Newt woke up in such a hurry that it made his head throb. The alarm clock seemingly wanted him to get killed by a heart attack. He thought he set his alarm clock too early because the sun was barely out and it was so cold. He looked at the clock again, 6:15, maybe it was just starting to rain. He got up, not really wanting to as he went to bed very late because of a stupid project he had to finish, he went for the bathroom with closed eyes and bumped into the bathroom door. "Bloody hell." He said a little too loudly while he was rubbing his bumped head. "Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Minho, his roommate, suddenly popped his head through his door and laughed.

"Don't talk to me. It's too early to bother me with your cheap jokes and annoying laugh." The British boy warned him as he got in closed the bathroom door. Newt heard a muffled laugh and the spring on his bed. Great, now Minho's on his bed.

"What you gonna do today?" Minho asked through the door.
"Isn't it a little creepy talking to me while I'm naked on the other side?" Newt replied as he threw his pants to the laundry.
Minho laughed and the recoil of the spring of the bed was heard again.

"So? What are you gonna do today?"
"Work, obviously." Newt let the water run down his hands and felt the warmth of the water. It felt amazing, the stress of the night before slowly dissolves as the water takes his worries away...

"Really? Is you work really that important?" Newt was suddenly pulled back to reality when the irritating voice of the asian boy broke his thoughts. He sighed. His been living with this crapface for at least a year now but he still never got used to his friendliness and perkiness. Minho was annoying as hell but they were friends.

"Do you not have any boundaries at all?" Newt shouted and just heard a chuckle.

Newt was left in peace as he continued to shower. He got out of the shower and looked at the mirror. His blonde hair was darker when wet which he really like. He got out of the bathroom and noticed the clock. He did not expect to be taking a shower for 20 mins. He grabbed another towel and scrubbed his hair dry with it. He saw Minho on his bed, dead asleep. At least he looked a little angelic with his mouth closed, maybe he should be sleep more often so that I can appreciate him, Newt thought.
He went to his closet and grabbed some clothes. His clothes were not that big because he was lanky. The weather was dark and cold and bound to be that way for the rest of the day so he settled for a black polo and pants and a sweater to shield him from the cold. He took his shoes and wore it on the bed causing the boy on it to woke up and wiggle.
"Huh? What? Where am I?" Minho rambled sleepily.
Newt laughed at the confused look on the boy's face. Maybe the shower took all his morning grumpiness.
"You're in my room, shuckface. You fell asleep." He informed Minho and got up the bed to grab his things and the project he was working on.
"Mmmm. Okay. Imma stay here for a while. Your bed feels good." Minho nestled against the pillows and blankets and followed Newt with his eyes. "That painting looks good, Newt. Really." Newt looked at Minho and noticed him staring at the painting he was working on.
"Thanks, Mate. You can sleep here but get up before work, you don't want that boss of yours to fire you finally for being late all the time. I'm gonna go to work now." Newt heard the boy groan and he closed the door.

The weather was very bad. It was so cold and it really felt like it was gonna rain. It wasn't windy though. He grabbed his umbrella just incase and put his painting in his bag, which is quite large, to avoid getting all his hard work wet. He walk to the bus stop and waited there. He looked at his watch and it was already 7 AM, he does not have to be there at 7:45. He was a little early but he guessed it would be fine.

Mrs. Cord was his best client. She would come to him for paintings that she wanted that was not available to any stores or museums. She mainly liked abstract and all the colors so Newt find it easy to paint her anything but that was not Newt's goal. He wanted every painting he makes to be perfect. Every stroke to say something. Every color to compliment each other. He wanted to see passion and hard work in his paintings even if it was just a simple line. Newt was thinking deeply when the bus arrived. He got on it and made his way to the company Mrs. Cord owned, it was a clothing company.

He got there by 7:20. Great timing, Newt thought. He walked towards information to let the front desk know he has arrived. The woman who was there phoned someone and smiled to Newt. "Mrs. Cord is in a meeting right now but you can go ahead and wait for her in the office." The woman named Mary (he looked at her nameplate) smiled at him and showed him the direction to where the office was. He did not need it though because he was there almost every week for a new painting Mrs. Cord wanted. He thanked Mary and walked ahead.

He got to the office and even though he got to visit there a lot, he never got over the fact that it was so damn huge. It was white and everything was organized. He adored it so much. He wanted one like it in the future if ever this painting job was getting him anywhere. The window was very large and it has covers to shield the room from the sun, which was not out. The desk was at the center of the room, not at the back part. He wondered why but maybe that's just Mrs. Cord. He sat at the chair for guests and waited. He fidgeted and took his painting out and analyzed it once again...

"Hi there, Newton! It's nice to see you again." Newt was pulled back from his deep thought by the calm voice of the lady. "Hello there, Mrs. Cord. Lovely to see you again." Newt held out his hand which Mrs. Cord gladly shook.
"It's nice to know that you still have your British accent. And it's Sonya, please." Mrs. Cord laughed and walk over to her desk. Newt blushed because of the compliment. He really liked it when people compliment his accent. "Thank you, Sonya." Newt responded.

"Well, the painting?" Mrs. Cord stared at him with a smile.
"Oh, yes. Here we go." Newt handed her the painting and she stripped the plastic of it.

"Oh, Newt." Mrs. Cord said with an awe. "It's amazing! As always! This would be very nice together with my collection. I should really name my collection "Newton"." The lady laughed with amusement and so did Newt.

"I'm really glad you like it, Mrs. Co... I mean, Sonya." Newt said.
"Like it? I love it! Are you kidding?! It's very beautiful!" Mrs. Cord shouted with glee.
Newt really though nothing about the painting, it was abstract but I guess she really like it.

Mrs. Cord gave Newt the agreed payment and shook hands. They said their goodbye and Newt looked at the cheque with grin in his mouth as he was walking towards the door.

"Oh, Newt! I almost forgot!" Mrs. Cord called him back. Newt looked back and asked her what was the matter.

"I have a favor to ask you.. Don't worry I'll pay you." Mrs. Cord asked Newt with a grin.
"Well, if it pays then why not!" Newt agreed because he knows that Mrs. Cord was a decent lady and would not take advantage of him.

"My son's 21st birthday is coming up in 2 months and I wanted to surprise him with a big party..." Mrs. Cord started.
"2 month? You're a planner, Sonya." Newt laughed and sit back down amused.
"Well, planning does not do anyone harm. Anyway, I want you to paint him." Newt was taken a back at the request, not that painting people would be difficult, but that was the first time Mrs. Cord. Asked him to do a painting other than abstract.

"I will tell him that I asked you to paint all of us and me and his father were done and he's the only one left." Mrs. Cord smiled at Newt. "Would that be a problem?" Newt just smiled and shook his head.

"GREAT! That's very great! I'll tell him tonight and he'll text you so that you'll get his number!" Mrs. Cord was all jumpy and excited for the event. Newt stood up and Mrs. Cord walked with him towards the exit and talked to him about the details. They said their goodbye and this time they part.

-time jump-

"Hey! How was work?" Minho greeted as he entered the apartment with Newt watching a replayed episode of Friends because he was bored.
"Great actually. I got another job!" Newt was surprised by the enthusiasm of his voice.
"Wow! That's great! Now if you'll excuse me I have a date to go to." Minho stated as he ran to his room to change. Newt did not mind it when Minho brought girls in their apartment. Largely because the walls between their walls were particularly thick and he can't here anything if ever they make love or something.
An hour passed, Minho already out, there was still no text. No anything. He kept checking his phone for anything. Nothing. He turned off the television and made his way to his room. He laid on the bed and just waited. Another hour passed and still no text. He assumed that Mrs. Cords' son saw her motive and dropped the project. He was upset for the wasted oppurtunity but at the same time relieved because he does not have to mingle with other people.

Just as he was about to fall asleep his phone vibrated. He grabbed his phone and read the text from an unknown number.

"Hi, it's Sonya's son, Thomas. Looking forward to meet you." The text stated.

Great. Just bloody great.