I've never actually tried one of these before but I have recently fallen in love with the HTTYD fandom watching their movie. But quite honestly I feel Valka should know exactly what her family went through. So I decided to kidnap them during the second movie...to watch the first movie. I hope you all like it. Also this fic is one hundred percent complete so you can expect regular updates. Again, I hope you enjoy.
Don't own HTTYD
Hiccup frowned in worry as the figure approached him and Toothless. "Who...are you? The dragon thief? Drago Bludfist?" he asked.
The figure however stayed quiet as it approached him, causing Toothless to growl. Suddenly Toothless tensed, nosing at Hiccup urgently. Hiccup frowned "What is it bud?" he asked.
Around him the other dragons began to get restless as well, making both Hiccup and the figure look around nervously. Suddenly there was a white flash and the two people and their two dragons found themselves in a room with several chairs and and odd looking wall.
For a moment Hiccup was confused but then even more people appeared, one of which was enormously relieved to see Hiccup "Hiccup!" Stoick shouted.
Hiccup flinched, rubbing the back of his neck nervously "Uh...hi dad." he said sheepishly.
He was then tackled from the side by Astrid who punched him in the shoulder "Don't you ever leave me like that again." she said angrily. Hiccup just smiled at her, rubbing his arm.
He then perked up, seeing the item in his fathers hands "Cool! You found my helmet!" he said excitedly.
Stoick scowled "I wouldn't need to if you'd stop putting yourself in these reckless situations." he lectured.
Hiccup frowned "And I already told you. I want to change his mind on dragons. I changed your mind. I changed all of berk's mind. And not only that but I've changed the opinions of so many different tribes. I almost had that trappers mind changed before you barged in. You want me to be chief? Then let me lead how I lead. I'm not you." he said hotly. Stoick sighed heavily and was about to answer when he noticed the other figure in the room.
He frowned, forcing Hiccup to the side "Who are you?" he asked. the figure stayed silent, looking from each of the two in surprise.
Suddenly Stoick noticed the dragon behind the figure and scowled, grabbing his axe "You..." he said angrily.
Quickly Hiccup moved, using inferno to disarm his father and standing between the figures "Wait. He's not a threat." he assured.
The other figure looked at him in surprise but Stoick still was angry "But that dragon is. That's the dragon that took your mother." he said angrily.
Hiccup was surprised but stayed firm "I don't care. It's a dragon none the less. Besides, shouldn't we be figuring out where we are?" he asked.
Finally Stoick sighed, looking at Gobber and the rest of the teens who had stayed wisely out of the whole thing.
They all jumped however as a voice began chuckling "I appreciate that Mr. Haddock." the voice said.
Hiccup looked up, his eyes narrowing "What's going on?"
The voice chuckled again "I have gathered you all here because there is something you need to see. Or at least Stoick and your dragon thief. The rest of you were kind of pulled along on accident." she said in amusement. Or at least Hiccup could only assume it was a girl.
He had been fooled before. "What could you possibly have to show me?" Stoick demanded.
Suddenly a shadowy figure appeared and Hiccup realized it was indeed a girl who stood there "There is a movie you need to watch. It's about old events but I feel it is something both of you need to see right now. Hiccup will know soon enough what I am talking about." it said, earning a confused glance from the teen.
But then the girl vanished and the odd looking wall lit up so with a shrug Hiccup and the teens settled in comfortably. Stoick and Gobber frowned but also did. Unfortunetly it left the only free spot next to Hiccup. However he smiled warmly and the figure hesitantly sat next to him, staring at him through the mask. Hiccup however turned his attention to the screen, interested.