Musician's Melody
Allen panted and gritted his teeth as he placed a hand against the bleeding wound in his body. Red blood bloomed at his bottom torso portion, sticking to the white shirt he's wearing.
The arm that was leaning against a tree to use as support gave way, causing Allen to slide down the rough bark and leaving a trail of deep red behind. Grunting with effort, he gingerly placed a hand over his wound, a futile attempt to stop the bleeding. Taking a deep breath, he laid his head against the tree.
The Crows were still hot on his trail, not giving up on their pursuit even when daylight had faded into the blackest night. They managed to weaken Allen to a considerable degree. The Restriction Wings were bound tightly around Allen's left arm as they made their first attack, and Allen barely managed to escape before he was pursued incessantly by the Crows.
And just recently, his bleeding wound was caused by one of the Flame Wings that one of the Crows had casted. A wound that is fatal enough that Allen is granted a guaranteed death if not treated properly.
He looked up into the dark sky and saw the stars twinkling up above. Their bright innocent twinkling made Allen feel suddenly peaceful. As his vision begins to darken, a soft baritone voice began to sing in his head.
"So the little infant fell into a deep sleep.
Among the grey ashes in the flames shining...First one, then two …"
The melody the musician sang that had haunted him before suddenly became a comfort to Allen.
"Surfaces numerous of your faces.
A thousand dreams trickle back to the earth."
Allen felt the warmth leaving his body. Then with a grim determination, he took a deep breath and forced his arm to activate. Innocence and Restriction Wings clashed as they are coerced into a battle of dominance. Electricity crackled as the wings struggled to hold the Innocence down.
"On the night when the silver eyes were trembling, the shining you was born
Across millions of years,the prayers have already returned back to the earth."
Gritting his teeth at the pain his arm and body is receiving, Allen gave a final push, willing his arm to activate.
A bright light was emitted and sparks flew before the ink on the wings disappeared. The now simple strips of paper fell onto the floor as Allen held the huge broadsword that used to be his arm.
"I will still continue to pray
Please bestow upon this child your love
Upon our joined hands, leave a gentle kiss."
The Holy War is over and the world had no longer any use for exorcists or traitor Noah. Nea had fallen silent, and Allen knew that he shared the same thought Allen is thinking.
Allen positioned the huge sword, the blade pointed directly at his body. Both Allen and Nea's minds are entangled with one another. If one is gone, the other disappears as well.
No other words were exchanged between the two. The man that Allen was before was no longer the same one Nea had known. Bookman "Allen" and exorcist "Allen" are same, but, yet, they are different.
Closing his eyes, Allen forced his weapon into this heart without any hesitation.
Pain erupted and spread throughout Allen's body again, though this time, the Dark Matter that resided within him against Innocence. Gripping tighter onto the handle, Allen kept holding onto the sword, determined so that both he and Nea will end.
Pale and dark colors flickered across his skin before settling onto a not quite as dark as a Noah's but enough to be considered as one.
The battle seemed to be forever, but finally, Allen's golden eyes glazed over as his grip on his Innocence fell away. A small breath escape him before he was still.
Shouts were heard in the distance, steadily getting closer to where Allen's body lay.
A rustle and soft crackle, footsteps neared the unmoving body. A man with glowing green eyes and rectangular-framed glasses emerged from the darkness. Pale skin, dark hair, and black suit are seen clearly on the man. The unknown man stared indifferently at the slumped frame as he watched over the Cinematic Record flowing out.
"You should have chosen to die from blood loss, lost soul. As punishment for committing suicide, you shall live on until you're forgiven for your crime," the man spoke gripping hold of his spear-shaped tool and swinging it down.
A/N: Thank you all for being so patient with me! Finally updated a new revamped chapter of DDC! I hope you will enjoy this.
As for another note, there are those who wants Allen to be paired off with someone. I want to make this clear: there will be no pairings with Allen. There will be some attempted cases of hate-flirting but that's it.
Without further ado, enjoy the chapters that will update sporadically.
Special thanks to KuroAlice for her lovely fanart of Allen the Grim Reaper! Link: www. instagram p/BR_0L4QAWgW/?taken-by=_valigate