A/N: The final chapter for Agent of the Shadows. After a lot of drama and suspense, it ends here and we now focus on the happy ending, even for Chantal despite all she's been through...Oh and Sky as well. Not only that, but a little secret is about to be revealed. Even if the story ends...stick around until after the credits...What's that? What do you mean this is a story and not a movie? YOU'RE FIRED!
Serah and Chantal are worried and surprised at the very sight. Right in the middle of the Square Central is a large pillar of purple smoke. They both know, mainly Serah, knows that's the wake of unleashing my Twilight's Dawn Command Style.
Sora and the others rushes into the Square Central from the Front Doors of the castle. As soon as they see the large smoke, they know it's me. The smoke slowly starts to clear. Once it does, everyone gets a close look, holding their breaths. They were wondering who won this battle, and more importantly if I survived the massive blast.
The smoke clears. What they see is Drakel on the ground, on his stomach. He's mostly dead, not breathing but still alive. I'm right above him, my χ-blade impaled right through his chest, and I'm bend down, my head at the tip of the hilt and holding the hilt with both hands.
Slowly, I lift my body straight and release my weapon. I'm out of my Command Style, but the magic creating my χ-blade still remains. I step back to look at Drakel.
"It's over Drakel...The Shadowmoon are now done." Is all I say to him, then I turn and walk away.
Only a few feet away from the body, I am surrounded by my friends. Except for Serah and Chantal. At first they are blank and shocked, then full of enthusiasm. Telling me how amazing that battle was.
I am pleased about their amusements, but I am focused on Chantal, who is on her knees by Sky's body. The voices of Sora and the others are fading until I hear nothing. Then I move them out of the way as I approach to Serah and Chantal. I only stop right next to Serah as I look down at Chantal, who's holding onto Sky, watching his lifeless face.
"What happened?" I ask Serah.
"I couldn't keep the body alive. It was too late." Serah says.
So that's it. Sky is gone for good.
"Sky." Hearing Chantals sorrow tone has my and Serah's attention. Cantal gives Sky a gentle, slow stroke on the cheek. "This...this can't be happening...it just can't." Chantal grabs his hand, holding it close as she slowly releases tears from her eyes. "This is...this is my fault. If I wasn't so shy...I would have..." Serah slowly approaches Chantal. She sits next to her, putting a hand on her back.
"I'm sorry, Chantal. I really am." Serah says in a gentle tone.
Chantal turns to Serah, a head on her chest, holding on to Serah as she cries onto her shoulder. Even Serah offers some comfort by hugging the poor girl. "I just wish I could tell him how I feel...I've had a crush on him for so long...I never had the nerve to tell him...Because of my shyness...Why? Why does this have to happen?"
I just stand back, frozen as a statue, as I look at the two and Sky's dead body. As I look, I see myself in Chantal's place and Aqua's coma state body over Sky's dead body.
My rage builds and my knuckles crack as I tighten them into fists. Then I turn and walk. Sora and the other notices my leave and wonders what I am doing, until I stop right in front of Drakel's body.
"P-Patrick? What are you doing?" Rinoa asks.
"What I must do." I say, looking over my shoulder to Rinoa, then I return my attention to Drakel. "You and the rest of your kind have caused too much suffering for the last time!"
Everyone watches me as I begin to take out the Hexicon, flip the pages to the Holy spells, then begin a spell.
"Ex infimo tenebris ad lucem caeli, animam sanguinis innocentis civis siphoned constitutam accersiret Doomorbisque. Per virtutem luminis mandabo χ herbam dimittere Demon est anima ex tenebris obnoxia."
The χ-blade slightly shakes, as the power flows through it. Dark mists form around Drakel, and the χ-blade siphons it all. Absorbing the Demon Soul. Everyone gasps at the sight of this. The suspense is killing them.
I grab the χ-blade by the hilt and remove it from Drakel's body. I hold it, facing up, in front of my face and mutter the chant for the Exorcise spell.
"Humiliare sub potenti manu dei. Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus."
The Darkness leaves the χ-blade from the tip. Once it's completely out, the dark aura vanishes, quickly replaced with a light one. My χ-blade pulses with a soul of light.
I turn then walk by Sora and the others, approaching Serah. "Serah. When did the body die?"
Serah is surprised by my question, which is a weird thing to ask. "Well...about five minutes ago...after that Doombringer was defeated."
"Excellent, then there's still time." I say.
Serah helps Chantal stand up. The girl in mostly sorrow, but also confusion at what I'm doing. I stand right in front of Sky. I pull my χ-blade over my head, shout as I impale it right thought his chest.
Chantal screams horrified. Even though Sky is already dead, she can't believe at what she's seeing." "Patrick! What are you-" Chantal is just about to stop me, but Serah grabs and stops her.
"No. No. No! Wait." Serah tells Chantal to watch and listen. "Listen."
Chantal noises something. While I'm holding the χ-blade in place on Sky's body, I'm muttering the Soul Transference spell, backwards. Chantal is confused. She is wondering at what I'm doing. Once I finish the spell, the soul of light transfers through the χ-blade and into Sky's body.
I remove the χ-blade, leaving a large bloody wound right on Sky's stomach, and then the χ-blade vanishes, turning back into my two Keyblades. Everyone watches in suspense and confusion. "Serah. Aerith. Lend me your healing powers."
"Why?" Serah asks.
"Cause my healing's not strong enough." I say. "Just do it under my command."
Serah and Aerith still doesn't understand, but doesn't question it. On my knees, I take a deep breath and begin Healing Hands.
"Rin. Pyo. Toh. Sha. Kai. Jin. Retsu. Zai. Zen." Everyone, excluding Chantal, is confused at what I'm doing, then become astonished to see my hands glow in holy light. "Mu. Ryo. Ju. Son. E. Sai. Nyu. Rai. Kak." Chantal holds onto Serah's arm, in hope that what I'm doing will save Sky. "Rin. Pyo. Toh. Sha. Mu. Ryo. Ju. Son. Kai. Jin. Retsu. Zai. Zen. E. Sai. Nyu. Rai. Kak." My hands glow brighter, but I keep charging the power knowing that chance of reviving death is very slim. "Rin! Mu! Pyo! Ryo! Toh! Ju! Sha! Son! Kai! E! Jin! Sai! Retsu! Nyu! Zai! Rai!" The last two, I say slowly. "Zen...Kak."
Then I quickly place my hands on Sky, letting the pulses of healing energy flow through him. "Now!"
Just like that, Aerith and Serah get on their knees and offer their healing powers on the body. Sky's body becomes radiant. Chantal gasps as she holds her breath. The suspense is killing her. Aerith and Serah begins to struggle, they even groan in pain. I remain fine however.
"Just a little longer. A little more." I tell them.
The three of us maintain the Empowered Healing Hands. Aerith and Serah begun to reach beyond their limits. Once they did, they give up and collapses in exhaustion. Luckily it was enough for me to finish the spell.
The light from both my hands and Sky's body fades. The second it does, the first thing that happens is Sky lets out a groan.
Chantal gasps, astonished for she cannot believe at what she's seeing. I stand and step back so Chantal and take my place. She holds onto Sky. "Sky?"
Sky moans in his sleep, then slightly opens his eyes. His vision is funny, can hardly make out Chantal's face, then it becomes clear. "Ch...Ch...Chan...tal?" Chantal gasps as she smiles. He's alive. "Did you...get a new hairdo?" Yes, Chantal is still in that ponytail Serah put it in.
"SKY!" Chantal dives right in, embracing Sky into her arms. "You're alive!" She shouts in excitement, with some laughs in the end. Even this surprises me, never really seen this side of Chantal before. As she's embracing Sky, she is suddenly aware of what she's doing and her shyness takes over.
Immediately, Chantal lets Sky go, blushing as she clears her throat. "A-and I'm...very happy about that." She tries to sound plain, almost like what she says isn't how she's really feeling. But she is just hiding it.
Serah and Aerith gets back on their feet, then help Sky stand. He's pretty shaken, he even has to lean against Serah to stand. "How are you feeling?" Serah asks him.
"Shaken...but also...enlightened." Sky feels surprised at the enlightened part. He concentrates, trying to enter his demon form. After a minute of trying, nothing happens. Even Chantal is surprised. "I...can't transform. What happened?"
"I used the Exorcise spell to cleanse your soul from the demonic corruption." I explain. "You are officially demon free and human once again."
Sky and Chantal cannot believe at what I'm saying. Sky looks down at his hands. For years he suffered for being half demon, all because of Drakel for using Kaylee on him. "I don't believe it." Sky clinches his hands and looks directly at me. "You're the man! Thanks a ton!"
Everyone else cheers at my accomplishment, only that dies down as soon as he hear a loud gasply roar. We all turn, to see it's Drakel. He's still alive, only his body is flinching in nerves. I summon my two Keyblades, preparing for battle, but Drakel doesn't nothing, only lay there and struggle. Then he speaks in his distorted demonic voice.
"This...is not...over!" He gasps in between his words. "It will...NEVER...be over." I raise an eyebrow hearing that. How could he say that? "There are...are...more...of us. Dozens...Hi...hiding...In the shadows." I gasp hearing this. I know he's trying to deceive me, yet at the same time I know he's trying the truth. "You...will not...find them...all. You...can't...stop them...The Shadow...moon...cannot be...defeated."
Drakel coughs like heck, coughing out blood. Most of us at disgusted. Drakel turns his direction at me, looking at me with those burning alternative eyes. "Mark...my words...LeiShen! ...We will not...rest...until our Lord's...mission is...complete. Soon...you will...breathe your dying...breath. And then...the LeiShen's...will meet...their...end."
There were a couple of gasps and coughs before Drakel finishes his final words. "Long...live...Lord...Rasputin...and the...the Sha...dow...moon."
Drakels head slams flat on the ground. The fires on his blindfold, where his eye sockets would were, fades away. And with it, Drakel breathes his dying breath.
After that little event, I did a couple of errands. Starting with gathering the remains of the poison that Drakel tried to inject me with, then delivering them to Yuna. I told her and Aqua everything that's happened, what's really causing her walkless conditions. Aqua was devastated to hear that. Yuna is surprised, but know that she has a simple of the poison, she believes that she and her people can engineer an antidote.
I also delivered Sky to the nurses to see if they could fix him up a little. Once he's fully recovered, we take off. I had him delivered to Twilights Town while I take Chantal to the Mysterious Tower to meet my master Yen Sid. We deliver an update of the mission. I told him about the Shadowmoon were still alive, and still all. Everyone Drakel has done and said, I explain it all. Not only that, but I also mentioned the part about the Doombringer and this 'Legion' he commands.
After everything I say, he now speaks his part.
"I see..." Yen Sid says as he strokes his beard. "This is indeed most surprising...but not entirely unexpected. If there is one thing Rasputin is known for it is keeping secrets."
"So you're saying Rasputin knew his end would come, but if the LeiShens still lived, he wanted to keep the Shadowmoon alive so they can fulfill his dark desires." I say.
"It would seem that way. And if what this Drakel person says is true, then that means the situation is far worse then we feared." Yen Sid says.
"But...what about this...Legion that attacked Radiant Garden? Do you know anything about that Master Yen Sid sir?" Chantal asks, a little nervous at talking to a grand master.
Yen Sid looks down, thinking as he strokes his beard. "The Legion...I cannot say I know much about them, but I have heard that name many years ago. If they are as dangerous as you say they are, then that would be the realm is in grave danger."
"Indeed. What should we do, master Yen Sid?" I ask.
"Well, the Legion should be locked away since you defeated the Doombringer, but they will most likely return some other time." Yen Sid says. "Right now, our priority goal is to find the Shadowmoon and put an end to them, before any more damage can be done."
"But...didn't Drakel say there are dozens of them? And they're hiding in the Shadows?" Chantal asks.
"You are right, child. This journey is going to be difficult. But it must be done." Yen Sid says. "I'll leave the fate of the worlds and the light to Sora and the others, while you find the remaining members of the Shadowmoon."
I stand and give a respectful bow. "Yes, master." Then Chantal quickly does the same after seeing my bow.
Chantal rides on my Hoverbike as I ride through the lane in between. I'm making my way to Radiant Garden to drop Chantal back to her house. All though given the time it is now, I should really be dropping her off at her school. We arrive at the atmosphere of the world and I park right outside the school gates.
Chantal hops off. "So...I guess this is it?" Chantal asks.
"It would seem that way." I say.
Chantal looks down, rubbing her arm nervously. "Um...I just wanted to say...thank you for everything." She looks at me. "Unless it's still too early."
I chuckle a little, remembering when I told her it's bit early to be thanking me, even for saving her life back in Arendelle. "I'd say now is a defiant good time for a thanks. Unless something unexpected happens." Chantal giggles. "Anyways. Good luck on asking out Sky."
Now Chantal is suddenly nervous. "But, what if he says no to me?"
"Chantal. Take it from the guy who's lost many things in his lifetime." I say. "You really shouldn't worry that he will not have the same feelings for you. Because how you're feeling right now is nothing compared to how you will feel if you lose him...for good." Chantal knows it's true, realizing how she felt when he was sacrificed. "Just ask him out. I'm having high hopes for you."
"Yeah. You're right. Thanks. And good luck on your journey." Chantal says. "Well...guess this is good-bye then."
"Well it doesn't have to be good-bye. Let's just say...See you later." I say.
Chantal nods in agreement. Next, I start up the Hoverbike then take off. Chantal just watches me leave until I'm long gone, then she turns to the gates. To her surprise, she's greeted by many faces looking at her. Two girls stand by each of her sides.
"Chantal? Who was that guy?"
"That ride was so cool!"
"Is he your boyfriend?"
After hearing that boyfriend comment, her face turns red. Me and her being together, then makes an escape into the school.
Chantal now relaxes one she's in the fountain courtyard. She spends her day mainly focusing on her studies. At the end of the day, she decided to go look for Sky, knowing he hangs around after school for a little while. Tonight is the school dance and she's going to ask him out.
She finds him by the fountain, talking to the other guys. Only her problem is that one of them is her bully, Alexei. She swallows me, then takes a deep breath, remember at what Serah and I told her. She approaches, only earning a hostile look from Alexei.
"What are you doing here, nerd?" Alexei asks.
"I-I..I uh?" Her shyness is overcome, luckily Sky is defending her.
"Hey. Back off, man. She's cool." Alexei softly growl, but backs off anyways. "Hey Chantal. I've been looking for you."
Chantal is now blushing. Sky's been looking for her. "O-oh? Really? ...That's...a funny coincidence. I-I've been looking for you too." As soon as she said it, she suddenly regrets it. "No-not that I've been following you. That would just be weird. What I mean is that...I was...I mean."
"Hey, don't sweat it." Sky says. Chantal freezes up when he puts a hand on her shoulder. "Say, how about we go for a walk?"
"Oh...why. I would love that." Chantal says.
Chantal and Sky goes for a walk around town. Chantal is pretty much blushing the whole time, nervous even. But her nerves slowly settle the longer this 'date' is spent.
Around the shops. The streets. The park.
It all ends up to the Sunset Terrance. Chantal and Sky sit together on the bench. "You know, you were pretty amazing. The way you dive deep into the darkness just to find me. You have quite a wild side, Chantal."
Chantal giggles. "Well, I-I wouldn't say that I do. I mean, I wouldn't have gone far without Patrick's help."
"I can see that." Sky leans his hand back while folding his arms from the back of his head. "I really owe him one for saving me back there." Sky says.
Chantal knows that now is the right time to tell him. "Hey...Sky? There's..." She's looking down in nervousness. "There's something...I've been meaning to tell you."
"Let me guess: You have a massive crush on me?" Sky asks.
"Well...yeah, I do. But..." Chantal realizes what just happened and looks at Sky surprised. "Wait! You knew!?"
"I wouldn't say I knew. Just had a hunch." Sky says.
"Oh..." Now the girl is embarrassed. "What gave away?"
"How you act around me, the blushing, you hardly speak to me...Of course I always thought that's because you're shy." Sky says.
"Not really, I'd say 30% of it." Chantal says. "S-so...do you...you know? Have feelings for me?"
"I kind of do. You are quite a cutie." Chantal blushes and slightly looks away hearing that. "Plus, you are really kind, always helping me even with school. You are quite the sweetheart."
Chantal is fluttered by Sky's comments. "So...there's this dance tonight. You uh...wanna go?"
"Yeah. Sure." Now Chantal is officially happy.
Chantal has to get ready for the dance. As soon as she gets home, she raided her closet, trying to find the perfect dress. Even models a few. However, as she was looking at herself in the mirror, something catches her eye. From the corner of her mirror shows there's a present on her bed.
Chantal certainly didn't except a gift. She walks up to it, slowly opening the present. The first thing she takes out is a letter. She unfolds and reads it.
'Just to make sure we...stay connected.
Chantal looks confused, then takes another look inside the present. To her surprise, she reaches in and takes out a Wayfinder, made out of seashells and fashioned into a necklace. She's touched. Nobody has ever given her a gift like this.
She looks at her desk. She figured she could spent a few minutes to write a letter. She sits on her chair, a pen and paper on the desk and gets started.
'How are you? I'm doing great. I told Sky how I feel, and guess what: He really does like me.'
As Chantal's inner voice speaks the letter, we move on to the night of the dance. Where Chantal shows up as beautiful as ever, in an elegant dress. Her hair still in the ponytail and also wearing the Wayfinder.
'I asked him out to the dance. It was the happiest night of my life. Thank you for the encouragement, and give my thanks to Serah as well. Both of you have been so helpful.'
Sky shows up in a tuxedo. He asks Chantal something, but she ends up laughing and gives him an answer.
'The best part was when Sky asked if the tuxedo he's wearing was too much. It was so funny, but I think he looks so handsome in it.'
He also gives her a corsage. Chantal was touched and puts it on her wrist, then they walk into the dance together, arms linked.
'Anyways, I really loved the charm necklace you gave me. If your friend Aqua made it, she's really talented. I also hope you're having the best of luck on your journey. I'm always thinking of you whenever I wear this charm.'
Chantal and Sky enters the school dance. Everyone cheers at their arrival. Chantal is nervous at first, then calms as they get to dancing. Especially the slow dance.
'I had a lot of fun at the dance. It's just how I dreamed it. I'm the princess slow dancing with my prince charming, Sky...Oh dear, I probably shouldn't have written that, even to an actual prince. How embarrassing.'
During the slow dance, Sky and Chantal get becoming close. Step by step. Arms wrapped around Sky's neck. Hands on Chantals waste. Gazing into each others eyes, smiling...somewhat smiling from Sky.
'Anyways, everything is perfect. And it's all thanks to you, Patrick.'
Chantal and Sky lean in, until they kiss.
My OC characters: Myself. Rasputin. Drakel. Mal'Ganis. Zaela. Wingful. The Darkeri.
Katryx Hikari's (SnowEmbrace in DeviantART) OC characters: Chantal. Sky. Alexei. Violet. Vincent. Spud (Mentioned) Kaylee (Mentioned)
I wonder through the dark roads outside the walls of Radiant Garden. It was nice to hear from Chantal after we departed ways. Makes me glad for someone who endured such pain and suffering to have a happily ever after.
Radiant Garden is now back to normal. I used a level 13 time spell to turn back time on the world, putting it back the way it was before the Doombringer showed up. I did have to make sure there were no living citizens within the city, otherwise Reversal Time would effect them critically. Of course I couldn't pull off the spell alone, not just because it's a level 13 but also because it's beyond difficult to use it on the whole world.
I had to get help from the most powerful people I know: My grand master Yen Sid and the powerful sorcerer Merlin.
I now patrol around the city, inside and outside the walls, for any Heartless or Shadowmoons. So far I've found nothing.
I'm about to return to the city, but as soon as I enter the Castle Gate Ruins, I get a bad feeling. A presence even.
I stop right in the center of the area, looking around. I don't see anything, but I feel it. It's dark, but not cold...It's not Shadowmoon. It's something else.
"Who's there?" I shout. There's no answer, not even an appearance. I summon my Keyblade. "Show yourself!"
Still nothing. But I don't let my guard down. One second, nobody's around, the next, the mysterious figure, Living Nightmare who I encountered in the Keyblade War Tournament of the Mirage Arena, appears right behind me.
It speaks in a deep modified voice. "Darkness holds our sleep."
The second I heard it, I swing fast and hard. But he vanishes into the mists. I didn't see who it was, only heard him. He instantly appears again behind me. "Sleep holds our nightmares."
I make another swing, and he vanishes. I'm on high alert, looking all around my surroundings. I still can't find Living Nightmare. Then he makes his behind appears once again. "And nightmares...it holds our fears."
I make around sweep strike, only to have him vanish into the mists. I've had it. This guy is ticking me off. I look around, until I finally found him standing in place on the stairs of the ruins, in front of the road to the Bailey.
I remember him, from the arena. That ragged gray cape. Metal Skeletal mask with red glowing eyes. Bandaged arms. Black clothes. The mixed Nobody and Dream Eater icon right on his chest. "You!" I say. "What do you want from me?"
"Just like a dream, it will all come true. The barrier weakens. The realm of dreams will invade this realm. You cannot stop it. Nothing will stop the nightmare. Very soon, all worlds will drown in the darkness of the nightmarish abyss."
I don't understand what he's saying. A dark corridor appears behind him. He turns and walks right through it. Disappearing.