On Earth 63,120 (The World's End Earth)

Buffy looked at her hand and saw the triforce of wisdom… and a DVD? Buffy flipped it over and read the cover along with a picture of her Willow and Xander. 'Scoobyween 15 back to basics simpler and more fun.' She quickly opened a portal to the other end of the multiverse as far as she's concerned as she quickly threw the thing in and closed it. She saw the look Angel gave her. "I'll explain later."

On Earth 35

After nearly seven months the DVD finds its way out of the portal and into another earth. It bounces off someone's head and falls to the floor. This world's Xander Harris turned around and saw the DVD on the floor. The thirty five year old carpenter looked at the cover in interest, if it's anything like last time this can be really bad. However, he has been looking for a chance to catch up with the girls. He picked up the phone and dialed his best friend. "Hey Will, yeah, can you grab Buffy and meet up at my place tonight? Nothing important not world ending… besides Liam and Anya are in Cleveland they'll give us a heads up if we're needed. Great, you'll talk to Buffy. OK, bye."

Buffy looked at the DVD she's aged gracefully looking almost the same. This is quite impressive considering all the slayers she watched in her twenties. "I'm killing him for doing this to us again!"

Willow gently held her back looking exactly the same magic seemingly keeping her young. "I don't even think he's that dumb."

Buffy shook her head. "Think of the concussions over the years Will, and how popular I was after Harmony dropped the V-bomb on the news, this is another Milfy the vampire layer. How can it not be anything but that?"

Xander rolled his eyes in frustration. "OK A, Long over you and it wouldn't be you anyway. B, I just want to watch a movie with friends, if it's anything like the last one, we never speak of it again and turn it off at the first sign of boob."

Buffy looked at him. "Fine, but if it is like the last one, I'm making you wear your ribcage like a hat, and no that's not a misquote on my part."

Xander looked at her. "You know the funny thing is you can actually do that in the latest Mortal Kombat."

"Just, turn on the movie would ya." Buffy smiled taking a seat with Willow as Xander sat in the middle grabbing the remote. If this is another Buffy the Vampire Layer, no words will describe what she does to him. "Oh cool Halloween time with us... good looking actors."

Author Notes

The following depicts another thirty one times the scoobies dressed as something different for the Halloween episode.

1. I don't and will never own Buffy or any of the costumes they're wearing in case I forget in the chapter.

2. This will contain violence, character death, and beyond.

3. The tags will change everyday until November when the four most featured characters will be the permanent tags.

4. Spike is the villain of the Halloween episode if you're a fan of him these might not be for you.

5. This will have an M rating eventually it's necessary for one chapter at least just like last time

6. Enjoy and Happy Halloween