Tatsumi x Akame - Determination

Tatsumi had always wondered why Akame was so determined to finish missions on time. He had always wondered why she was so concerned with the well-being of her comrades. He had understood they were friends, but, it seemed to go beyond that.

When he had learned Kurome was Akame's younger sister, he had studied the younger of the two. He had discovered that Kurome always had those blasted cookies like they might the last cookie she would ever eat. Tatsumi had watch Kurome eat the cookies quickly after a mission, devouring an entire bag easily. He guessed that was Kurome's motive for coming back. Tatsumi later learned from Akame, that the bag was in fact cookies laced with drugs and Kurome was was one of the many kids that the Empire had made the world's youngest group of addicts, but that's besides that point.

It took our green eyed assassin years to figure out what drove Akame to come back from missions. After awhile of watching her come back from dangerous missions, she started to look at the remaining umbers of her Night Raid comrades like they weren't there. Like someone else had taken their places. He asked her once and the answer still chilled him to the bone, "Zank heard voices, I see ghosts."

When the Chelsea had died Akame did not seem overly surprised nor too caring. Something that had surprised Tatsumi, as she had been heartbroken when Sheele and Bulat died. He had asked Leone once about and she shrugged and said Akame was a mystery she had never figured out. Tatsumi had considered asking the infamous assassin what went on through her head, and as if reading his mind Akame had answered.

"You'll figure it out one day, Tatsumi."

It was when Mein was shipped off to the infirmary, having destroyed Pumpkin that he learned why Akame came back. She had come back to see those friends, even if they sometimes looked liked ghosts. She came back to take care of everyone, to be the shoulder to lean on. Akame also came back just on the off chance that Kurome had abandoned the Empire. She came back to live. She came back to be with him. And for that Tatsumi was eternally grateful.

I did say these were going to be short, didn't I? I also have a couple of these already written for a rainy day in case I don't want to write. Or if I get backed up with school.