Leaning over the counter, elbows propping up her weight, Touka stared out the window at the cool droplets pitter-pattering against: Re's front window.

The quietness of the shop gave her chills. She was at such peace but her mind was a brewing storm in the making.

He left. Plain and simple, sort of that is.

For the past two years, she was able to minimize the thoughts, stealing the possible chance(s) she had at happiness. The rain seemed to be a trigger for Touka. Every

time it started, her mood and body language would shift back to how she felt that day he left. All the energy she had to manage throughout the day had been drained,

suddenly and all Touka felt like doing was curling up into a tight ball. Kaneki wasn't fully to blame, it had in fact been a busy day for her and Nishiki wasn't being of

much help at the shop. He had been off in a corner for over an hour, laughing at his phone.

She picked up a rag from under the counter and began languid circles.

"Can you please be of use at some point today?" Touka scoffed.

"With what customers, shitty Touka?" he retorted, watching her clean harder

in frustration.

Sometimes, her mood would be triggered by the simple fact that Kaneki's help would have been very useful on certain days or in the case when Nishio was being a lazy ass.

Touka sighs knowing he was right and she wasn't doing much herself but she was tired of seeing him slack off.

"Can you stop watching porn for two seconds and doing something", she spat.

"You're so hell bent on getting me to work when you aren't doing much yourself. What the fuck crawled up your ass and died?"

"How about you just shut your mouth and do as I say?" Touka was starting to get fed up. Her emotions were starting to bubble over with frustration.

Nishiki felt her anger and decided to keep retorting.

"What's wrong? Don't have your boy toy here to boss around, huh?"

And that was the last straw for Touka. Her fists hit the counter, her tiny palms shaking with hatred.

Nishio knew he struck a nerve, somewhat regretting bringing it up and somewhat unsatisfied at the fact that he couldn't get her to go away so he could get back to

playing phone tag with Kimi.

A few minutes had ticked by and Nishio began to realize he wasn't hearing a peep from Touka anymore and looked up from his phone, cocking his head back to see if

she had still been standing upfront, which she sure was.

The girl ghoul was hunched over the front counter, shaking and clutching her palms tightly to her stomach.

Was she…crying?

He readjusted his glasses to get a better view of Touka, only to catch a sideview.

She wasn't crying but she sure was on the verge of it or slapping the shit out of him

but he didn't want to stick around to find out.

When she realizes Nishio is staring, she shot a glare in his direction, turning to storm off up the stairs.

He knew he had fucked up.

Shutting his phone, Nishio took over the front, knowing Touka was definitely going to be a while and she probably needed it.

Damn, she's hotheaded, he thought.

Nishiki let a small grin pull at his thin lips.

He secretly enjoyed pissing her off, but he would never admit it.

Nishio let the thought pass and went back to playing with his cell.

I'm secretly deeply interested in how this will play out.

I hope you enjoyed.
