Ok I'm here with a multi-chapter story. This is a Naruto neglected by family fic. I know there are a lot of these but I wanted to write one. One more thing this is not going to be a dark Naruto story. He's going to be somewhat grey and neutral to everything.
So if you like Dark Naruto stories than this isn't the one for you. Anyway I hope you like it because I joined this site just to write this story so I really hope it turns out good.
Beta: Inspector Me
Chapter 1: My Life
Minato Namikaze was looking at his 3 children with pride. They were only 6 years old and there were strong for their age.
The first child, Menma Namikaze his youngest son stood at 3'5 with Spiky red hair and deep purple eyes. Menma was a good kid. Well sometimes. He's very overconfident, and can also cause a bit of trouble when it is unnecessary.
The second child was Natsumi Namikaze, she was the youngest daughter, she was 3'4 had long blonde hair and purple eyes that radiated happiness and mischievous.
The oldest daughter Mito Namikaze was 3'5 and possessed long red hair and blue eyes. She was the brains of the 3 being smarter than most her age. She was also more calm and collected than her hyperactive brother and sister.
"Look Tou-san, Tou-san we did it!" Natsumi yelled from the top of the tree she was standing on.
Minato gave off a huge smile and went up to hug his kids, "I'm very proud of you!" He yelled back, when his wife Kushina Namikaze former Uzumaki came out and saw her family in a group hug she gave a radiant smile "What's all the commotion about?" She said and all 4 turned their heads to look at Kushina
Of course Natsumi was the one who broke the silence "We finally got to the top of the tree!" She yelled while Menma and Mito nodded in agreement "Yeah we did! No one can measure to us now!" Menma said with a fire burning in his eyes, Mito sighed at his overconfidence but was still happy nonetheless. Kushina gave a loud happy laugh and went to high five her children. Now if anyone saw this moment there would label it as 'The Perfect family' the family everyone loves.
Except one, that is.
Naruto Namikaze the oldest son of the Yondaime Hokage sat in his room looking out his window to see the oh-so happy family if he could even call them that.
Naruto himself was about 3'6 with Spiky blonde hair and deep blue eyes. He was ridiculously smart for his age. Even beating a couple of the Nara's in intelligence. Naruto gave out a sigh and walked away from his window and crawled into bed and thought about his life. Since he could remember his parents had always forgotten about him. It wasn't bad at the start but ever since he had turned 5 it started getting worse and worse.
They now forgot about him when they set the table, cooked dinner and sometimes when they leave the house. But worst of all he can still remember what happened when he asked his parents to train him.
A 5-year-old Naruto ran downstairs and went towards the backyard to see his parents training his siblings. Naruto frowned and ran over to his father. "Tou-san why can't I train with them?" He asked and Minato jumped a little at his sudden sons appearance. "What the...Naruto?" Minato thought. Then after he registered what his son said his eyes darkened a bit "Sorry Naruto but you will have to wait." He said and Naruto this time got angry
"Well why not! Why do they get to train but I don't!' He yelled but was suddenly cut off by his mother "How dare you raise your voice at us!" Kushina yelled now getting Menma, Natsumi, and Mito's attention
After that Kushina and Minato scolded Naruto and yelled at him saying things that no 5 year old should hear and sent him to his room. Naruto bolted to his room leaving his laughing siblings and his scowling parents. Naruto ran to his room and no slammed the door shut with tears running down his face. "Why…Why? It's just not fair." He thought and jumped in his bed and cried himself to sleep.
End Flashback
(Naruto's POV)
I sighed as I remembered that day. My parents did apologize but It was a half-ass apology so it didn't mean jack shit. I didn't have any friends, and I could thank my siblings for that. Mainly Menma, because of his status as the Hokage's favourite son (and only in most people's minds) everybody played with him and didn't even try to know me.
Did I forget to mention that Menma, Natsumi, and Mito each hold 3 tails of the Kyuubi's chakra?
Well because of that they are labeled hero's of the village add the fact that they are the Hokage's kids and that will really boost your ego. So here I am forgotten. The holder of the Kyuubi's soul, the most important part of it, and yet I am forgotten. Sometimes it seems like I have no presence at all.
At times I just feel like a shadow.
I've met the Kyuubi a few times and each time was pretty fun. After I broke down his tough wall of hatred and malice he is an ok fuzzball. Don't tell him I said that though. I let out another sigh and closed my eyes. Our birthday was in 2 days and I wasn't looking forward to it. Just like I wasn't looking forward to last year's.
-=+Line Break+=-
(3rd Person POV)
Naruto opened his eyes and looked at the date and gave out a sigh "October 10th huh?Wonderful" He muttered as he got out of bed quickly getting dressed into his black T-shirt and shorts and walking downstairs.
He heard laughter and happiness and he looked around only to see his family eating happily at the breakfast table. A pang of anger and jealously rang through his heart as he saw them eating happily without him. So he scowled and started walking to the door.
Mito stopped laughing and started eating until she saw her brother walked toward the door. She was shocked and a little mad at herself. How did she not notice her own brother wasn't eating with them?
"Hey Onii-chan where you going?" She said getting everyone's attention and they all looked to the door and saw their brother/son about to leave the house. Menma and Natsumi looked confused while Minato and Kushina were looking on in shock. "He wasn't eating with us?" They thought together.
Naruto who was a little surprised that someone stopped him and he looked back and saw his family staring at him. "Out" He coldly replied and before anyone can say anything he already left the house not before muttering "Happy birthday Menma, Mito, Natsumi."
The Namikaze household was silent. Did no one notice Naruto wasn't there? They started eating again. But the happiness from early had gone.
"Happy birthday Naruto."
At secret training ground:
Naruto sighed for the 100th time that day. Today was turning out to be terrible. He got some ramen from Ichiraku and left for the training grounds he had found last year. Naruto's sensitive ears picked up rustle in the bushes and he looked and saw...a boy and a girl?
The first girl looked about 5 with semi long white hair with the tips being a soft tint of blue. Her eyes were also blue and stood around 3'2 The boy had black hair that was going down in between his eyes. He also looked like he was 5 and he had one black eye and one blue eye and was 3'4 tall.
Naruto and the two kids started at each other for a while. Until Naruto broke the silence "Who are you guys?" He questioned and the mysterious boy stood up and put his hand out for a handshake "Hi I'm Satoru Kaza I'm 5 years old and I like thunderstorms!" Satoru said
Naruto just looked at him with a curious gaze and nodded and shook his hand. Satoru let out a huge smile and looked over to the girl and she rolled her eyes "I'm Izumi Nitashi I'm also 5 years old and I like the cold." She said in a frosty manner trying to intimidate Naruto. She was slightly shocked when Naruto looked at her with a blank look and nodded at her
"Naruto Namikaze."
The two kids nodded, confused. They had heard of the other Namikaze's but never heard of him "What are you doing here?" Naruto questioned again before they could speak and Izumi and Satoru looked at each other and shrugged "We were running away from the orphanage." Satoru said while Naruto raised another eyebrow and looked over at Izumi and she nodded that they were telling the truth.
"Why?" Naruto wondered and this time Izumi spoke up "They don't treat us very well because we hurt other kids." Izumi said and Naruto wanted to laugh but he saw that she was serious "And how do you do that?" He asked and Satoru blushed a bit whilst scratching the back of his head "Well you see we kinda have a bloodline that we can't control." He said embarrassed with Izumi looking a bit embarrassed as well.
Naruto raised an eyebrow, bloodlines?
"What are your bloodlines?" Naruto asked and their faces brighten up a bit. Satoru bent down and touched his hand to the grass and the grass started to shine a light, blue and lightning started to crackle around the grass. Izumi then walked over to a tree and touched it and ice started to form around the tree until it was completely frozen. Naruto was now wide eyed staring at the two in awe. Satoru and Izumi looked a little smug and Satoru lifted his arms up and a lightning bolt shot out towards Naruto.
Izumi and Satoru looked on in fear of what just happened. Naruto stood frozen in place and lifted his arms up to try to brace himself against the shock and was too scared to open his eyes. After a few seconds Naruto was still standing still with his arms up and feeling very confused. He slowly opened his eyes and saw a big pink structure in front of him saving him from the attack.
Izumi and Satoru ran over to Naruto and started apologizing frantically until they saw what Naruto was looking at so they stared confused at it.
"What is it?" Izumi asked and Satoru shrugged, Naruto however didn't reply because he was deep in thought.
Walking away from the two Naruto headed towards a clearing. They both raised an eyebrow as Naruto put his hand out and started to channel chakra, like before though a giant pink structure erupted from the earth.
"Shoton." Naruto heard in his head and Naruto become confused and started to think. Shoton wasn't that a bloodline from Kiri? Naruto closed his eyes "Shoton." He said and Izumi and Satoru looked even more confused "Shoton?" They said but Naruto just smiled a small smile.
Naruto was walking towards his home with a small smile on his face. He had made his first friends and found out about his Shoton. Izumi and Satoru had also agreed to meet him there everyday so they could hang out.
Reaching his home he walked in with a grimace. He could hear the party had already started and they hadn't even noticed he was there.
When Naruto entered the living room he saw all the clan heads and their children, Jiraiya of the Sennin, Tsunade Senju and a few civilians. They were all gathered around his siblings giving them happy birthdays and presents.
Naruto let out yet another sigh and walked to his bedroom, it seemed like no one had noticed him, again. That is until Minato called a toast, hoping that his father had seen him and was going to wish him a happy birthday, Naruto turned around and listened. "Hello everyone, I want to thank you for coming for my kids birthday." He said and got claps from the partygoers "And I'm very happy to announce that I am now naming my son Menma Namikaze as the new Namikaze clan head!" He yelled getting cheers and claps all around.
Naruto stood frozen in place. He lost his birthright. The only thing he had was now gone. Enraged Naruto let out high amount of KI (Killer intent) effectively getting the attention of some of the partygoers, stormed to his room and slammed the door.
The people who saw Naruto were shocked. Did they forget he was here? Where was he today anyway? Some however didn't even know who that kid was.
Menma, Mito and Natsumi didn't realize it as they were still getting congratulated and given more presents. This though shocked Minato and Kushina. They didn't even notice that he wasn't here when they decided to start the party. Of course they felt bad about taking the clan head away from Naruto but couldn't he see Menma deserved the spot as clan head more than Naruto did? So they let it pass.
Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Kakashi on the other hand were staring at Naruto with wide eyes they totally forgot about him. They never sensed his chakra and he had no presence.
Naruto was in his room with tears flowing down his cheeks and started to cry softly while punching his wall. "It's not fair. They get everything I get nothing! I didn't even get a present this year" Naruto thought sadly as he fell asleep on his bed with tears still in his eyes.
Deep within him the Kyuubi no Kitsune gave out his own deep sigh whilst his container was asleep he watched Naruto's life. Naruto was scolded, and ignored by everyone except a select few. The Kyuubi had never felt so disgusted at the human race more in his life. He knew they could be monsters but he didn't think they would be to just a young child! He was also amazed that Naruto held no fear when he first visited him in his mindscape.
He simply asked why he attacked the village and made small talk.
Naruto was the first one to bother breaking down the Kyuubi's hatred and malice wall and actually know him. He had made the Kyuubi feel like he had a purpose. The Kyuubi gave out another tired sigh and laid his head on his paws and closed his eyes to sleep
"Hope you like the birthday present I got you Kit."
-=+Line Break+=-
A/N and that's chapter one!
I hope you guys liked it. I kinda feel like I rushed it at the end there.
But as you can see it's a typical Naruto neglected by family fanfiction.
Anyway I hope you liked it and I bid you a good day.