Finale. Will Max be a hero? Find out here. I am hoping to write another story with these two, maybe something like my Guiding Max Black fic. I was thinking of Caroline as a British Nanny being forced to look after Max. Let me know what you think!
"That bitch!", thought Caroline, storming back to her lab. She trusted Max, she thought she was her friend, now she was some ridiculously voloptuos crime fighter.
Max's nipples stung, she pressed two bags of ice from the freezer against them, "Dammit, Caroline." She didn't think she did anything wrong, clearly that woman was overreacting to her advances. Caroline Channing had her own dirty fantasies about her alter ego, she knew it.
End of the day, Caroline was nowhere to be seen but Max did see, well at first heard with her super hearing some commotion back in the loading bay like before when she cut herself on that testing tube.
"Be careful! Be careful!", she heard a familiar yet gravelly voice order. Some men much like before were moving big drum barrels. The one ordering them around was wearing a lab coat. Professor Greene. Most people never saw him, some thought he was dead or cut ties with Professor Michaels. Max wasn't sure why but she took out her phone and started filming, this all seemed so shady, what was this junk and why did it make her this way?
"Max, what do you think you're doing?", Caroline was behind Max, not aware that Professor Greene was there.
"Caroline, shhhh!"
"Don't shhh, me! What are you doing, you're not supposed to be back here!"
"Hello, ladies!", Professor Greene was standing over them, two burly men at his side.
"Professor, Greene?"
"Hello, Caroline, it has been quite some time. Thank you for helping me in my work."
"Your work, but you handed it all over to Stan."
"Ha!", he proclaimed, "Is that what everyone thinks? He stole it from me!" Caroline wasn't sure what to say to that.
"What are you doing with all of this shit?"
Professor Greene was not in the mood for Max's attitude, he had work to do, "Excuse me! This shit as you call it is my life's work. Who are you anyway?"
"My name's Max", she started to get more confident but then realized her role in all of this. "…I'm…I'm the secretary"
He laughed, "Really, I thought you were an escort."
"Burn", Caroline smiled at her.
"Now, ladies, I'm afraid you are going to have to be dealt with."
"Huh?", Caroline was really worried now.
"You've seen too much! Take care of them." The men went to grab both women. Max wasn't going to let this happen, she punched one of the men so hard he landed a few feet from her.
Professor Greene was impressed, "It's inside of you, isn't it? My, it does do wonders. Now I have a lot more to be excited about."
"What are you doing with this, Greene? Sell it for millions?"
"Try billions!"
"So you are using it as a weapon", Caroline said as the other man had a tight hold on her.
"What the hell did you think it was for?"
"Alziemhers. Old age. It could be used to help a lot of people."
"Well, after seeing her I can't imagine what dog she looked like before." Max was ready to kill him but he pulled a gun on her. "I'' be going now. Kill them, Bruce."
He drove off in the van leaving Max to help Caroline. "You have to stop him, Max!"
"Let her go…Bruce is it?"
"Fuck you, tramp!"
Max smiled and opened her top, "Have you ever seen anything like these before, Brucey Boy?", her breasts fully exposed, both Bruce and Caroline were flabbergasted at them, reacting like the first time either of them had seen boobs. With Bruce distracted , she got him away from Caroline and snapped his neck.
"Max! You didn't have to kill him!", Max had no time to think about the repercussions. She grabbed Caroline and pulled her into a kiss. "Max…Greene,,,You have to stop him!", she ordered.
"Okay, Miss Bossy."
"And don't think I'm still not mad at you."
"I'll make it up to you later, babe." Caroline rolled her eyes but she smiled knowing she totally wanted to see how she was going to do that.
Max ran after the van, catching up to it without even getting out of breath or breaking a sweat. Professor Greene was going about 75 and Max was almost touching the bumper. His other goon pointed his gun out the window, shooting at her but missing. She ran up to his door and pulled him out, sending his head crushing against the pavement. She climbed inside of the van, Greene swearing at her, "You stupid bitch!", she grabbed the wheel, "You're going to kill both of us!"
The van crashed into a storefront and burst into flames.
Caroline found Professor Michaels tied up and beaten in a closet. "I know this sounds crazy, Professor Michaels but Max is handling it."
Almost immideatly, Max walked in, her clothes singed from the blaze, her ass practically hanging out and underwear exposed. "Sorry, all of the drums blew up along with Greene."
"It's probably for the best. He was selling them to the highest bidder and was sloppy with my calculations. They could have hurt a lot of people, Max. You're a hero."
"Damn straight", she smiled, looking Caroline up and down.
"Now, if you'll excuse me, Professor, Caroline and I have some making up to do."
"Are you being serious right now?", Caroline folded her arms, bewildered by Max's cockiness.
Max answered her with her suave hero persona and went in close to those pink lips. Michaels of course had no idea what was happening but he wasn't going to look away. "Gonna need to borrow your closet, doc", she smiled back at him. She took Caroline into the closet and shut the door.
There was a lot of noise, a lot of clothes being teared and shouting. "Fuck! Oh yeah, Professor Channing!"
"OH! MAX! AH!"
"Yeah, you like it!"
It was almost an hour before they came out, "I could go another round, how about you?", Max was sweating but it was clear she was still horny.
Caroline was worn out. Professor Michaels looked baffled, he hadn't moved from where he was, "Professor Michaels, I'd like to perform some tests on Max here. She was exposed to the chemical and I really, really want to learn as much as I can about her abilities."
"That sounds like a…great idea."
Max never put her clothes back on after exiting the closet, she didn't seem to notice, "Does this mean I get a raise?"
"…I don't know", Professor Michaels began.
"Oh, come on, Professor", Caroline put an arm around Max and felt up that amazing rack of hers.
"Alright. But I expect a lot of work."
"Oh, don't worry, sir", Max smirked, "Say Professor, Channing, how about that date?"
"I could move some things around…"
"Good", she gave Caroline a slap on the ass and another kiss. Caroline was really enjoying this new side of Max.
"Ah!", Caroline keeled over.
"What's wrong?"
Caroline looked down at her lab coat and saw her chest expanding. Max was excited for her, this meant a whole lot more fun.
The End.