A/N; I'm back people! Let's keep this short shall we? *winks*

{You might want to read the previous chap before you get on with this;) Just saying….}

DISCLAIMER; In case you didn't notice, I'm not Tachibana Higuchi so I don't own GA;)

Chapter 11

She cracked her knuckles –trying her best to imitate Hotaru, and turned around to face Hyuuga-sensei. She was never a fan of violence, but ever since she met a certain person called Natsume Hyuuga her patience was running low.

"Why didn't you tell me?" she practically yelled. Good thing the door was closed or her mother would've hurried in to save this guy instead of her. How did he get her mother to like him anyway?

"Tell you what?" he crossed his arms in front of him with a clueless face.

"This" she hissed. She couldn't believe he was still playing the innocent card. This moron.

"Would you believe me if I did?" he grinned. If only she could just flush him and his grin away.

"No" she sighed.

Was it just her or was he really enjoying this. She squeezed her fists in to balls.

"Are you okay with this?"

"Of course I'm not okay, marrying an idiot who can't even solve a simple equation"

"Hey! That was because you were saying stuff beside my ear and I couldn't concentrate properly" she pouted. She was really tempted to punch him hard, but she didn't.

"Oh really?"

"Yes, you moron!" she howled and turned around. She crossed her arms in front of her chest. She couldn't tolerate his annoying face anymore.

"Whatever you say love" she heard him emphasize the last word. She couldn't believe he was still kidding around and trying to get under her skin at a crucial time like this. She turned around to give him a piece of her mind. Her eyes immediately met the familiar figure who was- WAIT!

"W-what are you doing?!" she stuttered.

She was with him, inside a fairly spacious bedroom which was confining them. And here he was in front of her doing something like that!

"Undressing" he said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. This guy was unbelievable!

"Y-you can't!" OMG was he insane? He had already undone quite a number of buttons.

She saw him lift one of his perfect- correction- annoying eyebrows like she was spouting nonsense.

"Can't you see that I'm here?" She hissed. Seriously, what was wrong with him? She was there to get answers to everything that had happened so far and that's what he was going to give her.

"What? We're engaged anyway" he replied with a sly grin.

She felt like kicking this guy in front of her. He was now smirking her way while continuing to unbutton the remaining few buttons of his shirt.

"Like what you see?" his words brought her out of her chain of violent-thoughts that were revolving around a certain person.

Her eyes widened. She blushed in a deep shade of red and turned around as soon as his appearance registered in her head. She had just been unconsciously staring at him.

Staring at his chest to be more precise. It was surprisingly… delicious? - She did NOT just think that. All those years with Anna and Nonoko, who drooled over almost all the male models in magazines; has really affected her thoughts pretty badly. It wasn't even good to her heart since it started to act all weird again on its own accord.

'Stupid hormones' she muttered under her breath and banged her head a couple of times on the nearest wall to make sure she wouldn't get any more weird thoughts. And then she stopped when a she realized something important; – yey~ so I do have a hormones!

She rejoiced in her head. It was just a couple of weeks ago that Anna had told her that she didn't have any hormones. Well, she wasn't the only one who didn't drool over Edward Cullen's amusing photo; which wasn't supposed to be amusing in the first place. But she was the only one labeled as a hormone-less, un-feminist who doesn't have an eye for men. Of course there was no brave soul out there to label the great Hotaru Imai with such names so yeah; she was pretty much the only one. And now she couldn't wait to prove her friends wrong.

And the whole situation dawned upon her. She couldn't possibly tell them that she almost drooled over Hyuuga sensei's appearance. That was all wrong. Very wrong indeed. He wasn't even hot- okay maybe a little, but she was never going to voice that out. No matter what, Edward Cullen was way better than him, but why was she reacting to his appearance instead of Edward's? Maybe because Edward was just a photograph while this guy's the real deal. Yeah, that's the reason; she thought.

"So now you're ignoring me?" she heard his arrogant voice after some time.

"Well duh?" she rolled her eyes, but then again he couldn't see it since she was still facing the wall.

She felt a tug on her wrist and her back fell against something extremely soft. She managed to adjust her eyes after the sudden movement only to see a well-built figure towering over her.

What the hell?!

Her whole body went numb all of a sudden as she realized the position they were in. She was on his bed while he was above her looking at her like she was some sort of prey. She hardly prevented herself from passing out of shock. Her mouth was agape while she stared at him wide eyed.

She watched as he bent down and- - - kissed her nape?


"Tch…." He smirked and stood up, pleased with her expression. He walked towards the door and stopped.

"Wear that" he said. He saw her fragile figure, motionless on top of his bed from the corner of his eyes.

He closed the door after himself and immediately leaned on it and sighed. Jeez, he was going to die young if this continued. He shouldn't have acted carelessly like that, but at the spur of the moment he couldn't stop himself.

It was irritating when she ignored him and moreover she looked good in that dress, not to mention her scared face seemed more appealing. What the hell was he thinking? He shouldn't get carried away. But then again he barely managed to stop himself. He rubbed his thumb over his lips and smirked.

Her shell shocked expression when he walked into the living room earlier was epic. Better than what he had pictured. He almost wanted to laugh out loud. To think that she even spilled the drink on her dress after seeing him?

Tch… she sure is interesting.

He didn't think he'd get a chance to give her the extra black dress he had bought along with the blue one. Luck was surely on his side huh? He ruffled his already messy hair, pleased with the outcome of the events so far.


She couldn't comprehend the situation. What the hell happened just now? She laid there without bothering to move a muscle. Actually she couldn't move a muscle even if she wanted to. Her skin felt like it was burning.

Did Hyuuga-sensei just kiss her neck?



A/N; Helloooooo guys! It's been a long time huh? Well no I'm not dead and yes I'm back. Then again, I've been dropping by every now and then to see new stories and updates, but I've got a lot of catching up to do. I almost forgot about this once I got my freedom weeks ago, but I saw a lot of reviews in my email inbox recently and I was like, Ahhhh… How could I have forgotten?!

So, how was it? Hope the wait was worth it;) LOL. I know it was kind of short, but then again there's more to come. Once again thank you for waiting guys. Loooooove you all so much XOXO

Thanks for reading, adding this to your favs list and following this story.

bukspiks; Hey! Soooooo sorry to keep you waiting buddy! I'm dying to write some more NxM intense moments as well:) Glad you liked my previous update which was technically months ago. *smiles sheepishly*

I suck at writing summaries, but I guess this one's summery could be considered an exception huh? *wink* Glad it tempted you to read the story. No one in my family and none of my best friends ask me to tell the summary of an event or a story because they practically know I'd end up telling everything. Then again I forcefully tell them anyway and they end up listing to the whole story. I used to tell my BFF one story for months in the name of its summery:)

loveisfun; Hiiii! I'm happy that it made you laugh. I was having the time of my life too while writing it;)

Katherine Kalissa Amara; Hey sweetie, I'm back! Can't wait to hear your lovely stories *wink*

Lexi1989; Hey pal! Congratz for writing 25 stories! OMG that's awesome. Did I tell you that you're story 'YBWM' comes into my mind each time I listen to 'You belong with me'? I even read it a couple of times. It was truly awesome. Can't wait to start reading your new stories and updates buddz:) (Especially KN and The Scam)

Guest (1); Glad you liked it! This chap was kind of short, but I'll surely try to make the next ones extra-long:)

Haruhi-chan131; Hiii! I was tempted to end it as a cliffhanger, but then again many of you already knew that it was him, so I decided add more. I love to end stuff in cliffhangers, but hate it when the book I'm reading ends with a cliffhanger. It just kills me inside. I'm pretty sure everyone hates cliffhangers. Ha haa:) Glad it made you laugh. It was so fun to write that part as well.

Anilissa; Hey, ha haa….. yeah…. maybe, maybe not:) Thanks. I've got a lot of editing to do. I might get to that after some time when I feel like it;)

Evil gemini; Yeah…..it was pretty evident from the start;)

newroz; Heeey, I guess he did:P I'm glad you liked it:)

Feu; Hey, thank you soooo much:P

GA; Hiii! Hope you liked this chap;)

Guest (2); Hey, Sorry for the wait:)

Thank you all for reviewing!

-Sue chan