Disclaimer: For the last time for this story: I do not own Harry Potter or The Tales of Beedle The Bard, both belong to J.K.R.
A/N: My first completed story! I hope you guys enjoy the epilogue as much as I do! J~HogwartsPrincess89
I brushed my hair out of my eyes as I walked to my private floo. As Minister for Magic I had the perk of my own fireplace. Today had been an exceptionally long day, I had been trapped in meetings for most of the day, forcing me to leave all of my work for later. I had grabbed some food a couple hours ago, as I was now ridiculously late for dinner.
I walked through our dark house, not seeing Draco anywhere. It was only 8:30, he couldn't be in bed yet. I walked to our room, wanting to get out of my ministry robes. I changed into my pajama pants and t-shirt. My body had changed a lot since I was 18. I had lots of curves now, stretch marks too although I was still slim. My hair had tamed even more than it already had, my soft curls hadn't been frizzy in many years. I turned and smiled as I noted Draco's emerald green healers robes slung over our dresser. He had become Head Healer, a feat which made him incredibly happy. I wandered around the house looking for him but he was still nowhere to be found.
I passed our mantel, which had been empty when we moved in that was now littered with pictures of family and friends. I allowed myself a smile at them, pausing on the one of Draco and I asleep on Harry and Ginny's floor; James, Albus, and Lily sprawled out around us. That had been our first experience babysitting all of them together and it had been exhausting.
All of our friends had children as well. Ron and Daphne had two gorgeous daughters, Rose Elena Weasley and Isobelle Marie Weasley. Blaise and Luna had twin boys, Lorcan and Lysander Zabini. Harry and Ginny had Teddy Remus Lupin and of course James Sirius, Albus Severus and Lily Luna. Last but not least, Neville and Hannah had an adorable little girl, Alice Augusta Longbottom. They were all featured in our house, as were all of the Weasleys, Professor McGonagall and Hagrid.
We still went to the Weasley's for dinner, Arthur had had to extend the kitchen as their family had grown rapidly. And our friend group had kept the tradition of Saturday dinners together. I almost tripped over the trunk that was in the middle of our living room. Our daughter was the oldest out of all of the children except for Teddy and Victoire and would be heading off to Hogwarts next year. We were young when we found out we were pregnant with her, only one year after we had gotten married, but elated all the same. None of our children had been planned, but we loved all of them fiercely. Still not finding Draco, I made my way to our eldest's room.
I smiled softly at the sight before me. Draco was sitting on the edge of the bed, reading a bedtime story to our children. Kassiopoeia Capella Malfoy, our oldest, was listening with rapt attention, silver eyes trained on her father, her blond wavy hair fanning out around her head as she lay there. Our second child and only boy, Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, was listening less attentively. His brown eyes were open but trained on the ceiling, curly blond hair sticking every which way as usual. Our final child, Aquila Elara Malfoy, was asleep next to her siblings. She was the only one of our children to inherit my hair colour, although hers was bone straight. Her light blue eyes were closed, her breathing even. I leaned against the door frame.
" 'The three witches and the knight set off down the hill together, arm in arm, and all four lived long and happy lives, and none of them ever knew or suspected that the Fountain's waters carried no enchantment at all.' " Draco closed my old copy of The Tales of Beedle The Bard and kissed Kassie on the forehead. "Night sweetie. Off to bed Scor." He instructed our son as he picked up Aquila from the bed.
I moved into the room, letting my presence known. I kissed Aquila's cheek. "I'll be in in a miute Scor." I told him. "Goodnight sweetheart." I told my eldest. "Night mummy." She replied. I turned off the light and left her room, moving on to my sons. I tucked him in and gave him a kiss. "Love you." "Love you too." He mumbled sleepily. "Night Scor." Draco had moved into the room. "Night dad." He answered before falling asleep.
We left his room and made our way to our own. I kissed him slowly, hands roaming his body. He had changed too. He was still quite fit, his abs as jaw-dropping as they had been when we were 18. He was broader now, and a little taller too. His hair was never gelled back anymore and he was sporting faint smile lines around his eyes which were dancing with love as he broke away from me. "How did we get so lucky?" I questioned. He grinned. "How indeed." "The Fountain of Fair Fortune again?" I teased him lightly.
That was Draco's favourite of Beedle's tales, as his father had never allowed him to read it. Lucius had claimed that his son should not be subjected to the relationship of a muggle and a witch. Out of defiance, Draco had read it my times and fell in love with it. He read our children any story they wanted, but he would always bring that one back.
"Of course," he replied. "It's a classic." I rolled my eyes playfully at him. He brought his all too familiar smirk out and I knew I was in for something. "The kids are sleeping, and we have this lovely room all to ourselves." He waggled his eyebrows suggestively. I giggled. "It would be a shame to waste this opportunity." I said as I dragged my husband onto our bed. I smiled inwardly as he kissed me, knowing that all was well.