I don't own Merlin. Sadly. It belongs to the BBC

Summary: After another plan gets put into action by Agravaine and Morgana to capture and kill Arthur Merlin sets out to prove and show Arthur just who his Uncle is really loyal to.

This story has eight chapters, a chapter a day

Warnings: Malexmale. Angst. Non-con/rape, dub-con, mpreg

This story is dedicated to Cathcer1984 for all of her help, hope you like your story

Warnings: I apologise in advance for any mistakes I have made.


"Merlin!" Arthur yelled, pulling against the chains that kept him tied to the wall. He hated how he could only watch helplessly as Merlin dropped to the floor, lifting his head to spit blood from his mouth.

"Where is Emrys!?" Morgana screeched.

"I kn..know no one of that name." Merlin coughed.

"Liar." Morgana screamed as she slapped Merlin hard. "He has been getting in the way of my plans too many times I will find him."

"Not from me." Merlin whispered as he lifted his head up and looked at Morgana as best he could with the one eye as his other had swelled so much it had shut.

"We shall see." Morgana whispered before leaving the cell.

When Arthur heard the footsteps growing more distant he moved as much as he could over to Merlin. "Merlin please use your magic to heal yourself."

"No. Morgana is powerful I use magic she will sense it, I feel it whenever she does. I told you coming here was a bad idea."

"Merlin I had to come and rescue my Uncle."

"Oh for goodness sake Arthur your Uncle doesn't need rescuing as he works for her!"

"And I told you I have known my Uncle since I was a child I refuse to believe he is evil."

Merlin shook his head and winced at the pain it caused him. "Arthur when will you see, he was never in your life until your father took ill, he just came from nowhere and you get left a message saying your Uncle has been taken and as soon as you ride out who do you meet? Morgana."


Merlin turned his head. "Arthur trust me on this, I am who Morgana is looking for, I am the one who has thwarted her plans to kill you time and time again, the only people who know of Emrys is me Gaius and Morgana, if we are all who know then explain why your uncle came asking Gaius where he could find him. This was before the magic ban was lifted. Agravaine is not on your side Arthur he is with Morgana."

"He isn't Merlin."

"He is! You ask Morgana when she comes back where your uncle is and what she has done with him, I bet all she does is laugh and ask about Emrys."

Arthur sighed. "At least use your magic to heal some of your injuries Merlin."

Before Merlin could answer the door to the cell banged open and Morgana stood there smirking.

"Where is my uncle?" Arthur asked.

"Enough dear brother. I want Emrys, changed your mind yet?"

Merlin looked up. "We will never tell you."

Morgana smirked. "I was hoping you would say that." she said and with a wave of her hand Arthur was knocked unconscious. She walked further in and crouched down besides the King. Her hand over him as she started to chant, her eyes flashing gold.

Merlin watched Arthur closely for a reaction while trying to catch what Morgana was saying.

When finished Morgana stood up and smirked at Merlin. "I have two goals to achieve which is to kill Arthur and assume the throne that is rightfully mine and to find and kill Emrys. Now I know I can kill Arthur here but where is the fun in that. I want Arthur to suffer, suffer as I have suffered, oh he will live a while longer and I will have to wait but patience and I are old friends, why just kill him now when I can watch him destroy himself."

"Himself? Morgana what have you done?"

"You shall see." she smirked before walking over to the cell door. "Enjoy your time with him Merlin." she said and used her magic to set Arthur free before leaving.

Merlin crawled over to Arthur and placed his hand on his King's shoulder. "Arthur?"

Arthur jumped up and grabbed hold of Merlin holding him down, a strange look in his eyes. "Got you."

"Arthur?" Merlin panted as he tried to get out of the King's hold. "Arthur please, this isn't you, Morgana has done something to you."

"Who?" Arthur growled as he turned Merlin over and pinned him easily as he pulled the brunets breeches down.

Merlin groaned in pain as he was held down, he didn't know what Morgana did but he knew it was something bad if Arthur wasn't himself and was doing what he was now, he gasped when he felt Arthur's cock and he now knew Morgana's plan, with magic as powerful as his he knew what would happen.

He looked over his shoulder at Arthur who had a odd look in his eye. "Arthur I know you are not yourself but I know you are still in there somewhere. Arthur I give my consent. I give my consent." he gasped when he felt Arthur breech him. "I consent for you to fuck me Arthur." he dropped his head as Arthur started to pound in to him from behind. "I have wanted you for a long time Arthur. I give my consent as I love you."

Agravaine walked into a big room where Morgana was sat.

"Well?" she asked.

"I have just gone down to check on them and heard Merlin shouting for Arthur to stop."

Morgana smirked. "Excellent."

"What is it the spell does?"

"It makes Arthur someone he is not, he has now raped Merlin, I will let them escape, they go back to Camelot where you will then keep an eye on them, when they arrived I put a spell on Merlin, what has just happened Merlin will be pregnant."

"But he is male."

"Yes. He will carry to term and not only will he die when the baby is born but so will the baby, as for Arthur. Before the baby is due Arthur will be dead."

"Who kills him?"

"Himself of course."

Agravaine frowned. "Why would he do that?"

"All part of the spell I cast on him, every time he touches Merlin painful and horrid memories surface, memories of what he has done to his most trusted friend, one who has been with him no matter what, every time he touches Merlin he will have nightmares about what he has done to his only friend. Only thing is the memories he sees are ten times worse than what he actually did. Before you came along my sister created a mandrake which drove Uther close to insanity, that is nothing compared to what will happen to Arthur."

Merlin turned over when he felt Arthur pull out of him and saw the blond once again unconscious on the floor, he crawled over to his King and kissed his lips. "I know what has happened Arthur, what you have now given me, for that I will be forever thankful." he whispered.

He crawled over to the door and heard footsteps, voices of someone dismissing the guards. Agravaine. As he heard the footsteps get closer Merlin shouted. "No! Arthur! Stop. Please no!" Merlin turned to see Arthur still unconscious. "No please get off me, no I don't want this!"

When the sound of footsteps faded Merlin crawled back over to Arthur to see his King still unconscious. "We will get out of here Arthur I promise."

Merlin woke up when he heard the sound of the door to the cell being unlocked. Looking up he gasped when he saw who entered. "Gwaine?"

Gwaine grinned. "Merlin!" he said as he hurried over to his friend.

"No, Arthur see to Arthur, get him out first." he panted as he saw Leon, Percival, Lancelot and Elyan enter, checking the cell and smiling when they saw him and Arthur. "Where are the rest of you?"

"It's just us." Percival answered as he picked Merlin up, letting the others get Arthur. "He is fine, just unconscious."

Percival turned to leave the cell when a man walked in brandishing a sword, lifting his leg up Percival kicked the man in the stomach knocking the wind out of him. "Fuck off out my way."

Agravaine hurried into the room to where Morgana was sat. "The warning bells, the soldiers are dead, some of Camelot's knights have come for Merlin and Arthur."

"Good. Let them leave, I did the spells when they were both asleep, let them go." Morgana stood up. "As for you, you must play the part as a kidnap victim." Before Agravaine could say anything he felt himself being beaten and the last thing he saw was Morgana sitting back down before everything went black.

As the knights made their way over the bridge they came to a stop when they found a crumpled heap on the floor, hurrying over they turned the person over to find a bloodied Agravaine.

"Lancelot, Gwaine, get him." Leon ordered as he was holding up Arthur who was just starting to come around. "We go on now and camp somewhere in a few hours, we will have to be careful, Morgana will be after us."

"M.. Merlin." Arthur mumbled.

"He is safe Arthur, Percival has him." Elyan said, "we have your Uncle also, we must go on, Morgana could be right behind us."

From the window at the top of the small castle Morgana stood watching as the knights hurried away and deep into the forest, smirking she turned to see the small white dragon. "And now Aithusa, we wait." she whispered as she stroked the dragon's head.

The knights set up camp and checked on Arthur who waved them away. "I am fine honestly, she didn't beat me much, she focused more on Merlin and my uncle by the looks of it." he said as he looked from his friend to his uncle.

Arthur got up and walked over to Merlin and sat beside him on a log. "Merlin?"


"Are you okay?"

"I am. I used my magic to heal myself as Percival carried me."

"Can you heal my Uncle?"


"Merlin please."

"Arthur no, I heal him with magic he will know it was me and I do not want him knowing I have magic."

"Why not? I trust him with my life."

"I know you do. A life I have had to save with my magic a lot, a lot more since your Uncle arrived. You have allowed magic in Camelot, Gaius will heal him when we get bak which shouldn't be long, tomorrow at sunset at the latest. I can heal him with herbs I find until then."

Arthur sighed and nodded. "Then I guess that will have to do." he said and patted Merlin on the shoulder, gasping as soon as he touched his friend images entered his head, him smacking Merlin, throwing him against the wall, laughing when he dropped, he saw himself swing his leg back to kick Merlin but let go of his servant.

Merlin frowned. "Arthur what's wrong?"

"No. No no."

Merlin reached out and froze when Arthur hurried back. "Don't touch me, how can you even look at me?"


"I'm fine Merlin. Just... just leave me." he said and hurried away.

The rest of the night Merlin kept a close eye on Arthur and grew more worried as he wouldn't stop staring at nothing, only speaking when spoken to and then it was only yes or no. He had to speak to Gaius, why wouldn't Arthur allow him to touch him?

Gwen came hurrying down the courtyard steps with Gaius not far behind. "You found them." Gwen gasped as she hugged Lancelot tight before walking past and ignoring Agravaine to hug Merlin. "I was so worried."

"I was the one that was taken." Agravaine murmured.

Gwen, not letting go of Merlin looked over her shoulder at Arthur's uncle. "Yes of course you were."

"Merlin my boy." Gaius said as he started to check Merlin. "Is anyone else injured?"

Arthur stepped forwards "Just my uncle and Merlin here." he said, placing his hand on Merlin's shoulder, letting go straight away when images came to him that made him drop to his knees. "No no no."

Merlin winced as he knelt by his King. "Arthur?"

Arthur looked up at Merlin. "How can you stand to be near me?"

"Because you are my King and you have given or shown me no reason to not be near you."

Lancelot helped Merlin up. "Come on Merlin, we need to get you healed." he said before looking at Arthur who was still on his knees. "Arthur are you alright?"

Arthur shakily got to his feet. "Just see to Merlin and my Uncle." he whispered before walking away from them all.

Once in Gaius' chambers Gaius gave a potion to Agravaine that knocked him out where Merlin then treated not only all of his injuries but all of his own as well. "How long will he sleep for Gaius?"

"A few hours, he will wake believing I used my magic to heal him, he still doesn't know who you are?"

"No. Arthur wants to tell him but he has promised he won't. Gaius something is wrong with Arthur, I don't know what Morgana did to him."

"Did to him? Merlin you are the one that had to be carried back."

Merlin sighed and quietly told Gaius what happened in the cell.

"Oh Merlin, first thing we must do is see if you are pregnant, then we will go from there." the old man said as he got up and started to search through some books.

What do you think?

Chapter Two up tomorrow

Review? x