This finally got done, ugh. I'm not really thrilled with how it turned out, but meh. It's technically a two part chapter? I guess... I forgot how much drama I was planning for this.
Chapter 13: Kill the Predator
The Capital, Upper Districts, 5:43pm
Ieyasu's eyes twitched and he sucked in a deep breath, shifting into a more upright position. The young man flinched at the sheer number of scents assaulting his nose, whimpering at the sunlight stabbing into his eyes from the carriage window. Ugh, was he stiff. Sayo was saying something but his mind was still sleep addled and he couldn't make out her words.
"I'm taking you to the Restaurant. It's important for you to understand how our society operates, even at its most savage." Ieyasu squinted at the man who spoke, light white hair and pale skin, a dark suit, and an eyepatch. He exuded an authority that made the younger man shrink back into his seat. Sayo slipped her hand into his and he blinked at her. She smiled.
"We made it, Ieyasu. We're in the capital. So is Tatsumi, we're all okay, we're all alive."
He didn't know what she meant by that last part. Did something happen? Why are her hands and arms scared? He lifted her forearms closer to his blurry eyes and glared at the skin until it came into focus. They looked like cuts. Ieyasu went to speak but what came out was a garbled sound. His brow pinched and he tried to talk again but to no avail.
"It seems he's more damaged than Kanou thought. Don't worry child, it may take a while but you'll speak again. We'll get you something to eat in the meantime. It will help." The man's voice was gentle, he liked the sound.
The seats they all reclined on were a soft fabric, not quite velvet and by the rocking click, the closed in and shuddered space, they were definitely in a carriage. It struck him just how dark the interior actually was, his eyes overly sensitive to light just as his nose and ears were more sensitive. His head buzzed with a low throbbing headache and it was difficult for him to focus too long on any one thing. As he came more into his body again, he felt that ache everywhere, from a stinging in his lungs to a weak feeling in his arms and legs.
Ieyasu searched the interior details just to escape from contemplating his physical condition. It looked like he might be riding with a nobleman, as if he wasn't baffled enough already! When his gaze fell to Sayo's eyes he was struck by her overwhelmed sadness despite the faltering smile on her face. She threw her arms around his neck and began sobbing tearless cries. Ieyasu held onto her like his life depended on it, dread seeping in his heart at her near silent murmurings. "We're monsters, monsters."
He snapped his eyes towards the man, locking with the visible grey eye just in time for him to removed his eyepatch. The carriage clacking against the street finally jarred him in looking out the tinted windows. For a moment, he saw the upper class houses of the Capital, then the sight was blocked by a drawing of the curtain.
"Sasaki-sama?" Sayo leaned further into Ieyasu's arms but her eyes were only on the white haired man. The red ires staring back at him stole the youth's breath. Somehow the young man broke the stare and clung tighter to Sayo... She had a red and black eye as well. What the hell? This can't be happening!
Memories, terrible, horrible memories flooded his mind and choked his senses. The pit, the cage, hot metal, twisted laughter. A girl with blond tresses standing over him while her mother carved a knife through his ribs. The screaming that never seemed to end, day in, day out. All around him driving him mad. Sayo, gods Sayo hung there, cut and bleeding and nude. Assaulted in every terrible way while he was forced to watch.
His heart rate skyrocketed as the vivid flashbacks and present fear thrust him back into that horrible place. Something like a muscle tightened in his back, he could feel it break his skin and burst, forcing his mind into the present yet again. A large green-blue appendage ruptured from his shoulder, a long bladed edge. It twitched a thrashed and Ieyasu panicked. This thing was part of his body but how and why? It's moving on it's own!
"Calm down." Sasaki spoke coldly, two red hued limbs seizing onto Ieyasu's and lifting it away from him and Sayo. "You're going to hurt your friend or yourself like that. Your will controls your kagune, think of it like an extra arm. It's part of who you are now, the price for living again."
Ieyasu stared at Sasaki, letting the deep grey eye draw him into an almost dream-like calm. He forced himself to breath slowly, taking in the coaching. Sasaki let go and Ieyasu carefully manipulated the limb, thinking of where it made sense to bend and flex. He could feel it shifting with his thoughts, like the bone or muscles that made it up changed to suit him. He felt... powerful. Not nearly so scared as before, like he could protect Sayo, instead of fear her. Nothing could hurt them again, not like before. He wouldn't let it happen.
The pain in his limbs was nearly gone, though with its absence came a new ache from his stomach. Hunger he didn't recognize. He shifted, swallowing thickly, trying to cling to that sensation of power and control though he could feel it slipping away. Sayo is depending on him now, he can't be weak anymore! He just can't be!
When Ieyasu looked into her eyes again and caught sight of his own reflection there, he lifted his right hand to his eye. Raised veins cracked over his skin. His ires just as red and illuminated as the other's.
Ieyasu felt like his eyes were playing at ping pong balls with how often he changed his gaze from the girl beside him to the man sitting in front of him. The two limbs that Sasaki had summon shrinking and retracting into his lower back. It took a second for him to figure that out for himself, but the blade was away. Sayo returned her face to his chest with a defeated sigh. Something in his facial muscles relaxed and the veins disappeared as well. That was going to be interesting to get used to.
"The ghoul's eye is called a kakugan. Only show it when in battle or to another ghoul, do not let humans see your eye." Sasaki spoke crisply while refixing his eyepatch. "There is a section of military police that will try to kill you just because you're a ghoul, it's important to keep your identity hidden. Uta is already making masks for you both but until they are done you'll not be doing any hunting for yourself. Understood?"
"Yes sir." Ieyasu jolted suddenly. It was a mangled sound, sure, but he spoke! He actually spoke! He was beaming.
Sasaki smiled at him. "It's good to see you're already making progress. Give it more time before you really start talking, alright?"
He nodded once and the carriage came to an abrupt halt. Sayo sat up, though her hand lingered on his shoulder, grip tight.
"We're here. Try not to look at anyone too long, they might get the wrong idea."
The Capital, Upper District, Ghoul's Restaurant, 5:59 pm
Tsukiyama drummed his fingers against his immaculately tailored suit, humming in irritation at how slow the Night Raid was. And after all that trouble Kaneki-kun had gone through to plan this. He bit at the inside of his lip, mulling over the show for tonight. The King at least would be punctual, should have those new ghouls with him as well. He'd doubtless be put in charge of them in the royal box. They'd get only the best cuts if he had anything to say about it, his reputation and usefulness were riding on tonight. This would be the trap of the century after all. Kaneki really is a genious.
He had to stop himself from laughing as Uta approached, decked out in his usual attire. It was fine for the tunnels of course, and that may explain how it took so long; winding the Night Raid through the underground labyrinth, having a few of the walls change on them. Humans never had very excellent night vision to begin with and ghoul children did have to memorize the tunnels...
"Gourmet," Uta greeted with a slight bow.
Shuu smiled pleasantly, flicking some stray hair over the crest of his leering-moon mask. "Mask-maker." He nodded in return, only a slight bow in his shoulders. "I'm glad to see his majesty's guests could make it. Bonne! Come, I will show you to the dining room." He gestured for them to follow him through the gate at his back, it lead into the lower common rooms first, a mix of ghouls from all levels, adorned with their public masks, chattered to each other. The assassins didn't miss the hungry glances sent their way. The humans, also wearing masks of their own, shifted closer together, closing ranks. Now this he chortled at.
It wasn't a particularly long walk to the upper ring; just beneath the royal box were a row of private dining rooms reserved for officers and VIPs. "Please be seated, I'll let him know you are here."
For a moment after the door closed no one moved, no one even breathed. Then, Najenda sighed, dropping into a chair at the farthest end, the head of the table. The other members filled in seats thereafter, all silently contemplating who 'he' was, Sasaki the Underking, or Kaneki who was likely a major player in this community. The other's masks, muck like Akame's, took a singular color motif that fit relatively well with their current aesthetic. Najenda looked like a clockwork maiden with how natural the fleshtone material and silvery gears flowed together. It covered her mouth and neck, a circlet similar to a crow giving that pop of authority to her appearance. Bulat looked like he had a dragon skull over his head, lower face showing in the open mouth. Lione had a heavy silk viel that rested over the bridge of her nose in varying shades of gold and yellow. Lubo, a full face mask that was styled after a tormented human, mouth stitched shut and eyes gouged out only to be covered by a cloth that was also sewn to the face. While the green-haired man assured everyone he could still see, it really didn't look like he should have an visibility in that. Mine and Scheele's masks were twins in domino fashion, keeping to the more fairytale-esque cuts that suited them, each in the assassin's prefered shade.
She turned her eyes to the surroundings; dark rich-red tones covered the walls with lighter accents in the form of silken drapes. Every inch of the space screamed opulence. Even the crystal glass cups that marked the various places of the table were likely very expensive. A series of open slats in the wall behind Najenda, the softer murmuring of conversation and the occasional louder clank of dishes and china could be heard. Out there was much brighter than this room which held itself in some manner of shadowy countenance, a dream-like quality to the space.
The silent observation continued for a moment or so longer when the door opened again. A man immediately recognizable as Kaneki walked in, he held a mask in his hands, placing the leather carefully on a small buffet style table by the entrance. For the first time, the assassins were seeing his left eye. It didn't seem scared or dysfunctional in anyway, so the reason behind his eyepatch elluded Akame. The white-haired man made his way to the dinner table and sat at the other head, leaving not a space open. Bulat and Sheele happened to be seated the closest and both shrunk back from his dark aura.
Kaneki gestured to the still open door and a server dressed in formal attire wheeled in a cart with various covered dishes on them. Each one left before a member of the table, a bottle placed by Kaneki's side with a wine glass, and then the server left, closing and locking the door behind him.
Esdeath's friend hummed lightly to himself while uncorking the wine bearhanded and poured the contents into his cup. "The show won't start for another twenty minutes so we have time to talk over our... differences." He lifted a hand dismissively to the far wall, rowed with thin eye-level slats. The large crowd just beyond.
Najenda looked over her shoulder and clicked her tongue at the throng. "Just how many of you are there?"
"Impossible to say, though thousands serve the King and His cause."
Akame gripped the cover in front of her, lump forming her throat though it didn't show in her voice. "And what is his cause?" She yanked the cover off and nearly dropped it in shock. On the platter was a human head, missing his eyes, an apple stuffed into his mouth. It is the spy Najenda had sent earlier.
"Survival of the fittest. Kill or be killed. Eat," He lifted the glass to Najenda in a toast, a slight smirk pulling at the corner of his mouth, "or be eaten." Kaneki downed the drink all in one gulp and from the way it clung to the glass, the dark, almost black quality, not to mention the sudden rush of iron all proclaimed the drink to be not wine, but blood.
"You're... You're a cannibal?" Lubo's grip on the table shook as he reached a hand forward in horrified curiosity. On his plate were hands, clearly belonging to someone else. They were carefully folded as to be praying in earnest.
The other members of the Night Raid lifted their covers, a shoulder for Bulat, a thigh for Scheele and Mine, Lione got a cut from the waist, and Najenda ribs. None of the various body parts belong to the same person.
Boss clenched her fists and slammed her hands onto the table, glaring spears at Kaneki. "How many have you killed for this sick joke?"
"A sick joke indeed. Tell me General, have you bothered to look around? Pay attention to the surrounding, not just the people? I'd wager not or you would have seen them, the chattel for tonight's show. This is a dinner theater after all, a restaurant must provide something to eat, after all." He spoke quickly and coldly, lifting the cover from his own plate. A single twitching human organ rested there. "You've yet to get to the heart of the matter." The assassins had seen more than enough death to recognize freshly dead, and that heart was maybe minutes old. Kaneki picked up his fork and knife, setting to nonchalantly carving the organ up into bite sized pieces. He popped a bite of the raw heart into his mouth and chewed while staring right at Najenda.
The general leaned back in her seat, as if to get as far away from this display as possible, though she did not break eye contact. "What does your king want by inviting us here?"
Kaneki swallowed and remained quiet for a brief moment "He wants you to learn something, General. We have no interest in the human's political affairs. What point is it to the wolf how the rabbit warren is organized. Meat is meat after all. This little war of yours is neither beneficial, nor problematic for my people, so long as you keep your nose out of this there will be no need for an altercation between us to ever begin."
She narrowed her eyes at him. "No interest in war you say..." After a pause she grit her teeth and leaned forward in her chair again. "Am I to assume you are not human?"
Kaneki merely smiled at her and kept on eating. "Honestly I don't care what outcome your war has, though the likelihood of your revolution succeeding is slim, both sides pose a different set of difficulties for us, but so long as there are humans, ghouls will thrive as well."
Kaneki's left eye suddenly turned a deep black with a shining red ires, much like how Uta's eyes looked, only this gaze was full of madness and bloodlust. Every member of the Night Raid stiffened, all sucking in a breath. Every nerve in Akame's body was screaming at her to run, run and never look back or she would surely die. "I am what I am, General. All men must eat."
"Just what are you planning telling us this? What could you possibly gain from divulging such information to an enemy?" A very slight waver in the Boss' voice. She put on a brave enough face.
He laughed softly. "You're right to think there is a purpose, the reason is mine alone to know however. I want to extend an invitation to you and yours, General. There are humans in the King's army believe it or not, always room for more. Being officially on the revolution's side may put our operations under strain but there are always bodies in war. Bodies mean plenty for my people."
"You King wants to extend his influence." She scoffed, crossing her arms.
"No, his power already reaches to the ends of the empire," Kaneki placed down his utensils now that there was nothing left on his plate, walking around the table to the windows. He reached over Akame's shoulder to pluck the apple from the head's mouth, examining it he moved to the window slits. "No, even farther at this point." He held the apple up, lazily examining it from the corner of his eyes. "If you really must have a motive for me in particular, I want revenge against those that have wronged me. The ones who killed my father." The ghoul's hand spasmed, completely crushing the apple in his grip. He stared at his dripping hand for a few moments before sighing through his nose, pulling out a handkerchief and wiping his palm clean.
Akame stood, ignoring the shaking in her legs and drawing her blade. Fight or flight singing a war song through her blood. It effected a change through them all, hands on what teigu could be easily accessed.
"You should only draw a sword if you are prepared to kill or be slain yourself. Do you truly wish to fight me as weak as you are now?"
Before she could answer the door opened and a very grave looking Mr. MM came in half a pace. "Kaneki-sama, the CCG have arrived."
"Is Yamori ready?"
"Yes sir."
"Good," Kaneki was suddenly standing beside the slightly taller man, dropping Akame's mask onto the floor as he turned to leave. "Oh, and Night Raid, I suggest you find your own way out or this place will become your tomb." Kaneki slid his black leather mask on and left.
Najenda stood shakily and looked them all in the eye. "We've gotten ourselves involved in something truly damning."
Outside the Capital, Kanou's Residence, Underground Lab, 6:02 pm.
Stylish froze, his gaze tracking over every inch of the space. When the Lab Director did not return, fortunate for him, the CCG ordered that he and the Jaeger's investigate, unfortunate for him. Honestly he'd rather be back in the Commission Guard's laboratory working with those interesting humanoid-danger beasts. That was the only way to think about them, those monster in human form. What they found in Kanou residence was truly alarming. Hooded figures quickly clearing the place out. Rushed orders and fast action. Devices were smashed or packed away. Experiments burned. Records burned. Samples again burned. Whatever the old man was doing here they did not want it seeing the light of day.
Speaking of old man, girls in monochromic robes knelt before the masticated remains of the late Dr Kanou, silently crying. Maybe those were his daughters, the files at the CCG's HQ did say he adopted two girls. Seryu was practically chomping at the bit to leap in and rescue those girls from the horror going on around them. Ah, Captain Esdeath would have loved to see this, if only she wasn't scouring the roads with Bols and Run. Well, at least he had Wave and Kurome with him. That would give him a tactical edge, along with his advanced soldiers.
"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" The voice came from behind him. All four of the jaegers present whipped around to face the person that spoke. A young blonde man dressed in a pressed white suit smiled down at them with no hint of amusement in his shining eyes.
"I dunno, Naki. But the boss ain't gonna be happy if we let 'em go." Now another was at their flank, many of the people milling about in the room had shifted their attention to the two standing men and the Jaegers between them.