Oh my gosh guys I am so sorry, if you thought that this was chapter four of 'Am I Wrong?' but I'm really sorry that it's not!

So, this morning while I was getting dressed for school, I had a weird idea, that I should make a song fic. I just couldn't get the idea out of mt head! I had the whole story planned, without thinking about it! I had the song already picked put to. So start reading!

I don't own "A Thousand Years' by Christine Perri. And I don't own Lab Rats either. (Because if I did, Bree and Chase would have been together, and Leo wouldn't be that, Leoish)

Heart beats fast

Colors and promises

'He's dead. He's dead.'

How to be brave

How can I love when I'm afraid?

'I can't believe it. He's dead. He's dead.'

To fall

When watching you, stand alone

Stupid car. Stupid crash. Stupid drunk.

All of my doubts, suddenly goes away right now.

One step, closer

"He's dead!" I exclaim, to my pillow.

I have died everyday waiting for you

Darling don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years

My pillow didn't do anything. It just sat there. Like a useless lump. I took it, and threw it at a wall. That should help.

And I'll love you for a thousand more

The pillow bounced off the wall, and landed on my desk. The desk that I haven't used since tenth grade. The same desk that Chase was sitting at yesterday, before he went to the car and took a drive, in which...

Time stands still

Beauty and all she is

I will be brave

He never came back from.

I will not let anything take away

What's standing in front of me.

I can still hear his voice, in the wind. The last thing he ever said to me.

Every breath

Every hour has come to this

"'Ilove you Bree, don't you ever forget that'". Then he kissed me. On the cheek.

One step closer

I can still feel the kiss on my cheek. I touch the spot where his lips touched my skin.

I have died everyday waiting for you

Darling don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years

I heard a knock on my door. "Come in," I mutter, barely audible. The door opens, and my father is standing there with his brother.

And I'll love you for a thousand more

"What do you guys want?" I ask, rubbing my eyes. "Bree. Don't talk to me like-," Mr. Davenport says, but Douglas cuts him off. "Shut up Donnie," he says. "She's angry. Sad. Hurt. Stressed. Let her get over it," he says. Then he turns to me. "I'm sorry Bree. If there's anything I can do, just tell me." He says. He turns to leave, but I stop him.

All along I believed I would find you

Time has brought your heart to me

"Douglas," I say. He turns around. "Yes?" He asks. "Do you have a device that, can raise the dead?" I ask. I knew it was a stupid question. But I had to Try. For Chase. "No, Bree. I'm sorry I don't. But, I can try to invent one. But, if he turns into a zombie, and turns the whole population into his "Zombie Army", I'm blaming you." I crack a smile. It felt good on my lips. I haven't smiled since Chase died.

I have loved you for a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more

I threw myself at my uncle. I hugged him tightly. He hugs me back tighter. I finally let go. "Thank you," I say. He nods. "If you need me, I'll be in the lab." And with that, he leaves.

I have died everyday waiting you you

Darling don't be afraid I have loved you

A few days later, Douglas came to my room and knocked on the door. I was looking threw a picture album that Chase gave me, a month before the crash. I turned around. "Come in," I said. He twisted the door nob, and walked to me. "It's ready," he says. I smile happily. Finally after four days, the device was ready.

"Can we try it now?" I ask. "It's almost dark." He nods, and I walk to the car, giddy with excitement.

For a thousand years

Finally at the stroke of midnight, we arrived at the graveyard. I ran to Chase's grave and looked at the little tombstone. I began digging at the dirt, and finally I had reached Chase's casket. "It's right over here!" I called out to Douglas. He walks over. "Alright," he says. "Stand back." I do so. But before he turns on the device, he opens the top of the casket, and points it at Chase.

A beam of soft blue light, exits from the device. It goes into Chase. I stare in astonishment, when he opened his eyes. He was not a zombie. He was Chase Davenport. He was human.

And I'll love you for a thousand more


So! Did you like it?! I'm now going to work on 'Am I Wrong?', Ok? Ok.

Read and Review!-Jay Heartly