Why? Why Master? Why did he do it? Why did he betray us? Why did he betray you? No matter how hard Gil attempted to block out these thoughts, they continued to come through in a voice not unlike his past self. The distraught mutterings of an anguish filled child that refused to remain buried now that the door blocking them out had been unlocked and cracked open.

Among the more innocent fear and lack of understanding was something else. Something darker. And this darker thing would whisper sweet nothings in his ear, urging him to attack, to take down the man behind it all before he had a chance to do anything. Each time Gil sat before Oz, the voice would be there, speaking of Jack being in there and how keeping Oz alive and safe was not worth the risk of what was inside him.

This side warred near continuously with Gil. Gil who wished to protect the boy who took him in so eagerly, who was by his side and treated him like more of a friend than a servant. The boy, so small and fragile, whose life was hanging by a thread, that still found it in himself to promise to protect Gil. Gil who was older and stronger but still very much that young child who doted on the sunlike kid deep inside.

But was the boy in front of him, the boy he brought back from the Abyss, really Oz? Or was it Jack, masquerading as the young boy he loved?


I am not usually reply hungry or anything like that, but still... I like to get replies and see how people see my work and whether or not they like it. While it may seem a little vindictive to only post this little bit of the next chapter, I have my reasons. For example, I have most of the next chapter plotted out and waiting to be finished off, polished a bit, and uploaded. I was waiting to see if anyone would show interest in this, and actually urge me to continue, whether or not they liked the changes or hated them, ect.

Yes I know, write for yourself if no one else Auri. But I don't need to write this for myself if I know what is going to happen and already have it plotted out. I mean it is satisfying, but half the satisfaction comes from seeing other people enjoy it.

So I was content to sit back and wait for the one or two replies that usually come, either of blatant excitement, criticism, or simply pointing out an error I missed when proofreading since I don't have a beta. I got none of those. Four months later, there is still no new comments. So naturally, I-who don't place comment limits on my work before I type it up but still encourage and make sure to reply to all comments above-am a little disappointed that so many months have gone by without a single comment.

Therefore it is with a heavy heart that I find myself at last putting my foot down and hanging my head, only putting up a piece, a sliver. Maybe some will hold interest, maybe everyone has lost interest. But nonetheless, I need to know the degree of it. With more spare time, I need to see if this is worth the effort of trying to upholding a stricter updating schedule or if it should just be left on the back burner to be replaced by other projects.

I'm sorry for the rant, but just stop and humor me this. I am not a fast writer by any means. I don't just type this up in an hour and call it done. One chapter can take me anywhere from 3 to 5 hours to even be near ready to be posted. Sometimes I can get one done in 2, but that is if I have most of the plot already typed up and am just going back and buffing the bare bones up. While the third chapter was half done, the fourth I wrote from scratch after sending off the third.

I managed to get the fourth done in just 3 and a half hours after working on the third on and off for roughly 5 hours. I was excited to get it out so quickly for my fans. But as days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, I got disappointed and my muse dwindled. After working so hard to release content, no one can spare me the three minutes to simply say if it was good or not.

So, while I am sorry if this is a let down to those expecting new chapters, I think it is only fair that I got to share some of my thoughts and expectations. After all, for those who have commented in this past, it was your comments that inspired me even more to explore different directions, to challenge me to engage more emotionally. Without that, it becomes lifeless and with no direction or control. As readers of something so interactive as fanfiction, something that lets you see a side of a story you never did or change it in ways you imagined but wasn't found in the confines of the pages, you will lose your tether, your ability to inquire and demand to an author who will try her best to at least consider including things you want.

I write for myself as much as you. And until the "you" aspect returns, I am sorry, but I can't write this any longer. Until I see whether people are invest in me and my work, and care enough to participate in this adventure, this is all you will be able to get out of me. And for those new people who find this story only to be disappointed by this road block, I am sorry.

~Sincerely, Aureux