So here it is, the final Chapter. Sorry it has taken so long to complete this story. I am hoping with the Olicity goodness in this chapter all will be forgiven. Thanks to everyone for all their support xxx


I watch in horror as Felicity begins to half yelp, half growl as another contraction descends upon her. Her left hand where it is entwined with my own begins to intensify her death grip that she has already perfected since we arrived at the hospital four hours ago. Her right hand holds the Entonox valve which up until half an hour ago seemed to mildly be helping but now seems to be nothing more to her than a nuisance, which she is more than happy to let us know. As the contraction reaches its peak and really takes hold she Screams like I've never heard before, it's so utterly terrifying that it sends my heart lurching into my throat. I implore the OBGYN to help her, to which she replies that what Felicity is experiencing is completely normal and that any other form of pain relief is not an option now that she is so far along. After pushing through the contraction, Felicity relaxes momentarily into the bed behind her, panting through the sobs that are heaving her chest. She turns her head towards me, searching for reassurance and I give it her, despite the overwhelming fear that is crippling me. I kiss her hairline, where its damp from exertion, and cradle her face, as I whisper how much I love her and how proud I am. She bites back another sob, and throws her head back as another contraction begins.

"A big push now Felicity and the head will be out" I hear, even though the room starts to become hazy, the voices becoming deep and indistinguishable, like a broken cassette tape. I can't help but be completely in awe of the woman beside me. Despite what her body is currently being subjected to, she has never looked more beautiful and I have never been more proud. I watch in wonderment as Felicity pushes her way through the agonizing pain she's in right now so she can give me the greatest git there is and I can't help but want to switch places with her, to take the pain away. If I could, I would do it in a heartbeat.

The next twenty minutes seem to pass in a blur and somehow, at the end of six hours of my life that I'll never forget, my new born daughter enters the world and it's all I can do not to completely break down at the sight of her screaming wrinkly perfectness as she is checked over and given a clean bill of health.

When she is placed in Felicity's arms, all pink and absolutely adorable, I nestle on the bed beside her to drink in the sight of my beautiful little princess, doing my best to hide my emotions from spilling over as I place a kiss into Felicity's hair.

"She is absolutely perfect" I murmur into her crown "Thank you"

"I did it" is all Felicity can seem to muster as her eyes seem to sink with exhaustion. I laugh out loud pulling her closer to me before replying "I never doubted you could"

It's one AM on Christmas Morning, and we've been left to our own devices in the comfort of our private suite. Felicity is in the shower indulging in a break and clean up that she has so rightfully earned, as I sit, and watch over our perfect baby girl. She is safe in her cot next to me fast asleep and as I watch her little chest rise and fall with each breath, I play with the velvet box of Felicity's engagement ring, turning it between my fingers, wondering if now is the right time. I feels like it is, I want nothing more for us to be a proper family. Lost in my inner thoughts, I hear our daughter begin to stir, I am on my feet towering over her, quicker than I have ever moved before. Slipping the ring back into my Levis pocket, I peer in on the cot and see her wriggling, and I fear she is about to wail. A small noise leaves her lungs, and as if I have done it a thousand times, I slip one hand beneath her head and the other under her bum, raising up towards me. The minute she is brought to my naked chest she quietens down.

"Hey, baby girl" I hush, as I walk her around the room. The heat she emits is calming and the feeling of her in my embrace, is something I cannot describe. The fact that I have been able to offer her comfort and soothe her, sends a feeling of pride surging through me as she nuzzles into me where I am holding her against my bare shoulder.

I being to sing a an old Russian Lullaby that Raisa sang to me when I was small "Tili tili bom, Zakroyte glaza pryamo seychas, khod'ba Kto-to vne doma,I stuchit v dver" I don't know how I even remember it but as I start the words seem to come, quiet and raspy as I whisper them tunefully into the dark soft curls that sweep over her head. I notice that Felicity has re-entered but she stands stark still not wanting to disturb me. When I stop she begs me to continue and she watches with eyes full of love and pupils blown wide as I continue to shush our baby to sleep. The words flow out of me as I rock myself gently and Felicity moves herself closer finally settling in my embrace against my opposite shoulder. I kiss both my girls and absorb the feeling of completeness and utter adoration that sweeps through me, I would do anything for these two girls; even bring the world to its knees if it meant keeping these two safe and it scares me to my soul. After a few seconds Felicity pulls away and grabs her phone. She snaps a picture of the two of us before raising herself up on her tiptoes and pressing her soft warm lips to mine. I feel my heart flutter in my chest as her fingers trail across my bicep, that contracts in response to her touch.

"I better call my Mom, and Thea and give them all the good news" She explains. I try to offer her our sleeping bundle and she stops me. "No it's okay, there's something else I want to do first"

I nod and give her another chaste kiss before she leaves the room, walking cautiously to avoid any unnecessary pain. When the door closes behind her I lay our daughter down into the crook of my elbow and with my free hand grab Felicity's overnight bag off the floor, placing it on the chair in front of me. With one hand I rifle through the bag to find a small green bodysuit that I tucked away at the bottom. I hold it up, it's a little big but it's perfect. I lay our princess down on Felicity's bed and being careful to support her neck I change her. I Check her diaper, which is clean since her last 'incident' and slip on the green bodysuit, replacing her long sleeved sleep suit over the top. I pick her up and huddle her close to me and sing the lullaby again watching her eyes fall heavier before she drifts off again into a peaceful sleep.

When half hour later Felicity hasn't returned I start to pace. The sleeping form in my arms recognizes my tension and begins to squirm and as I try to settle her she begins to wail. As I make my way over to the door to our suite I see Felicity walking towards me and I take a deep breath allowing a surge of relief to flood through me. When I open the door to her she offers me a bottle and I look at her quizzically.

"I thought we were breastfeeding?"

"Well I am, not sure we'll get anything from these" she smirks as she tweaks one of my nipples, then closes the door behind us. "It's my milk, I had one of the nurses help me express, I thought it would be nice for you to feed her as well, I don't want you to miss out on anything." Felicity raises hand to caress my cheek and I close my eyes, absorbing the feeling of serenity and love that transcends her touch. She is utterly remarkable.

I smile down at my snivelling daughter, completely thrilled at Felicity's suggestion, If it means getting to cuddle her for longer, then I am all on board. "I would love that. Thank you." I pause to push past the lump in my throat. "Seems like she is ready for it" I laugh as I watch my daughter making fish movements with her mouth trying to find something to latch onto, it might just be the most adorable thing I have ever witnessed.

Felicity takes my hand and leads me to the bed. I take a seat, being careful not to jostle my baby girl and I sidle up to Felicity who has already gotten comfortable next to me. She hands me the bottle and with a heart full of anticipation I take it and tip it towards my squirming daughter. She latches on immediately and being to suckle like her life depends on it, feeding greedily as Felicity smooths her ebony curls. I don't try and hide the way this is making me feel, I lay it all bare for Felicity to see, I let the tears fall freely as I relish in the fact that I am the happiest I have ever been. As we watch her feed, Felicity lays a hand on my arm.

"So, when I called Thea, I spoke to Connor."

"He okay?" I ask immediately

"Yeah, he's thrilled. He asked if we had named her yet. I told her we hadn't settled on anything and he came up with a pretty beautiful suggestion. He said that he had been thinking about that Photo we saw yesterday and how sad we were that Roy wasn't around anymore."

"We are not calling our Daughter Roy!" I cut Felicity off instantaneously, and she laughs, a laugh so care free and joyous I end up chuckling and jostling our daughter. I reach her up to my chest and begin to burp her, praying that she does not yak all over me and when Felicity catches her breath she continues with our conversation.

"Connor did not suggest that we call her Roy. He suggested, Harper"

Harper. Harper. I roll it off my tongue a few times and then looking our daughter I repeat it to her and she looks at me, her mouth drops open and her eyes widen and I know that the name is perfect.

"Hello Harper" I repeat and I swear she smiles. I know it's impossible, but I swear she does. I look up at Felicity and hand Harper over to her, at the same time pushing my lips gently against hers. When she strokes her tongue across my lips it elicits a moan from somewhere within me and I have to remind myself that our daughter is beneath us. When Felicity pulls way and lays our daughter on the bed between her legs, I link her fingers with mine and place a kiss on the back of her hand "Harper, I love it" I tell her and she kisses me again, only to be disturbed by the sniffling of Harpers cries.

"Hmm Harper, you still hungry?" Felicity Questions her, while stroking her free hand up and down her tummy. The movement across Harpers middle, reminds me of the bodysuit beneath. I swallow, and take a deep breath to try and ease my nerves but it's fruitless. When Felicity picks up Harper and holds her in the crook of her elbow, tipping the bottle to her mouth once again, I stroke a hand across her shoulder, pushing her hair aside to drink in her striking profile. I clear my throat to speak and as she looks at me expectantly and I know that this is it.

"Felicity, You are the most radiant, beautiful woman that I have ever met. When I came back from the Island, I returned to a house, but I never really returned home, not until the day I met you. Through every venture life has taken us, you've supported me unconditionally and made me a better person. Through all the darkness that I brought back from the island that threatens to consume me, you are my light, guiding my way" I take a moment, and with the pads of my thumbs I wipe the tears that have begun painting tracks down her cheeks. "You are truly remarkable, what you have done today, is beyond all reasoning. You brought my Son to me, bought back my Family home and given me the most beautiful daughter in the world, and all in one day. You've granted me a whole lifetime of Christmas wishes in less than twenty four hours and I will be forever grateful to you. You have given me so much, but I have one more thing to ask of you. Well actually Harper has"

Felicity looks at me, undoubtedly bewildered by my last sentence. I take Harper from her and lay her down on the bed in front of us, watching with compete adoration as her lips part and a little snore erupts from her tiny mouth. When she is lying completely flat I gesture for Felicity to undo the poppers of her sleep suit, which she does gingerly, looking at me every time a popper comes undone. When she reaches the last one she pulls it gently to reveal the green bodysuit underneath and the gold embroidery that reads;

Mommy, will you marry Daddy?

I watch with a heightened sense of anticipation as Felicity lets out a half yelp, half sob, her hand flying to her mouth in as she tries to contain her shock. She nods her head emphatically while whimpering the word 'yes' over and over, turning her head to face me. When she spots the ring I am holding she freezes, taking a second to appreciate its intricacy, before her gaze flitters to mine. I slide the ring on her finger and she holds it up, admiring its sparkle and the fit, before she turns to me placing her lips gently against mine, murmuring the word 'yes' once more. With her lips parted she deepens the kiss and as I return the gesture, I feel the dampness of her tears against my cheek. I pull away and rub at the moisture with the pads of my thumb, asking with the simple raise of any eyebrow if she is okay. She nods.

"Happy tears" she punctuates, shyly trying to tip her head away from me. With my hand still cradling her face I stop her, and I lean my forehead to hers.

"I meant what I said Felicity. Every single damn word" I pause to temp down the lump in my throat. "You, Harper and Connor, you are my entire world"

With the two most precious women in my life next to me I know that whatever life throws at me going forward, I will do whatever it takes to protect my family. For the first time since I returned from Lian Yu, I feel complete; I have everything I have ever wanted and with Felicity by my side there is hope that one day I will truly believe that I deserve it.