the twins on so they could feed simultaneously. Jane gently tucked baby boy into the crook of Maura's arm and helped him latch on. After a couple of tries, the little guy finally got it right.
"Aww, look at that." Jane said softly. "Thank god you have a pair of awesome boobs, babe."
Maura chuckled softly and gazed lovingly at her babies. And Jane sat watching her, smiling at this beautiful sight. "What are we going to name them?" Jane asked as she reached up and caressed Maura's face. Maura had dark circles under her eyes and she looked utterly drained. But at the same time, she was by far the most beautiful woman in the entire world.
Maura smiled, "I would like to name her after our mothers. I want to call her Angelie Hope Rizzoli."
"Aww," Jane sighed lightly. Each minute that passed, Jane continued to fall deeper and deeper in love with Maura. "And what about our little man here?"
Maura sighed and shrugged. "Why don't you name him?"
Jane nodded slowly. She knew that his name would follow him for the rest of his life, so it needed to be a good one. She'd already been thinking of one, and was convinced of what she wanted his name to be.
"Let's name him Misles, spelled M-i-s-l-e-s, after his beautiful mother."
Maura smiled. "Really?"
Jane nodded. "Yes. Misles Franco Rizzoli."
Maura sighed contently. "I like that name."
Silence fell over them as they watched the babies feed. Eventually Baby Angelie fell asleep and Jane scooped her up lightly into her arms, kissing her gently on the cheek. Angelie squirmed on contact of her mother's kiss, but settled in closer to Jane as she held her close in her bosom. Jane placed her into the baby bed and then she took the sleeping Misles from his mother.
He wasn't too happy about being separated from Maura and he cried to be returned. Jane laughed softly. "Hey now, Mister…" She said kissing him on the forehead, Misles immediately calmed down to the sound of her voice. "It's okay, sweetheart." She bounced him lightly in her arms as she waited for him to calm down. After a moment, Misles had fallen asleep in Jane's arms. The sounds of his soft breaths stirred Jane deep inside. She couldn't believe that some time ago she'd almost lost hope in this miracle.
Maura sighed contently and relaxed onto the pillow. It had been such a long day. She closed her eyes for just a moment, but ended up falling quickly asleep. Jane went and placed Misles into the baby bed next to his sister and kissed him lightly and then she kissed Angelie as well.
Finally she went over to Maura's bed and touched her lightly on the forehead. Maura didn't stir at all as Jane pulled the bed sheets up to cover her exposed breasts. She tucked her in gently and took her set in the recliner next to the window. Once everything had settled, it was then that Jane realized just how exhausted she really was. She gazed around the room and was impressed with how nice the mommy-baby suite was.
"This is a nice room," Jane said to the R.N. who was finishing up at the computer.
"Yes, we try to make it as comfortable as possible for mom and baby."
"That's great."
The nurse tipped her head and smiled. "Congratulations Miss Rizzoli. You have a beautiful family. You must be really happy!"
"Thanks," Jane said softly as she gazed at those whom belonged to her. "I really am." Jane couldn't wait for her family to see the babies. She pulled out her phone and dialed Angela.
Angela answered right away and Jane told her that she and Hope could come and see the babies in a half hour. She just wanted Maura to rest a little bit more. After hanging up with Angela, Jane leaned back in her chair and watched Maura sleep.
After a few minutes of watching her, Maura opened her eyes slowly and gazed at her. Jane came to her bedside and began stroking her hair. "Hey…" she whispered, "Are you okay?"
Maura nodded, "Yes. I'm just starving."
Jane chuckled and looked at her watch, "The nurse said they'll bring your lunch in a few minutes."
"That's good," Maura said as she tugged at her gown.
"Ma and Hope are coming up."
"Okay. I can't wait to show them our babies."
"I know, neither can I." For some reason, Jane couldn't seem to keep her hands off of Maura. She just wanted to touch her continuously. She realized that she was experiencing a euphoric feeling at the moment.
Jane smiled at her while she continued to stroke her hair.
"What?" Maura said softly and smiled.
Jane shook her head, "I'm just so happy right now."
"I know you are… Me too."
Jane leaned in and pressed her lips against Maura's and commenced a slow and tender kiss. Maura's arms were still a little sluggish, so she kept them at her side as Jane tenderly kissed her.
"Mmm, I love your kisses." Maura whispered.
"You better." She chuckled, "Just wait till you're all healed up."
Maura laughed softly and continued to kiss her. A light tapping on the door signaled the arrival of their mothers. Neither Jane nor Maura wanted to pull away just yet from the kiss, but they forced themselves to do so.
Jane turned her attention to her mother who was quickly closing the distance between them.
"Hey Ma," she whispered.
Angela waved briskly and peeked around her to gaze at the babies. She brought her hand to her mouth and exhaled heavily.
"Oh girls, they're so beautiful," she whispered.
Hope came up behind her and peeked as well. The smile that crossed her face was priceless.
"Oh look, Ang, they have so much hair!" she chuckled softly as she put her arm around Angela.
Angela and Hope tip toed over to the babies' beds and gazed down at them. Jane and Maura laughed at their exchange. Instantly they turned into grandmothers as they cooed over the babies. Jane looked down at Maura and smiled. All she wanted to do was kiss her again. More than that actually, but the time would surely come again for that.
"What did you name them?" Hope asked softly.
Jane walked over to Misles' bed and smiled, "This one was born first. Meet your grandson, Misles Franco Rizzoli." Jane moved over to her daughter's bed and sighed contently, "And this one we named her Angelie Hope Rizzoli."
Angela gasped and Hope's eyes widened with surprise. Jane is sure that they hadn't anticipated Maura naming their baby after them and it was a very nice surprise.
"You named her after me?" Hope cupped her mouth as her emotions threatened to take over.
Jane nodded, "Actually, Maura named her." She said stepping out of the way so Hope could go to Maura's side.
Hope was speechless as she just stood there nodding and smiling at Maura. "Thank you so much, Maura." She leaned in and kissed her lightly on the forehead.
"You are the one who needs to be thanked… It meant so much to me that you were here for me. I thought I was going to do this all alone." Of course Maura would never be alone, but regarding her maternal support, she was certainly glad that Hope was there for her through her labor and childbirth.
Maura and Hope hugged quietly for a few more minutes before Hope finally pulled away and rejoined Angela over by the babies. They watched them sleep and conversed quietly for another twenty minutes or so before Angela suggested leaving and letting the others visit. And so the others came and visited and then left.
Before Jane or Maura realized it, it was nearly dinnertime on the first day with their babies. What a long and exciting day it had been. After dinner, Maura fed the two and Jane put them down to sleep, after which they had some quiet time together.
By now, Maura was feeling some discomfort from the surgery and just wanted to go to sleep and rest. Jane had squeezed into a slim spot next to her on the bed and snuggled with her.
"Are you sure you want to do that?" Maura asked softly.
Jane nodded, "Of course I am."
"This intravenous tubing doesn't bother you?"
"Not at all. I've slept next to you for two years now; I'm not going to stop now."
"Aww, Jane…" Maura sighed contently as she felt Jane's body squeeze in closer next to her, and then her soft hands covering hers.
"I'm not hurting you, am I?"
"No, not at all," Maura whispered as she leaned her head to the side, her forehead resting against Jane's lips.
Jane sighed contently and relaxed. In all of her life, this was by far the best day ever; Hands down. Her life was finally perfect and it could only get better from here. The room became silent and the only sounds that could be heard were the beautiful sounds of Misles and Angelie sleeping. Their entire world changed to revolve around those newborns. It was just perfect.
"Goodnight Jane. Try to get some rest." Maura said softly. "Misles and Angelie will be waking soon to feed." Jane nodded and kissed her lightly on the forehead. After a while, Maura's own delicate sounds of slumber had filled the air.
Jane inhaled the scent of Maura's hair and smiled as the effects of that action rippled through her body. Jane began to give in to the pull of sleep and she slowly closed her eyes. The warmth of Maura's soft body lying next to her was all she needed in order to feel safe and comforted. A few minutes later she joined the rest and fell quickly asleep.
Their first day together as a complete family had ended just like any other day. They were together, they were secure, and finally… they were truly happy.
Note: Thanks for reading and following this story through. I took a short break from updating because of the holidays and family time.
I'm starting on a sequel to this story which chronicles their lives as new parents of Misles and Angelie. I decided to just make a separate story instead of blending it into this one. Please if your interested in reading it, follow me so you can be alerted of my new stories.
To all readers who enjoy reading hot Rizzles scenes. More to come in my upcoming stories. Thanks again for reading.