Disclaimer: Italy , Romano, Grandpa and other Hetalia characters that are in this story belong to Hidekazu Himaruya, the authour for the Hetalia comics. Other characters mentioned are OCs of mine

We were on our way to one of the most expensive restaurants in New York. Feli and I both had on matching Brioni Vanquish suits, Feli had on a green tie while I had a red one that corresponded with our mask colours. Each one cost around 73,000 dollars. Money wasn't a problem for old countries like us since we have million dollar artwork from the eighteenth century hidden back in Italy so if we ever need more money we can just sell those. Spain still had mounds of treasure hidden away from his pirating days that he refuses to sell since he claims he stole the treasure fair and square and it's his now. We were dressed to impress because we were going to have a meeting with the countries who have the biggest mafia organizations and discuss business. Russia, America, China, Japan, Mexico, and of course us. We had one of these meetings two years ago in Russia. In the middle of dinner a lone gunman started firing a handheld pistol at our group. He managed to wing China in the shoulder until America quickly pulled a .50 handgun from his side hostel and shot the guy right between the eyes. I would never challenge America to a gunfight since he hand the quick draw from his cowboy days and the aim of a trained sniper, which he was. China was okay since we're nations and Russia was able to get get his men to trace down the people who sent the guy and exterminate them. Hopefully this meeting in America won't be as chaotic as the last one.

As we got out at the front doors to the restaurant I handed a chauffeur the keys and a twenty. Once inside a host lead us to the second floor and to a large round table that was placed in front of the glass wall that looked out over the New York lights and bustling streets. Only the best for us spoiled mafia bosses. Already there were China, Russia, and Mexico. Russia was wearing an expensive looking black suit and his always present white scarf. He also adorned a white mask with red details. China, also in a black suit had a gold mask with red details. Lastly, Mexico was wearing a margarita green suit and had on a matching coloured mask. They were all talking in the Nations Language. This language is what all countries come into this world knowing along with our own native tongue. The nations language allows us to speak to each other without having to learn another language. To the regular human it would sound like a regular sounding foreign conversation, but of we are recorded then traced to a specific language it will be translated to complete gibberish.

This is used at every world meeting in case of spies, passing messages to one another, and in public meetings like this. The three greeted us with hellos and we took our seats in the two empty chairs by Russia. The order went around starting with China, Mexico, Russia, me, and Feli, then two empty chairs for America and Japan.

A waitress came to get my drink order, I order a glass of white wine while Feli ordered a bottle of red wine. There was no doubt that everyone at this table loved their alcohol, we all drank for the taste mostly since it took about 10 bottles for us to get remotely drunk. Looking around at the assorted alcoholic beverages set around the table for tonight I wonder if one of us plans on getting drunk. Mexico had a bottle of what I assumed to be coloured Mexican beer. China was drinking a glass of what I recognized as Baijiu or 'Chinese Vodka.' Russia had a clear glass bottle of pure Russian Vodka. A couple minutes after the waitress had brought my brother and I our drinks, America and Japan showed up.

" Hey, glad you guys made it here without any hassle. Well, let's get this show on the road." America said grinning widely. He was wearing a black and white striped zoot suit, and had on a bright blue mask with white details. As America took his seat besides Feliciano, Japan bowed politely and took his seat next to America. He had a black mask and a plain black suit.

" So to get things started let's talk about stats. China, what's the estimated amount of income the Triad made this year?", America said, looking over at China.

While answered with some impressive numbers and figures that his most well-known mafia gang has gained I looked at the tables around us. There were about five other tables scattered around the room. The one closest to us held an elderly couple who looked like the bathed in diamonds. The husband was glancing at us with fear and curiosity. If he had any sense he would know that you shouldn't question seven very powerful, expensive, masked men unless you had a death wish. As more facts and figures were told around the table, we gained attention from the rest of the room. The first tip-off was most likely the masks but I'm guessing the reason for obvious eavesdropping were the people trying to figure out what language we all were communicating with.

" How about you Romano and Veneziano? How's the Italian- American Mafia holdin' up?" America said casually sipping a glass of whiskey.

" As good as it can be when idiots aren't shooting civilians over petty feuds." I said bitterly. At that everyone nodded in agreement. They all knew the troubles of humans, especially the mob, killing each other in senseless violence. That's part of the reason why all of us here have taken on identities as mob bosses so we can keep order in all the chaos. The other part is mostly because we're bored and you only get to be a real mob boss for a couple of decades until the next powerhouse swoops in.

The night went on with us talking about all the possible hits and world disasters that were averted with us being in control of the various mafias. Mexico was in the middle of talking about the boss of his biggest drug cartel attempted to smuggle 1.2 million dollars of cocaine across the american border, but I noticed that a two waiters had come into the room and were watching us. One of them moved and I saw a glimpse of a holster. I cut off Mexico and said, " Company." Which everyone knew was code that hit men were there. I have no clue how they would know that all of us would be in America in New York, but since they only had two men it shows that this wasn't planned for very long.

Mexico called a waitress over who was carrying a tray of drinks which he 'accidently' knocked over making it spill everywhere. The crash caused everyone in the room to look over at the table. Now it would be very hard for the hitmen to get to one of us. Well, that was the plan until four more charged at Japan, America, and Feliciano. Japan swiftly took hold of the man's head, twisting it with a sickening crack. Feli pulled out one of his many hidden knives and sliced the hitman throat causing blood to spray all over himself. He turned to me with a pleased smile and licked some blood off his lips. America threw two guys off of him, sending them flying out of the wall of glass and into the busy road below. Looking out at the running and screaming humans who were filing out of the room.

" Welp this meeting is adjourned, I trust you can all find your way out before the police come. Catchya later!" America said this loudly and then jumped out the window. None of us were shocked by this since we know he'll be okay and is probably running around New York like a madman. I grabbed Feli and we ran through the kitchen doors and outside to the firescape. On the ground I spotted my car in the valet parking. Using my extra set of keys I drove off, nearly causing many wrecks. We left just in the knick of time since I heard police sirens blaring at the restaurant.

AN: Here's part five. I love this story I hope you do too.