Disclaimer: Italy , Romano, Grandpa and other Hetalia characters that are in this story belong to Hidekazu Himaruya, the authour for the Hetalia comics. Other characters mentioned are OCs of mine.

Background Information

Chain of command-

Capo tutti capi-The Dom: everyone calls him Grandpa. He's the boss. He stays in the mansion unless it's for a party or a court case.

His two sons for jobs and to the police are known as the twins.

To close family they are called Feli and Lovi

To members of the Mafioso it was Veneziano and Romano. This was going off the ongoing spiel that they had the land of Italy running through their veins.

They have three 'uncles' not by blood but they all are 100% Italian to the core.

They make up the Consigliere.

Rings- nickname from the collection of all the rings he 's rumoured they're from all the wives he had married then killed out of anger months after the wedding.

Tiger G- his nickname is from his short fuse temper off and from the fact that he growls when angered.

Daddy Tonz- need money? Do a favour for daddy Tonz he's loaded. But favours aren't paid with jobs but with bodies either with yours or someone else's. Take that however you wish to.

They all made up the famiglia part. They each had rooms in the mansion.

The twins spent most of their downtime in the mansion under protection of soldiers but they also had an pent house in New York for themselves.

There are six under bosses, Benny, Joey Diamonds, Frankie, Wings, Trigger Bobby, and Little Micky.

Everyone mentioned, the Dom,the Twins, Consigliere,and the underbosses made up the administration.

Under the under bosses were 14 caporegime and under them were over 50 soldiers.

Most of New York City were associates to the Mafia. A lot of it was also either owned or protected by Grandpa too.

Lovino's pov

The engine revved roaring and the streets screeching behind me. Their was a dinner party tonight at Beppi's, which is where the high class mafioso parties and clients were taken care of. I parked around back and looked in the mirror to straighten my red mask. It covered my eyes and nose, leaving only my nose down visible. My brother wore the same mask but in white. We did this because the sons of the Dom identities are worth gold. The only time Feli and I take off the masks are when we are in our penthouse alone or in the mansion with our uncles and grandpa. Reaching into the glove box I took out two Colt m1911 super pistols and stuck them in the hostlers in my jacket. I also had a flat 1908 vest pocket colt in the waistband of my pants. Thanks to my fratello I was carrying three knives, one holstered to each calf and one up my left arm sleeve. He carried about thirty knives on him all the time since he thinks threatening people is a lot more fun when you can draw blood. Plus he can throw the suckers with deadly accuracy. Since this is the mob, he carries a vest pocket in his waistband like everyone else. Armed, I stepped out of my sleek black car with rosaries hanging from the mirrors, and the Virgin Mary painted on the back, with blacked out bullet proof windows.

I walked through the back entrance like I always do because I don't want to waste my time with the schmoozes in the front, waiting in line. The door was opened for me by Vinny. "Hey, Romano, big night tonight huh?", he was a restaurant usual always there with a big smile. " Ya, hey thanks Vinny", I said putting a hand on his shoulder and slipping a 20 in his suit pocket. " Anything ya need Romano, I gotcha." Keeping up the good looks was something my father taught time and time again. Guy opens the door for you, give him a twenty and thank him. He gets ya a drink, give him a 20 and shake his hand. This was all good business to keep up the good looks. I walked down the back halls of the place and into the big gourmet kitchen, which is in full swing for the party and the usual dinner rush. People cleared out of my way. Some out of fear or some with shouts of "hey Roma big-a party to tonight hey?". I walked on through the kitchen until the owner greeted me with a big hug and " Roma you made it, right this way,". We went through the sea of busy tables to a large rectangle table in front of the stage where a chair was carried in for me and placed next to my brother. Around the table was starting at the end were Wings, Tiger G, his newly found skank, Daddy Tonz ,one of his wives, Feli, Me, Rings, his new wife of 2 months, and last Joey Diamonds. Wings and Joey somehow weaseled their way into into the Familia table but I'll let the stay untouched tonight since this is a party. When they saw me, each one down the line got up and kissed me on the cheek saying "wonderful party" "welcome". Once the greetings were done, I sat in my chair next to Feli and gave him a quick kiss on the lips which wasn't unusual for brothers especially twins but I caught a smirk from Tonz,who knew better then to assume the kiss was brotherly love. I returned his smirk with scowl. "Roma what a great party" Feli said smiling. Yes, everyone here looked happy. The party was to celebrate a big company in new York finally giving into the mafia and now it being mafia controlled opened so many options for us. "Roma, is Grandpa comin tonight?" one of the under bosses asked from another table. Many people quieted down in hopes to hear the answer. " Grandpa, cannot make it tonight but he wants the party to keep going on without him, so champagne all around!" I said loudly to the room. Their were many cheers at the mention of champagne but some still looked worried at the Dom not being there. In truth it was too dangerous for Grandpa to be out right now since Philadelphia has some grits with the deal a caporegime made which ended bad with one of theirs burned. So there's no telling when they'll come back for blood, even at a party on our own turf.

-Line break- (-_-)

Feliciano got up next to me and handed me a glass of champagne he toasted, " To the new company! Viva il famiglia mafioso!" everyone raised their glasses and repeated "viva il famiglia mafioso!" and drank.

We ate and drank while the uncles were heckling each other and making everyone laugh.

Tiger is going on about some floozy who was hitting him up at a bar. She sits on the chair next to him, and she doesn't realize that she's sat in a piece of chocolate cake."And she's making google eyes at me asking my name and I'm trying hard not to piss myself with laughter until after a few minutes she asks what's so funny, and I go Darlin next time you go sitting your fat ass down trying to pick up men, you should look she's so disgusted with my comment she gets up and walks away with chocolate smeared all over her skirt!".Everyone bursts out laughing and I allow myself a smile and a slight chuckle for appearances sake. When I do really laugh it's in the mansion or in my penthouse and it's a loud snorting which I hate to hear but Feli loves it. Feli of course is trying very hard to get drunk which isn't very easy for nations, but that does not stop us from trying. Tonz slips the bottle out of Feli's reach and says to me " your brothers a little wine happy". I shrug and say, " get him a non-alcoholic bottle, he drinks mostly for the taste anyway. " The night goes on and members come up to us saying congrats and hopes for the new company. Dessert is brought out, the lights are dim and a singer is brought on stage with an orchestra accompaniment. When the singer is done she gets a standing ovation and people start to drunkenly wander out of the restaurant, but not before saying bye to the consigliere and the Dom's sons. I give my car keys to a soldier and tell him to pull it around front for me. Rings approaches me, " Roma ya coming to the mansion tonight?". "No I'm going to take my drunk brother to the penthouse but we'll be there for breakfast", I reply spying my swaying twin being supported by a laughing Tiger G. Rings laughs, "oh ya, Donna will rip you a new one if you two miss her delicious breakfast". Donna was like a step mom to us. She had been a bosses wife until he was shot, but the life of a mafia wife was for her. She didn't care what we did as long as she had a big house and lots of food to cook, then she was happy. Dad seemed to like her too and they looked happy together. He had invited her to live with us 10 years ago and now you couldn't pay her to leave. In a sense she was the unofficial mother to the mafia. I pulled my brother from Tiger and bid them all goodnight. We both got into my car and loudly sped off at law breaking speeds. The penthouse was more inner city than the mansion but I thought it would be good for us to be in the city and to have a safe house bedsides the mansion. We got out and a chauffeur took the car to a parking garage. The lobby of the high end apartment complex was more like one of a high end hotel. It was empty save for the desk staff who nodded in respect to us as we got on the elevator. It was a silent ride to the very top floor which held out luxury penthouse apartment.

AN: Thank you for reading.