A/N Good day and welcome! The name's RatInvasion, and I'm proud to present you my first multi-chapter fanfiction which also happens to be a collaboration! The first prologue was written by my incredible co-author. So, I'll shut up for now and give him the spotlight. See ya in the next chapter!

A/N Hello! Josephm611 here, and welcome to the collab SYOT Uncertainty with RatInvasion. The rules will be below this Prologue, and the form will be on both of our profiles.

Let's begin!

Prologue 1

Eutropius Telemonium recklessly ran through the crowd at the subway station at Diamond Avenue, pushing aside others in a devil-may-care dash for the train rails. He didn't he much time left.

He was only a few hundred feet away when he heard the train pulling in. So close! But the people around him seemed to be moving as slow as snails. Ugh! In a last-ditch effort, he plowed through the people in the way. Twenty feet. The bell began to ring. Ten feet. The doors began to blink. Five feet. Now or never. He lunged, holding his hat on his head with his left hand, and barely made it in as the doors closed. People around him gave him strange looks, but he didn't care. He was glad to be on. He brushed off his canary yellow shirt and sat down.

Only a few more years, he thought. Then he wouldn't have to ride the subway because he'd have his own car. But he was just out of college, and the subway was cheap. Besides, it went right up to the CBN, the Capitol Broadcasting Network, and that would be convenient. As Caesar Flickerman's newest assistant, he couldn't afford to be late. Literally. He went over the equation in his head, reminding himself how important this situation was.

Tardy + Irresponsible = No Job + No Money

No money would mean going into debt, and going into to debt... He tried not to think about that.

The train began to slow, and it was his stop. He moved towards the doors. As soon as the door were open, he was off again, sometimes weaving around the people but often crashing. Soon, he was standing before the door to the prep rooms of the CBN. He took a moment to straighten his hat and his coat. Done. He took a deep breath and entered the room. The secretary was there with a clipboard with a list of things to do. Being his first year, he was given a bit of help. On the list, at the bottom, were the words, "May the odds be ever in your favor. Welcome to the team :) -Caesar."

How nice. He scanned the list and then checked his watch. 12 hours left. Time to get to work.

A/N So before you submit, please read the rules. Just do it.

1. PM ONLY. NO REVIEWS WILL BE ACCEPTED. EVER. PERIOD. Also, its be nice if you title the PM with the name, gender, and District. It makes searching through the PM inbox a lot easier. You can send it to me (Josephm611) or to Rat Invasion.

2. You can submit as many as you want! There's a catch; we will accept no more than two tributes from each submitter. If there are enough, only one or even none might make it in.

3. This may not qualify as a rule, but if you'll submit, please review? Even one-liners are okay if necessary. Reviews are how we know that you're reading, and we may think twice before killing your tribute. Beside, if you won't read it, why submit?

4. This may sound obvious, but COMPLETE THE FORM. All of it. Even the faceclaim. Read the form, we have some guidelines and tips. If you have trouble with faceclaims, read the tips BEFORE creating your tribute.

5. Finally, remember that we will very likely tweak your creation. It's necessary to create a cohesive story. Don't whine.

The form will be on our profiles.

Thanks in advance!
