I heard the locks tumble from my bedroom.
I listened; the back of my neck tingled but I kept my back to the door. I carried on folding my clothes and packed them into the travel case.
"Going somewhere?"
I ignored him and placed a pair of jeans into the case. I hadn't spoken to him since I caught his Porsche Turbo at the restaurant during my date with Roth. I didn't know if he knew that I knew that he was there but I knew it couldn't have been a happenstance.
"I'm guessing Roth is taking you out again."
"If you didn't hack my cell phone then yes, good guess." I said coldly.
There was a tense silence before he spoke again. "How long have you been dating?"
I paused as I counted the months in my head. "About 4 months now." I zipped up the bag and turned to face him. "Why are you here, Ranger? I'm used to you invading my privacy when you're keeping me safe from lunatics but I'm in a real, proper relationship now."
I took a deep breath and shook my head. "Since my first date with Everette you've been nothing but a pain in the ass. By the way, I saw your car at the restaurant and don't pretend that it was a coincidence."
He almost smiled. "Good to know you're more aware of your surroundings."
I rolled my eyes, picked up my bag and stormed past him out of the room. I felt him close behind me. "You never said where you were going with Roth."
My hand was on the door knob of the front door when I looked back at him. "If you're that concerned about my wellbeing then you'll be happy to know that he's invited me to stay at his house in Saddle River which happens to be the one that you're providing security for."
I opened the door but Ranger slammed his against it and pushed it shut. "I'm not happy."
"And why's that?"
"Most of my clients want security inside and out. Roth only wants a standard alarm with cameras on the outside and nothing else."
I stared at him. "So?"
For the first time since I've known him I could see Ranger starting to lose his cool. "There's a reason why it is beneficial for our security to be installed on the inside."
I shook my head in disbelief. "Who's it beneficial for? Your client or your company?"
His jaw clenched as he let out a breath. "I mean providing security inside can reduce the chances of the building being broken in to and can provide evidence for a prosecution. I have a feeling that Roth maybe hiding something."
I rolled my eyes again. "People are entitled to their privacy, Ranger. You have cameras monitoring every inch of your building but your apartment- your personal living space."
His eyes darkened. "That's not the point, Stephanie-"
"Cripes, Carlos," I exclaimed. "I think the real reason is that now Roth and I are seeing each other, it means that I'm not available for you to fuck anymore!"
Ranger went very still. He only moved his arm when I wrenched the door open and headed towards the stairs.
Roth was waiting for me when I exited the lobby. He smiled at me but frowned quickly. "You okay, Sugar-Plum?"
I smiled despite his clichéd nickname for me. "Yeah, I'm fine. I was just wondering if I forgot anything."
Like telling Ranger where to stick it...
He took my bag and placed it in the trunk. "Not counting my mother, you're the first woman I've brought to the house in ages."
"Thanks again for inviting me. I've been looking for an excuse to escape Trenton for a while."
Roth grinned at me. "Trenton won't be far away. The security system from Rangeman was installed a little while ago."
I forced a smile. "That's good."
On the way Roth told me everything he had planned once we arrived at Saddle River; a movie night with dinner and wine; baking our favourite pastries; a fondue night and an afternoon tea.
"I didn't plan the entire weekend out in case there was something you'd like to do. They're some pretty good shopping malls close by."
"We're going to Saddle River. I'll only be able to afford a pack of gum."
"Actually they're just your regular stores like Macy's and Target."
"Okay then, I'm convinced." I grinned.
An hour later we had drove into a gated estate. It was neat and quiet with not one leaf or blade of grass out of place.
Roth pulled up onto the drive of a spectacular house that could have towered over half of the Burg.
It was a pure white Italianate styled mansion with black panelled window frames. It was surrounded by neatly trimmed shrubs, trees and rosebushes with a dolphin shaped fountain squirting water out from its blowhole.
"Your mom must love this place." I awed, gazing at the house.
"She does." Roth smiled as we got out of the car. "I can sleep easier now that the security system has been installed. She'll be back from her trip next week."
"Where is she now?"
"Miami, visiting her sister- my aunt, I asked her why not buy a house there but she keeps saying that she prefers New Jersey."
He got my bag out of the back of the car and led me inside. "I've already had your room set up. It's in the front where that window is." He pointed to the middle window above us where I could just make out a pair of pale yellow curtains.
As we walked in I noticed a Rangeman security camera I had seen so many times before. I gave a half-hearted finger wave to the Merry Men back in Haywood and followed Roth into the house.
Roth smiled as he handed me my bag. "Your room is up the stairs, first door around the corner to the left. I'm going to get dinner started."
I went up the stairs, followed his directions, found the door and went inside.
My heart did a backflip. The room was painted a light yellow with a white carpet running across the dark floorboards. A queen sized bed was made with flower printed sheets with white nightstands and lamps on either side of it.
Near the bed stood a mahogany chest of drawers with two vases; one filled with red roses and the other with pink and white carnations. A framed painting of yellow primroses hung above them while a large painting of a landscape and long white framed mirror hung on the other side of the wall.
A white and mahogany love seat sofa stood adjacent to a white bookcase which sat between 2 doors.
I opened the first door to an immaculate ensuite bathroom tiled in blue. A shower stood in the far corner while a jet Jacuzzi bathtub stood close to the wall opposite the toilet and counter top sink. A white bathrobe hung next to a shelf of white towels and a range of bottles of shampoos, conditioners, body lotions and shower gels.
I walked back into the bedroom and opened the second door to see it was a walk-in-closet. I switched on the small light and couldn't help but grin.
A pile of parcels wrapped in blue paper and white ribbon sat in a pile with silver gift tags that read To Stephanie.
I picked them up and placed them on the bed before unpacking my things. I sat down and picked up the one closet to me and carefully opened it.
My mouth watered. It was huge box of Godiva chocolates with a note attached; in case you need a midnight snack.
I picked up the next one and my eyes nearly popped from their sockets when I discovered a Dolce & Gabbana box. I lifted the lid and found white material embroidered with a flowery lace pattern. I ran my fingers over it. It was soft, silky and feather light. I picked it up and realised it was a sundress.
I couldn't wait to try it on so I stripped to my underwear and pulled it over my head. I went to the mirror and couldn't help but laugh in delight. It fit me like a glove and swished from side to side as I moved.
I opened the rest of the gifts; a round sapphire pendant on a silver chain; a rose shaped hair barrette; a heart shaped bangle and bottle of perfume I had never heard of before.
After putting on the necklace, bangle and perfume and clearing away the paper and ribbon, I took out my hairbrush and styled my hair by partening it to one side and holding it in place with the barrette.
I found Roth in the dining room as he had just finished putting dinner on the table.
"Damn," He breathed, looking me up and down. "If being gorgeous was a crime, you'd be guilty as charged."
I blushed and looked at the floor. His shoes came into view; his hands lifted and held my face so our eyes met. "I'm serious though Stephanie, you look divine."
I smiled. "Thank you for everything. Nobody's ever spoiled me before."
He gave a modest shrug. "I wanted you to feel special." He pecked me on the lips before guiding me towards the table. "I've made pizza, garlic bread, salad and red wine. For desert, I got chocolate cake."
I grinned at him. "You had me at pizza."
After we had finished eating, we went into the living room where I tried not to double take at the gigantic plasma screen TV that took up half the wall.
We watched a couple of my favourites (which included Ghostbusters) and one of Roth's until we decided to call it a night.
Roth walked me to my room. He smiled, took me into his arms and pressed his lips against mine. "Goodnight, Stephanie."
I smiled back. "Goodnight, Everette."
I went inside and let out a long happy sigh. The person in the mirror looked like a total stranger as I took of the necklace and barrette; bright eyes, rosy cheeks and a grinning smile.
I hung up my dress, changed into an oversized shirt and a pair of old shorts and climbed into bed.
For the first time since I divorced my ex, I was sure this relationship was going to last. My mother would stop nagging at me about settling down. I wouldn't be compared to my perfect sister. I wouldn't be the focus of the Burg.
I was sure I had found the one.
The next 2 days had gone by too quickly and I was sad the weekend was almost over.
We had done everything Roth had planned since there wasn't anything I could think of that I wanted to do.
We made cakes, pies, cookies and enjoyed throwing flour at each other until every inch of the kitchen was sprinkled white.
After our fondue and afternoon tea, we watched movies, talked and came up with ideas on what to do on our next date.
When Monday morning came, I was pleased to know that we weren't leaving until later on tonight so there was no rush for me to pack.
We were both sitting in the kitchen, eating breakfast when Roth checked his phone. He grimaced and stood up from his chair.
"Stephanie, I have to go for a while." He said, looking down at me. "Nothing serious but I could be sometime. Could you do something for me?"
I blinked at him. "What?"
He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a key. "I need you to look after this key. It opens the door to the basement." He nodded to a door on the opposite ended of the kitchen before taking my hand, pressing the key into my palm and looking at me straight in the eye. "You can go anywhere you want in or around the house but you must not go into the basement."
My spidey senses suddenly started to tingle. It had been so long it almost came as a shock. "Yeah…But why? What's down there?"
"It's personal. I'm always afraid of losing the key when I go out the house." Roth shrugged idly. "Do I have your word?"
Without thinking, I nodded. "Yes, of course."
He grinned at me before planting a kiss on my forehead. "I'll try not to be long. I've got my phone with me if you need anything."
I smiled and nodded as I watch him leave.
Until I head the front door close and the sound of the car driving away, I rubbed my arms. It had been a while since my senses activated.
I looked at the key. It looked old fashioned and was made of faded and scratched silver. My curiosity only rose until it started poking me in the stomach.
You gave him your word, Stephanie. I chided to myself. Don't screw this up.
I shoved the key into my pocket, finished my breakfast, put my plate in the dishwasher and went into the living room to watch TV.
An entire wrestling match, an episode of 24, Judge Judy and Ellen DeGeneres later, Roth had not comeback.
The key was burning in my pocket and felt like a half-ton weight attached to my side. It did nothing but make questions buzz through my head, driving me insane.
I grabbed the remote and started channel surfing, hoping that it make me forget about the stupid key.
If Roth was always paranoid about losing it why didn't he just hide it in a safe place like in a jar or in his sock draw?
Wait a minute…why didn't he?
I shut off the TV and pulled the key out of my pocket. The temptation was increasing by the second as I stared at it.
What could have possibly been in there that he trusted me with and was sure that I was not going to go snooping around?
I looked at the clock to see that it was past lunch time. I got up, went in to the kitchen and made myself a turkey sandwich with salted chips on the side and a glass of lemonade.
I sat at the table with my back to the door as I ate. I took out my phone, checked my messages and email, browsed the internet, checked the weather and stock market until I ran out of ideas.
After I put my plate in the dish washer, I dared to look at the door.
It was like it was mocking me; beckoning me with a comer-hither motion. The key being on my person didn't help either.
I looked out the window. It was getting dark outside and there was still no sign of Roth. My spidey senses were off the meter and it was driving me nuts.
I breathed out a breath and reached into my pocket. What Roth didn't know wouldn't hurt him, right? I could keep secrets after all.
The key slid in to the keyhole and turned smoothly. I wrapped my fingers around the doorknob, carefully prying at the door until it was fully open to reveal a stair case with a black metal banister.
I could just make out the cord of a light switch at the bottom of the steps as I held firmly onto the rail and made my way down.
I pulled the cord and heard the light click. It flickered a few times, only giving me enough light so I could walk in a few steps. It flickered again, strong enough so I could make out the shiny floor.
With one final flicker the entire basement filled with light and my skin turned to ice.
The air escaped my lungs and my mouth fell open in a silent scream as my eyes bulged at the sight before me.
Rotting against the walls were skeletons hanging by their necks. Their heads were tilted at a side that made their jaws hang open while their empty sockets held an empty gaze.
There were 6 of them and judging by the decaying clothes and dry, limp hair, I assumed they were all women.
My hands shook, unable to tear my eyes a way until the clink of the key snapped me out of my state of shock.
The floor was wet but I didn't give it any mind as I snatched up the key, shut off the light and scrambled back up the stairs to slam and lock the door shut.
I leant against it, taking in deep breaths as I tried to control the tears that pricked behind my eyes.
It was getting darker as I looked out the window. Roth was sure to be back anytime soon.
I have to get out of here. I thought as I ran out of the kitchen and sprinted up to my room.
I tossed the key onto my bed before pulling out my travel case and stuffing all of my clothes into it. My blood ran cold when I heard the car pull in front of the house.
I stripped out of my clothes and pulled the white dress over my head.
"I'm back, Sugar-plum." I heard Roth call as the front door slammed.
My heart jumped in to my throat but I swallowed it back. "I'm in my room packing up my stuff."
He didn't come up straight away for his key. I was glad of this as it gave me time to get my breathing under control.
I heard his footsteps approaching. I jumped up in front of the mirror and started combing my fingers through my hair.
I saw the door open in the reflection. Roth appeared wearing a black leather jacket. He came in with slow and deliberate footsteps. Our eyes locked.
"Hey." I said, forcing a smile. "The key's on the bed."
Roth nodded and picked it up before looking back at me slowly up and down. "I love it when you wear white. Do you remember what it symbolises?"
My mouth went dry. "Purity…Innocence…beauty…"
He nodded again, heading towards the door before turning to look at me. "Yes. All things that can be tainted so easily," His words were so cold they made me gulp.
Oh god…
"You broke your word, Stephanie. Don't deny it."
Roth flipped the light switch. The room went dark but I could see the floor was stained with white luminous footsteps- my footsteps.
I could make out the key in Roth's hand. I looked down at my own to see my fingers were stained with white.
The lights came back on. Roth's face was blank but his eyes were like gray shards of glass. "I thought you were different, Stephanie. I thought you would respect my privacy. I treated you like a god damn princess, showered you with gifts and this is how you repay me?!"
I mustered up my best Burg glare. "You think I'm in the wrong? You've got a tomb of dead women in your basement!"
"Of all the women who had to know my secrets!"
"And you think that's okay?! Look, I'm sorry for breaking my promise but you have to understand-"
"I understand plenty!" He roared. "All you had to do was keep yourself out of the basement. I told you it was personal." He took in a deep breath. "Things were going so great, Stephanie. I could see us being together, like husband and wife; happy together. But you had to intrude on my secrets."
I stared at him. "You saw us getting married and you think it is acceptable to keep those kinds of secrets from me? That you killed your girlfriends all because they went inside your basement?"
He shook his head as he stuffed the key into his pocket. "You just don't get it, Stephanie. I like my privacy. I want people to appreciate that. But now that you've intervened…I can't let you go…"
Every disc in my spine turned into a block of ice as Roth pulled open the side of his jacket. Something like a gun holster was attached to his belt but I realised it was a sheath when I noticed the black handle of dagger.
He pulled it out. The blade glinted ominously in the light as he approached me.
"No…" I whispered fear gripping at my throat as tears pooled in my eyes. "You can't do this…"
"You brought this on yourself, Stephanie." Roth gravelled.
He raised the dagger but I ducked past him and bolted for the door; tearing it open and slamming it shut before sprinting down the hallway towards the stairs.
I could hear his footsteps slamming against the floor behind me. I didn't dare look back but when we reached the stairs, his arm encircled around my waist.
I tried throwing him off of me but he wouldn't budge. Both of us ended up tumbling down the stairs. Once we reached the bottom, I push him off of me and scurried towards the front door. I screamed when I felt him grab my ankle. I kicked at him with my free foot but it was no use.
Roth yanked me back, rolled me over and pinned me down by my throat. His eyes were wide and frenzied. His face was red, sweat dripped from his brow and he breathed heavily through his teeth as he held the dagger above me.
I covered my face with my arms; waiting for the worst to happen. My corpse would rot in the basement with the other girlfriends. No one would ever find me.
Suddenly, Roth's weight was torn off of me. I peered through my arms just in time to see Ranger tearing the dagger out of Roth's hand before repeatedly throwing a fist into his face.
Ranger's right hand man, Tank, appeared. He nodded sympathetically to me as Ranger threw Roth to him and Tank dragged him out.
Tears streamed down my cheeks as our eyes locked.
When he pulled me to my feet, I threw my arms around him and sobbed into his neck.
"You were right, Ranger…" I cried. "I should have listened to you. I'm so sorry."
He held me close and he cradled the back of my head. "Forget about it, Babe. You're safe now. That's all that matters."
Ranger took me back to his apartment on the 7th floor of Rangeman after giving my statement to the PD. I was dressed in a borrowed shirt and a pair of boxer shorts. I told Ranger to get rid of the dress; I didn't care how.
A pizza delivery from Shorty's and a couple of beers later, I told him everything that I discovered.
"I would have been next." I looked up at him. "What were you doing in Saddle River?"
Ranger pulled me to him. He had his poker face on.
"Lula and Connie told Tank that they knew I was jealous when Roth asked you out. As much as I hate to admit it, they were right. I tried to deny the fact by claiming that I didn't trust Roth. It wasn't until Tank called me an idiot- multiple times- until I realised that I was close to losing you…to another man, that I finally got my head out of my ass and dragged Tank with me to Saddle River."
I rested my head against his shoulder. "I was an idiot too, Ranger. I got charmed by a bunch of cheesy quotes from a psychopath. I never listened to my spidey-senses either like you told me to."
He placed a kiss on the top of my head. "You didn't know, Babe. I think it is worse that he kept something like that from you. Those women can finally be laid to rest now."
I smiled up at him sadly. "I'm sorry about what I said to you before I left."
Ranger held me tight. "No. You were right and it actually knocked some sense into me." He placed a hand against my cheek and brought our lips together. "I'm not going to lose you again, Stephanie. I love you."
I blinked at him but felt doubtful. "In your own way?"
He smiled and kissed me again. "The only way I know how."
I felt the tears well up in my eyes as I gave him my best smile. "I love you too."
"You're mine and I'm yours," Ranger pulled me onto his lap. "And I'm never letting you go."
Author's note: Find out which Brother's Grimm fairy tale I used on my tumblr – .com