Cage. In the last 25 years, the last name Cage had become quite famous. Johnny Cage, who emerged victorious against the crazed Elder God, Shinnok. Cassandra Carlton Cage, who bested Shinnok after he had become corrupted by the immensed power of Earthrealm's own life-force, the Jinsei. But there was another Cage. One that no one else knew about, except for Sonya Blade. You see, a year after Cassie was born, Johnny and Sonya accidentally conceived again. He was born in secret, Sonya knowing that Johnny didn't want another child. The fact that Johnny didn't want a second child didn't stop her, though, because she wanted it. It was a boy, which she chose to call Cameron Jackson. He was then given to the God of Wind, Fujin, whom Sonya requested look after him and train him to be a strong, formidable warrior until he was old enough to find out of the truth of his origins. It wasn't until a week after his sister bested Shinnok in combat, when he was 22 years old, that Fujin decided it was the right time for him to know.
"Did you hear the news, Lord Fujin? Shinnok was defeated!" Cameron told Fujin as he ran his fingers through his hair, which was in a messy, wavy pompadour up-do. The truth was, the God of Wind already knew.
"Yes, it's excellent news. At least he won't be troubling us for a long time." Fujin responded, smiling weakly. Cameron sensed something wasn't right.
"What's happened, Fujin?" he asked. Fujin really didn't know how Cameron would take the news. He was a fiery character, to say the least.
"It's about you. About where you came from." Fujin revealed. Cameron stood up, and widened his eyes.
"What do you mean? Like, who my parents are?" he asked. Fujin nodded slowly. Cameron started shaking. Was he ready to know this information?
"The girl that defeated you know who she is? Have you ever heard of her?" Fujin inquired. Cameron pondered on it for a second. He knew her first name - he'd heard it being said a few times by people around - but nothing else about her.
"Her first name is Cassie, right? Why is that relevant?" he asked.
"Yes, her name is Cassie. Do you know what her last name is?" he continued to inquire. Cameron was starting to get annoyed.
"I don't know her last name, and I don't know who she is, now can you please get to the point?!" he shouted. Fujin shook his head.
"Calm down, Cameron. And allow me to explain. You see...Cassie's full name is Cassandra Carlton...Cage." he admitted. Cameron stumbled backwards, and fell back into his seat.
"What are you saying? Is she my-" he asked quietly. He started shaking violently. His breaths became irregular and heavy.
"Yes, she is your sister." Fujin said slowly. Cameron felt incredibly faint, almost as if he was about to pass out.
" what does that mean?" Cameron asked. Fujin thought for a second. Honestly, he wasn't sure how to answer this question. He didn't know what Cameron wanted to hear from here.
"I don't understand, Cameron." Fujin commented. Cameron shrugged his shoulders.
"Can I meet her? Who are my parents?" he asked.
"If you wish to meet her, I can have that arranged for you. As for your second question, I...I'm not sure if it would be better for you to hear that from me or Cassie." Fujin responded. Cameron shrugged his shoulders.
"I guess..." Cameron trailed off, still trying to process what he'd just heard. The girl that destroyed Shinnok was his sister. It was really strange to think about.
"Are you ok, Cameron?" Fujin asked. Cameron hadn't stopped shaking.
"No, I need to go and get some air." he admitted. He stood from his chair and left the room, walking outside. When he reached the open air, he took a deep breath in, and sat down on the ground, leaning against a tree.
"So now, I, out of nowhere, have a sister?" he asked him. He put his head in his hands. He didn't know what to think. He didn't know how to feel. He started to sweat in his training outfit, which was a pair of skin-tight, black pants and a white vest. He didn't know what to do with himself.
"Are you alright?" he heard a voice ask. He turned his head to follow the voice, and it was Fujin again.
"Yeah. I think I want to find Cassie. On my own. Don't worry about arranging anything." Cameron confessed. Fujin smiled.
"I'm glad to see you taking control of things. I'll let her know there is someone that wants to speak with her." the God of Wind remarked.
"Thank you, Lord Fujin." Cameron commented sincerely. Fujin smiled again, before turning around and walking back inside.
"Before I go..." he said, turning his head back to face Cameron.
"Yeah?" the young boy asked.
"Want a quick fight?" Fujin smiled. Cameron jumped to his feet, readying his battle stance. His position was exactly the same as Cassie's, with one fist positioned level with his shoulder, and the other down by his waist. Fujin had seen this the first day he started training the young Cameron to be a fighter. Before Fujin had time to react, Cameron had ran and dived at him, dealing a huge punch to his face. When the boy landed back on his feet, he cartwheel kicked Fujin, who was still in mid-air, before pummeling him back down to the ground. Fujin scrambled to his feet, and threw a large gust of wind at Cameron. It sent him flying back, slamming his back hard into the tree. Fujin then ran at him and tried to dive-kick Cameron in the gut, but Cameron grabbed hold of his foot and threw him to the side, before giving chase and kneeing him in the back. Fujin tried to get back up, but he couldn't.
"You are incredibly strong, Cameron. Your sister would be proud." Fujin smiled. Cameron smiled, outstretching his hand.
"Let me give you a hand up." he offered. Fujin grabbed hold of Cameron's hand, who hoisted him back to his feet. A cool wind suddenly started to blow.
"Did it just get really cold?" Cameron asked. It was a bit of a silly question, really, because Fujin didn't feel the cold too much, having gotten used to the wind.
"I couldn't tell you." the God of Wind replied, wiping a bead of sweat from his temple. Cameron went to walk inside, but Fujin grabbed hold of his arm.
"Are you sure you're alright?" Fujin asked, incredibly concerned.
"Yes, honestly. Don't worry about it. I'm gonna go inside, get changed, grab my nightstick & guns and start trying to track down my sister. I have a lot of questions." Cameron admitted, before walking back inside. Fujin smiled.
"Strange. Cassie uses a nightstick & guns as well. Maybe he's more similar to her than I originally thought." he whispered to himself, grinning.
Hey guys, Aaron here! So I was watching a video of Cassie Cage's interaction dialogues in MKX, and it got me thinking... "What would it be like if Cassie had a brother she never knew about?" and then I decided to write this! I really liked the premise, and I already have four chapters written, so expect the next few uploads to be on time xD I don't know how long it'll go on for - probably not too long - but we'll see. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it, leave me a review with some criticisms you have that I could fix, and if you enjoyed possibly consider giving a Favourite or Follow? Thanks for reading, and I hope to see you next time! x3