Chapter Eleven

The sky was lightening with every mile he drove toward Norfolk, he'd stolen the car under cover of darkness and started the drive south right away. He didn't want to get caught up in the rush hour traffic, and the earlier he got there the quicker he could start looking for the best place to get Robert. It would have to be off-base, he'd never be able to get a pass, not in the time he had. He had to narrow down the possibilities, there were bars, motels, nightclubs, lots of them, what he had to do was figure out which ones were most likely to attract Robert Jameson, and when he did he would pounce.

This would be the culmination of all he'd worked toward since he resolved to kill Robert. He'd re-read heraldic texts, studied current forensic procedures, pored over US Navy websites, all to arm himself with everything required for success and soon…Craig almost drifted outside his lane as the realisation hit him with almost physical force. His only purpose had been to perfect his art ready to display Robert's body. When that was done, when the aching need inside him had been assuaged, what then? Would he go back to the aimless existence he'd known before? He didn't want that, the blissful feeling he got when he dressed his victims, when he sliced the sinister into their chests, he couldn't lose that, it was the only time he felt truly alive.

With Robert gone the task he'd set himself would be concluded, or would it…? There were others, after the Jamesons had abandoned him, others who'd dragged him further into the abyss. His heart was beating faster, he knew their names, he'd find them, if it took the rest of his life they'd get what was coming to them, and he'd find peace.


"Abby, don't you have any work to do in your lab?"

"Major Mass Spec can't be rushed Tim, I have time to carry out my mission."

"Your mission?"

She released her grip and smiled. "Gibbs told me to be sure you have everything you need."

Tim supressed a sigh, he knew she was trying to be helpful, but he wished everyone would treat him normally, instead of dealing with him as if he was made of china. He was alone in the squadroom because the others had gone out to examine another burned-out van, they'd received several calls about possible links to their killer, none of which had panned out, this one looked more promising, the time-frame worked and it had been found near one of the routes close to Stearman's body. "Abs, I'm good, I promise the most strenuous thing I'll do is pick up a phone, okay?"

"You promise?"

"Scout's honour, I have a couple of searches to run, we could do lunch later if you're not too busy."

"Sounds real good." She gave him another gentle hug. "It's great to have you here Tim; you and Tony, when we couldn't reach you…I was…"

"I know." He kissed her cheek. "It must be tough for you working here when we're out in the field, but…"

"It's the job, Gibbs already told me, doesn't stop me being scared." The phone on Tim's desk rang. "You have a call, I'll get out of here, but you call me if you need anything!"

He gave her the thumbs-up and picked up his phone. "Special Agent McGee."

"Hi, my name's Bob Hawes, I'm a detective in San Francisco, been on a camping trip for a few days, saw your BOLO this morning."

"You know him?" Tim sat up straighter in his chair.

"Knew him…long time ago, twelve, no must be fifteen years. I was a Sheriff's Deputy near Tucson. Your guy, BOLO says person of interest, you looking for anyone else?"

"Not right now, you know how it is, trying to keep an open mind; Detective Hawes…"

"You can't tell me too much, I get it. Let's just say I wouldn't be surprised whatever he'd done. He was a troubled kid, Craig Argent is his name. First time I saw him, we were called to the local group home."

"He was in the foster care system?"

"Had been for years. He…when we got there he was calm, but he had blood on his shirt, his knuckles were a mess. The supervisor said he'd been punching the wall in his room. Another boy had been messing with his stuff, there was a fight, the other kid needed stitches and when they pulled him away Craig started beating on the wall. Took two grown men to stop him."

"Anger issues."

"In spades, wasn't our last callout to him."

"I'm surprised we didn't get any hits on his DNA."

"My guess is his records were sealed. Troubled juve, psychological problems…can't imagine many people were looking to make trouble for him, 'specially after…"

"Detective?" Tim heard a deep sigh from the other end of the line.

"There was never a prosecution, not even an arrest, but there were rumours…some of the County group homes, they weren't always safe havens for kids who needed help."

"Are you saying the youngsters were abused?"

"Like I said, we had nothing we could ever take to court, back then no one was talking about this stuff, least of all the victims."

"We're not looking to build a case Detective Hawes, just want to try and understand why this guy does what he does."

The silence was long enough for Tim to worry he wasn't going to get an answer, then Bob Hawes spoke again. "I don't know all the names Agent McGee. I was a lowly junior deputy at the time, but what I heard…it was bad. Vulnerable kids being …I can't even say it, passed from one abuser to another, never saying a thing, not to the cops anyhow…we never knew how long it had been going on but it was long enough to damage lives."

It was an all too familiar story; people without a voice being preyed on by the very men and women who were supposed to be protecting them. "If you could email me details of the group homes and any other details you remember, my boss is most likely going to want to take this further."

"Will do Agent McGee, Craig Argent…all of them, we let them down…"

Tim couldn't disagree, but he was grateful to the detective for the information and he told him so as he ended the call. He quickly typed in a new search and picked up his phone ready to give Gibbs some good news at last when he heard the familiar ping of the elevator.

"Another waste of time, Abby's not going to get anything from that pile of scrap metal." Tony strode from the elevator and threw his backpack on the floor. Ellie and Gibbs didn't look any happier. She glanced up at the plasma where the ID pictures of the victims were displayed. "We have to get a break soon."

"We got one." All eyes turned to Tim. "I was just going to call you, we have a name, and any minute there'll be…here it is. He clicked the remote and a driver's license appeared on the screen. Gibbs and the others joined him in staring at the picture. "Good work McGee, how did you get it?"

"Finally got a hit on the BOLO." He filled them in on what Bob Hawes had told him. "I'll add the name to the revised BOLO, and Boss, do you think we could get his records released from Tucson Family Services? Maybe if we talk with some of the people who knew him…"

Gibbs was already heading up the stairs. "I'll talk to the Director."


There had been the inevitable delay as red tape and bureaucratic prevarication threatened to stall the case, when they got Argent's records they were saddened yet not surprised by the number of times a troubled boy was passed from one family to another. They made calls, talked with as many foster-carers as they could, all talked of a damaged child who lashed out whenever he didn't get what he wanted. Gibbs put down his phone after yet another call. "I'm going for coffee, anyone else."

He got a nod from Tony and a brief smile from Tim, both of them still on their phones, Ellie had just finished a call. "Gibbs…"

"Yeah I know, you want food."

"No, although….no, it's not that. The last family Argent stayed with before he went into the group home. Phil and Nancy Jameson, they're both dead but they had a son, Robert."

"You talk with him?"

"Not yet, he's a Petty Officer in the US Navy."

Gibbs felt something in his gut, this had to be it, the lead they'd been waiting for so long, he saw Tony and Tim put down their phones, calls concluded and a new scent in their nostrils, "You get his name?"

"Robert Jameson, the neighbour didn't know where he's stationed."

Before he could even turn his head Gibbs heard Tim's quiet, "On it Boss."

In a matter of minutes the plasma screen became the centre of attention as Tim clicked to display a military ID. "Petty Officer First Class Robert Jameson, currently at sea on the Jason Dunham, due back in Norfolk tomorrow after a six month deployment."

"We thinking this is the guy Argent wants to put in the rampant pose?" Tony had got up from his desk to get a closer look.

Gibbs nodded. "Looks likely, but we assume nothing, get his service history McGee, Bishop, contact Norfolk PD, local NCIS, have them watching for Argent. Tony…"

"Talk with any of his former crew mates ashore, I'm on it."

"I'll go see Ducky, this could help him with the psychological profile."


He stared at the ship, at the waving, cheering people on the quayside, families and friends keen to welcome home the crew who'd been away from them for six long months…he would be ashore soon, and when he was on dry land Robert Jameson would have nowhere to hide. He'd been so patient, and he would soon get his reward.

Craig walked a little further, it would take time for all the crew to be at liberty, he would relish the last moments before the kill, watch him like a cat watched a mouse, and when Robert least expected it, his end would come.


"I want agents on every gate, he has to be here somewhere." Gibbs was on edge, he knew if they didn't find Jameson, Craig most likely would.

"His rack-mate said Jameson has a girl waiting, didn't know her name…maybe they booked into a motel."

"Check it out Tony. We have to find him."

The team had been in Norfolk since morning, certain they were in the right place looking for the right person. Ducky had agreed with their deduction, his dismay at the treatment Craig Argent had received in his youth in no way changed his mind about the heinous nature of his crimes, but it offered a clue as to why his soul had been so grievously damaged. "I pray you find him before he finds Jameson, I fear Argent's entire focus is on displaying him, he blames Robert for all the vile experiences he had to live through, and when he subdues him…my very real worry is that he won't even kill him before he begins the display."

With such a dire thought fresh in their minds Gibbs and the others had driven down to Norfolk immediately. The hours they'd spent so far had proved frustrating, full of activity, just precious little product.

"Gibbs, we may have something, Robert Jameson has a reservation at the Courtyard Virginia Beach, double room for three nights."

"What are we waiting for Bishop, let's move!"


"You have to understand Petty Officer Jameson, Argent has already killed three men, he's looking to add you to his list."

"I can't believe it! You're sure this Craig Argent is the same guy? I remember him as a weedy runt…couldn't imagine him doing anything like this."

"It's been a long time, people change."

"Agent Gibbs, I…three you say, and you really think he wants me?"

Gibbs nodded, understanding the disbelief on Jameson's face, there was no fear there, and perhaps there should be. From his service record they had learned that Jameson was a courageous and skilful sailor, well respected and admired by officers, peers and subordinates alike. "We think he blames you for losing his place in your family."

"And he's killed men, navy men because of what a jealous teenager did all those years ago?" Robert Jameson was struggling to understand the gravity of what Gibbs was telling him, he dug deep into his memory to try and figure out what he'd done that could tip someone into committing not one, but three murders. How fast his day had changed, thirty minutes ago he was checking into the hotel with Susan, his only thoughts had been of the carnal variety, then out of nowhere came a group of federal agents telling him his life was in danger. Susan squeezed his hand and leaned against his shoulder. "Whatever he's done, you're not to blame, I know you."

"Maybe, but there has to be something…"

"Perimeter's clear Boss. McGee's watching in reception, I told him he'd better not move from there"

"Good work Tony." Ducky hadn't been entirely happy that Tim was travelling to Norfolk with the team, his arm was still healing and he'd have preferred him at his desk, however, he knew Gibbs' team took their lead from their boss so he'd agreed to the field trip, so long as Tim wouldn't be required to exert himself. Satisfied they had Jameson safe for the time being Gibbs' thoughts turned to their next move. "We should get you out of here."

"I still think you're making too much of this Agent Gibbs, I can take care of myself."

"You think the other three men who died couldn't? They were all navy too, he got to them, don't underestimate him Petty Officer. I'd like to get you both to a safe house, just 'til we find him."

"Honey." Susan was trembling a little. "Please do as they say, I'm scared…if this guy's already done what they say…"

Jameson sighed. "Okay, for you I'll do it. Guess we're already packed and ready to go."

"Let me make some calls to get everything in place then we'll get you out of here."


"Clear in reception Boss, bring them through."

"Roger that." Gibbs and Tony exited the elevator, Jameson and Susan Campbell between them. Ellie had gone to bring the sedan round to the rear entrance, well away from the steady stream of traffic at the main reception area. As they walked along the service corridor Tim followed, his arm might not be of much use right now, but there was nothing wrong with his eyes. They stepped out into bright sunlight and Tony hurried forward to open the car door; it happened in an instant, one second he was upright the next, he was falling to the ground as a whirlwind of arms and legs crashed into him.

"Leave him be! He's mine!" Craig had been waiting, certain he'd chosen the right spot to capture his prey, he'd been ready to pounce and then he'd seen them guarding Robert, they knew, how did they know? He had to take him, he was too close to fail…he landed on the ground, his fall cushioned by the man beneath him, he could still do it, if he got up now all he had to do was get the hypodermic…suddenly his arms were pinned behind his back, he felt the cold snap of metal on his wrists and his heart almost broke. An unearthly wail escaped his lips. "Nooo! He has to pay for what he did. He took my life, I have to take his, it's the only way!"

Gibbs hauled him roughly to his feet. "What about Lt Costa, Seaman Faye, Petty Officer Stearman? What did they do to you?"

Craig had to concentrate, who were they? Oh yes. "They died with honour, and I treated them honourably, what more could they want?"

"They wanted to live you bastard!"

Craig laughed hysterically. "Bastard, how did you know?"

"We know all about you." Tony helped Gibbs keep Argent under control, he was still trying to pull away from them, trying to get to Jameson. "You don't know anything!" Tony turned his head as Argent's spittle splashed his face. "You don't know how it felt to be thrown out of the only home where you felt safe. You don't know what it feels like when men who should look out for you touch you…kiss you, make you…don't tell me you know, you're so ignorant you make me sick! He has to die, don't you see? The only way I can end the nightmare is to see him displayed on a field of gold, his head wearing a crown, his chest with the sinister…please, let me go."

Argent's knees gave way, his energy spent, his quest had ended in failure and he wanted…"Kill me, if I can't have him I'll never know peace, just kill me now."

"Not happening Argent, you've done wrong, now it's your turn to pay." Gibbs kept a firm grip on his prisoner, until transport arrived he wouldn't let go. He held on tighter as Robert Jameson walked toward them, his expression one of deep sadness.

"Craig." Argent lifted his head slowly. "You come to gloat?" "No…Craig, I never knew, you have to believe me. I was a stupid, jealous kid, wishing my grandfather looked at me the way he looked at you, when he was gone I wanted to punish you, but I never…what happened to you, I wouldn't wish it on anyone, being treated that way…" He turned to Gibbs. "The men who…have they been punished?"

"Wish I could tell you they had, but I promise we'll do everything in our power to find them, and to expose them for what they are." Gibbs looked Argent in the eye. "You didn't deserve what happened to you, but now three families are grieving and they sure as hell don't deserve that. They need closure and I'm going to see they get it."


"Hey Abs, you're working late."

She was reading Argent's file and jumped a little on hearing his voice. "I had to finish reading this, and I figured it didn't matter how long it took because I'm not likely to sleep tonight. Oh Gibbs, so many lives ruined, I feel terrible for the men who died and their families…Argent, I know he's going to be locked away for a long time, it's…if his life had taken just one different turn."

"Life's full of what-ifs, can't second-guess all of them. He'll likely be sent to a secure mental institution; Ducky doesn't think there's a magic bullet to fix him, but he'll be given therapy, maybe be able to face his demons." Gibbs switched off her monitor. "Time to go home Abs, I'll give you a ride and we can get supper at the diner on the way. Try not to focus on Argent's problems, we did our job, caught a killer. Focus on the Navy families, we work for them, and you did good work."

She picked up her bag and slipped her arm through his. "We all did Gibbs; this team, your team, when we work together we work wonders."

He kissed her cheek and they walked out together, both of them knowing that although they'd solved this case, sadly they wouldn't have to wait long before another Navy family needed the MCRT to work on their behalf. When that happened they'd work until they dropped to do what was necessary, they all felt it, this wasn't a job to them, it was their vocation.