A/N - So I always have been writing wrestling Fanfiction I never tried anything outside my comfort box until now that is. This is my first Fast & Furious Fanfic I'm gonna try it out and see how it goes since this is one of my favorite movie franchise. Also this story takes place in the first movie and going all the way to Furious 7. But leave me a review and everything telling me what you think about it. I'll take good and bad comments just don't be to mean! Lol anyway here is chapter one!
Chapter One..
Mia was at the shop studying behind the counter as usual as Dom was in the back doing his own thing a blue van pulled up parking in the lot. This made Mia look up from her work and outside as a lady with blonde hair stepped out the van.
"Dom! Rebecca's here." Mia called out before focusing back on her work.
Dom rised up from his chair and walked out from the back and out the shop. "Rebecca your early."
"Yeah well the kids had a half a day and Ms. Ortiz didn't answer her phone so I thought I drop her off here then home alone." Rebecca shrugged.
"Well I see you but who I don't see is my kid." Dom said and smirked when Rebecca rolled her eyes.
Rebecca went around to the other side opening the door. "Come on Nicole we are here." The other girls awed in disappointment.
"Okay!" A cheerful little voice said as a seven year old girl jumped out from the backseat and onto the ground.
She had a tan like skin complection with big brown pretty eyes and her height was suitable for her age. Her hair was black and straightened out it stopped to the center of her back as it fell in her eye a bit. She wore blue jeans shorts, tennis, and a black short sleeved v-neck with a black beanie. And her small pink and black stripped bookbag on her back.
Rebecca closed the door as Nicole ran around the front. "Daddy!"
Dom's face lit up as she ran over to him smiling he caught her and lifted her up. "There's my girl, how was school?"
"Bor-ing." Nicole sung. "But it still was fun."
Rebecca smiled. "Well I will see you next Monday Nicole be good and Dom you continue doing whatever the hell it is you do." She said getting inside the van closing the door.
"You know you love me deep down inside Rebecca." Dom said she just waved him off before starting up her car and pulling off he chuckled looking back at Nicole. "So you gonna tell me what you learned today or what kiddo?"
Nicole nodded eagerly as he began walking back to the shop with her. "Yeah it was a lot of reading skills my teacher said I was the best though which I already know."
He shook his head she was a little Letty for sure she showed sides of both of them but she showed her mother's side the most. It was hard having Nicole considering Letty and him was still young at the time he didn't know the first thing about being a dad. He forgot that he practically raised Mia who is a little firecracker herself at times. He remembered when Letty found out she didn't know what to do but she knew one thing. She wanted to keep and raise Nicole, Letty wasn't really the mother type but she did a good job at it.
Of course it was hard being a street racer and taking care of a seven year old but somehow they made it work. He knew if his dad was still alive that he would love Nicole more then anything just like him. Letty decided to name Nicole after Dom even though everybody gave them suggestions after suggestions. When she was born Letty just looked at her and said Nic and shortly it became Nicole.
"Aunt Mia!" Nicole jumped down going behind the counter.
Mia smiled hugging her. "There's my favorite niece."
"I'm your only niece Mia." Nicole breathed out as she was getting hugged to death.
"Which makes you my favorite." Mia giggled letting her go. "Got homework?"
"Yup but can we save the math for later it makes my head hurt." Nicole said with a pout.
Mia nodded taking her bookbag. "Sure we can start off with the easy stuff first but first let me fix you a snack."
"Okay, where's mommy?" Nicole asked trying to get on the stool.
"Probably with Vince, your uncle Jesse and Leon she better have a good reason for not answering her phone that I know." Dom said walking past he lifted Nicole up with ease putting her on the stool before heading to the back.
Mia fixed Nicole something to eat before beginning to help her with her homework after a while a familiar face walked in the shop. "Mia there's that boy you like."
"Nicky hush." Mia shushed her but looked over seeing Brian indeed walking inside she smirked to herself. "Tuna on white no crust, right?
Brian sat down with a paper. "I don't know, how is it?"
Mia shook her head. "Every day for the last three weeks you've come here asking how the tuna is. Now it was crappy yesterday it was crappy the day before, and guess what? It hasn't changed."
"Harsh." Nicole muttered.
"Yeah she is but I'll have the tuna." Brian said referring to Nicole's comment.
"No crust?" Mia asked
"No crust." Brian repeated as she stood up.
"Add those two together Nicky then give me a minute." Mia said going over to the other side to make the sandwich.
Brian opened the paper but glanced over at the little girl who was doing her homework he seen her here a lot and always heard her call Mia her aunt. He figured the guy in the back was her father but if he was, then who was her mother?Hearing a sound he looked up to see the guy known as Dom stand up he walked over grabbing a cold beer. He looked at Brian who shared the same look Dom looked at Nicole before going back over and sitting down.
"Here you go." Mia said putting the plate down in front of him.
"Thank you." Brian says picking it up and taking a bite.
Mia gave him a look before going back over to Nicole and started helping her Brian's head perked up when he heard the sounds of fast car engines. Four cars pulled up Nicole looked up from her homework hearing voices already knowing the family was back.
"What's up with this fool?" Vince said referring to Brian. "Is he sandwich-crazy?"
"No he ain't here for the food dog." Leon said getting a laugh from Jesse as they all began walking in.
"Chill out he's slinging parts for Harry." Letty said shaking her head.
"I know what he's slinging he's trying to get in Mia's pants dog." Leon joked again.
"What's up, guys?" Mia nodded.
"How you doing Mia?" Leon greeted.
"How you living, girl?" Letty nodded.
"Aye there's our girl growing day by day look at her Jesse." Leon said ruffling Nicole's hair messing it up making her pout and try to swat his hands away. "Woah!"
He was cut off by Letty pushing him out the way. "Get out of my daughters face would yah Leon," Letty took her shades off looking down at Nicole her frown turned into a smile as she fixed her hair. "Wassup baby girl."
"Mommy!" Nicole jumped on her.
"I missed you to midget." Letty chuckled holding almost bridal style like kissing her cheek multiple times making her giggle. "What are you doing home so early?"
"I had a half a day." Nicole said in a duh tone as her mother sat her back down.
"You and that little smart mouth and, you had a half of day?" Letty asked as she nodded in response. "Shit." She cursed walking to the back knowing Dom was probably pissed she leaned against the door way. "Hey Dom, you want something to drink?" Dom just held up his beer can shaking it before lowering it Letty sighed. "I'm sorry you know."
"And you know we will talk later." Dom nodded.
Letty just walked back over to Nicole wrapping an arm around her from behind. "Need help with your homework?"
"A little aunt Mia was helping me." Nicole says holding up a work sheet.
"Guess it's my turn let me see it." Letty said taking it from her looking it over they both looked over when they heard Leon and Jesse joking around.
"Ah he's beautiful." Jesse said holding up a pair of shades even though he already had on a pair.
"I like his haircut." Leon said eating a bag of chips.
"Vince...Vince!" Mia shouted as he was sitting next to Brian.
"What?" Vince looked from Brian over to Mia.
Mia sighed. "Can I get you anything?"
Vince looked her up and down before nodding. "You look good."
Brian stood up reaching in his pocket. "Thanks a lot Mia see you tomorrow." He said throwing the money on the counter.
Mia nodded. "Sure."
"Bye!" Nicole called out waving.
Brian looked back and smiled slightly before waving. "See yah."
Letty rubbed the back of Nicole's head watching knowing what was coming next Vince did a double take. "Tomorrow?"
"I love this part." Leon said as Jesse shook his head.
Vince got up following Brian out. "Try Fatburger from now on get yourself a double cheese with fries for $2.95 faggot."
"What's a faggot?" Nicole looked up at Letty.
"Remember those bad words we talked about?" Jesse said leaning next to her on the other side and got a nod. "Yeah, well we add that one to the list of them."
"Ohh." Nicole said nodding now getting it.
"I like the tuna here." Brian said as he continued walking.
"Bullshit no one likes the tuna here!" Vince yelled.
Brian shrugged. "Yeah, well I do." He was about to get his keys out but realized they weren't there. Before he could think he was pushed from behind into his car door he turned around nailing Vince with a right hook.
Hearing tussling Mia turned around and groaned in annoyance. "Jesus Christ, Dom! Would you get out there? I'm sick of this shit!" Mia yelled as Dom made no signs of getting up she sighed. "I'm not kidding Dom get out there!"
Dom got up leaning his arm against the wall looking from the brawl over to Mia. "What did you put in that sandwich?"
"That's funny." Mia said with a frown
"Dom!" Letty said he looked over her eyes went from Nicole to him as she nodded her head outside.
"Alright." He said marching out from the back and outside with Jesse, Leon, and Letty in tow.
"Mia watch Nicky." Letty said before walking outside.
Nicole jumped down from the stool and walked but stopped when she felt something under her feet. "Huh?" Bending down she picked up a pair of keys and looked outside where she heard yelling.
Taking the keys she walked outside and saw her dad yelling at Vince before back at the other guy. Saying his last words Dom backed up Nicole walked past Letty making her do a double take.
"Nicky." Letty called out trying to stop her.
This made Dom turn around. "Nicole!"
Nicole ignored her father before holding out Brian's keys to him. "I think these are yours."
Brian looked down taking them. "Thanks kid."
Nicole smiled nodding. "Your welcome."
"Nicole!" Dom called out again making her whip her head around he pointed to the spot in front of him. "Come here."
"Sorry gotta go." Nicole said before jogging over to Dom.
"Didn't you hear me calling you the first time?" Dom asked sternly she looked down nodding. "Don't let me have to do that again you know better Nicky."
Nicole played with her fingers as her gaze stayed down. "I'm sorry daddy."
"I know come on let's go get your homework finished then where going home." Dom picked her up she wrapped her arms around his neck and played with his chain. Dom grabbed Letty's hand walking past pulling her with him while everybody followed heading back in.
That was chapter one leave me a review letting me know if you like it and everything but until next time!
Chapter Two - We'll Always Be With You