I'm not sure why but I fell in love with the premise of this couple... ... and I do not regret it. They do not have an 'official' shipping name so if anyone has any ideas, that would be nice. On with the show!
You'll Never Be Her
He watched as his best friend and comrade began to scare the poor pinkette, calling her 'Ruri' and asking her if she was alright, if she had managed to escape on her own. He wondered when Shun fell so hard in his mission to rescue his sister that he now saw her everywhere. Not that he, Yuto, was any different and yet he realized that this girl wasn't Ruri. Similiar faces aside, they had nothing in common.
"I... I'm sorry, my name is not Ruri." the pinkette spoke but Shun looked like he didn't hear her. Like he so badly wanted to believe that this girl was his beloved little sister. He had to attack. As the girl gasped, he punched the older teen in the stomach, causing him to groan before he collapsed in his arms. Despite the pink-haired girl calling towards them to come back and if Shun was alright as he began to walk away, all Yuto did was lean down to pick up a card that the girl dropped when Shun had collieded with her. Turning around to look at her over his shoulder, he spoke.
"Fusion doesn't suit you."
With that, he threw the card down onto her feet and walked away. She was not Ruri. It was about time Shun realized that, too. But he would still protect her as best as he could. It was what Ruri would have wanted him to do.
Meanwhile, the girl (whose name was Hiragi Yuzu) stared in stunned silence long after they were gone as Masumi groaned beside her, having been knocked out by the tallest teen before the younger one showed up.
"It... doesn't ... suit ... me?"
- line break -
"Shun... oi, Shun ... wake up."
The older teen in the purple coat hissed in light pain as he did, shooting Yuto a look filled with hate but light understanding as well. He knew why Yuto did what he did, he came to understand the same thing.
"Why did you do that? I finally found her..." the elder tried but it wasn't filled with the same conviction as before. The reason must have been the look on Yuto's face as he asked that.
"No, you didn't. We both know that she isn't Ruri. She'll never be Ruri."
Shun stared at the younger who stated that with such hard belief that he had nothing to say in return. After all, Yuto was his little sister's childhood friend and, only recently before her capture, boyfriend.
He could always count on him to make him see reason.
Thank you for reading! :)