Read the end A/N when you finish reading!

"Rit-chan…" An murmured to the latter, who was currently entranced in the book he read.

"…" The book was reealllyyy interesting.

"I think we lost him this time." Saeki poked Ritsu's cheek, and sighed when no response was given to them.

"Rit-chan… I'm bored!" An puffed up her cheeks. 'Why did I decide to spend my day off with this bookworm?!'

The trio were currently in the library where Ritsu worked peacefully. After graduating high school and finishing college abroad, Ritsu decided that he couldn't see himself working anywhere that didn't include books, somehow.

So, in short, a local elder woman who was the head librarian of the one where they were currently at, suggested that Ritsu should apply for a position. After the quick interview and his impressive view towards books, Ritsu scored himself a job. It was perfect. Surrounded by books and limited social interaction, what more could he ask for?

Now, even though Ritsu was a loner, he still had a couple of friends. Two, to be exact. An and Saeki became friends with Ritsu as soon as he entered college. An had become a private chef and Saeki was an editor at a very famous publishing company, known as Marukawa. It was a perfect plot line for a group of friends.

If only...

If only Ritsu acted more like one!

Saeki pulled the book out of Ritsu's hands and tossed it at a different table.

"H- hey! I was reading that!" Ritsu argued. 'It was just getting good...'

"You shouldn't avoid your friends, Rit-chan. We need to talk." An admonished calmly.

"Yeah, Rittie. What's up with you recently? Whenever we ask you to come out with us, you're always making excuses! We know more than anyone that your butt is up in here, reading for God knows how long!" Saeki hopped on top of the table and positioned herself to face her friends.

Ritsu nervously chuckles. "I- I'm sorry, girls. It's just… I'm not really an extravert."

"Well, duh. Anyone would guess that, since you're a librarian." An rolls her eyes.

"…What's that supposed to mean?" Ritsu eyes her quizzically.

"Nothing. Anyways, Rit-chan, we want you to come out with us because, well, you see… uh..." An fumbled over her words.

"We want you to get laid." Saeki was always straightforward. An and Ritsu splutter.

"W- what?!"

"Yeah, man. When's the last time you've gotten some, Rittie? You can't stay incognito forever! There are plenty of girls who'd want to go out with you!" Saeki crosses her legs.

"I don't want a girlfriend, though. In fact, I- I don't want anyone." Ritsu sighs.

"Rit-chan…" An moves closer to him and places her hand on his shoulder. "That lover you had in middle school is long gone. It's time to move on, love."

Ritsu averted his eyes. "I- I don't think that. I'll wait as long as it takes. Even if it's another ten years."

"Rittie…" Saeki clicks her tongue. "How do you know if that senpai of yours moved on? She's probably married by now!"

An nods in agreement. "Rit-chan, women at around the age of 28 definitely settled down. There's no way she wouldn't be apart of that group."

Ritsu looks down at his twiddling thumbs. "I- I still think there's hope. M- maybe they'll come back to me… or something."

"And then what?" An questions, seriously. "What if she comes back? You'll get married? I doubt she'd like her man to be a loner who surrounds himself with books all day."

'Saga-senpai's room was filled with them.' Ritsu looks up."M- marriage?! Don't be daft. T- there's no way we-"

"There you go again, completely ignoring everything we say, Rittie. You have to come out with us. Please, just this once!" Saeki was practically begging. She really didn't want her friend to be alone forever.

An nods. "If not… I'll force you to go on a date with Kazu-kun's sister!"

"I'm not going on a date with your boyfriend's sister." Ritsu groans.

"Then pleaaaaaaseee come out with us Rit-chan. Oh please, oh please!" An was begging now, too.

Ritsu looked between both women with intertwined hands staring at him impatiently.

"Just once?"

"Yes yes!" Both girls say in unison.

"And then you both will leave me alone?" Ritsu inquired.

"Only if Rittie finds himself someone to go home with. At least." Saeki says.

"Saeki-chan! Why is everything with you so sexual?!" Ritsu groans.

"This is for your own good Rit-chan! It's apparent that you're sexually frustrated." An says.

"No it's not!" Ritsu retorts.

"When's the last time you jerked off?" Saeki asks.

"I am not having this conversation with you two." Ritsu grumbles.

"Then say yes already!" Saeki says and catches the attention of a librarian passing by.

"Miss. I must ask for you to get off of the table." Said librarian says, carrying a few books.

Saeki sighs and hops off. "Man, this is why I hate libraries."

"But you work with books…?" An questions.

"I like my job just as much as I like books. But I hate libraries. There's a difference."

"For someone who complains so much about her job, I can't believe that you actually can say that with a straight face." An says.

"It's not all that bad. I mean, sure, my boss is a six foot tyrant who doesn't have an off switch. But he has some upsides."

"Which are?" Ritsu was just glad they forgot about taking him out. He wanted to push this conversation onward.

"Hm?" Saeki looks over at Ritsu. "Rittie, this is a first. You interested in conversing?"

Ritsu rolls his eyes. "Whatever."

"But anyways…" Saeki ponders. "He's sweet when he wants to be. And even if he thinks he can't do something, he'll never admit. He'll just find another way to find the solution."

"Oh my, Saeki-chan, do you like your boss?!" An questions, excitely.

Saeki turns red. "That's ridiculous! A- and even if I did, it'd be impossible."

"He realized you're a horrible drunk?" Ritsu smirked evilly.

"No! And don't pin yourself out of that one! You're a horrible drunk too, Rittie. Remember that one night in college?"


"Anyways, rumor has it that Takano-san, my boss, has someone he loves anyways. People say she's a childhood friend. Others say she works for the company. Either way, he always seems to refuse anyone who confesses their love to him, excusing himself by using work."

"Sounds like a certain someone, doesn't it?" An raised an eyebrow at Ritsu. Ritsu clicks his tongue.

"Alright you know what, if it'll get you two out of my library, I'll go out with you guys tomorrow tonight."

"Really?!" Both girls say in unison.

"Yeah yeah. Now scoot!" Ritsu pushes both girls towards the exit.

"Don't forget to put something nice! That olive cardigan I gave you looks-" An was interrupted as they reached the door and Ritsu runs back into the 'Employee's Only' room.

Saeki was tired.

And as she walked into the Emerald department and saw her co-workers crawling towards their seats, she sighed.

"Sa-chan…" Shouta, one of her co-workers addressed her. "Your storyboard from Kaitou-sensei came in."

Saeki walks towards him. She grabs ahold of the folder. "Thank you, Kisa-san." She sits.

"FUCKING CHRIST!" Masamune's voice booms through the halls as he approaches their department. "Saeki! Where the fuck are you?!"

Saeki stands up straight. "T- Takano-san! What's wrong?"

"Where were you yesterday? We really needed you to attend that meeting with Sales."

'Shit.' "I'm sorry sir, you see I was with Rit- I mean my friend last night. He really needed my support yesterday."

"Well tell that friend of yours that unless he personally wants a fist shoved deep inside his ass, he should be considerate about your job."

"Y- y- yes sir!" Saeki was scared for Ritsu and her own life.

"Anyways, here." Masamune hands her a folder. "You're welcome."

"?" As Saeki opens the folder, she widens her eyes. "B- but how?! I haven't even started the project a- and this is all done?"

"Just be grateful. I wouldn't want those guys at Sales to put a bad reputation on my subordinates."

Saeki blushed as Masamune sat in his seat. "U- um."

"Hmm?" Masamune looked up.

"T- thank you, Takano-san. I really appreciate this."

"It's nothing. Just so long as you take your job even more seriously now."

Saeki nods. "U- um, do you mind me asking you something, sir."

"Make it quick." 'Well, I never!'

"Um w- well apply this to shoujo manga terms. I- if a friend of mine… theoretically speaking, has someone he can't give up on and believes that he'll encounter them once more in his lifetime. W- what should I do to convince him to give up?"

Masamune raises his eyebrow slightly. "Is it wrong for him to have hope?"

"W- well no! B- but you see, it's been so long-"

"If this person believes that his love will reach out to the person then it's fine for him to keep believing that they will find each other, some way, some how. Don't get involved, seriously."

Saeki had an itching feeling that this affected Masamune on a personal level too. 'Ah, so the rumors are true…?'

"Anyways, get back to work."

"Yes, sir!"

Ritsu was in a dilemma.

A how-should-I-dress-to-go-out dilemma.

Ritsu settled for casual jeans and a long sleeved sweater, however it just didn't feel right.

'I don't even go out much!' Ritsu thought. 'So of course I wouldn't have stylish clothes.'

Ritsu sighs and puts his shoes on, no time to call it quits now. He made a stupid promise with his stupid friends to some stupid club.

He hated his stupid life at this stupid moment.

Ritsu looks over at the olive cardigan and grabs it as he runs out to make it in time for the next train.

"Rit-chan! It's so great to see you without a book in your hand!" An greets Ritsu at the bar held in the club they were at.

"Y- yeah!" Ritsu was tipsy. His plan was to drown himself with booze. He really didn't want to be here. The music was very close to popping his eardrum.

"Rittie! An-chan!" Saeki squeezed her way through some dancers to catch up with her friends. "What are you two doing here? Rittie! Go mingle! An, you too!"

"Kazu-kun said he'd be here soon!" An yells as she checks her watch. "He better hurry his butt up!"

"You two go on ahead!" Ritsu yelled over the music. "I'll catch up with you guys!"

The two girls were not convinced.

"I promise! And I always keep my promises!" Ritsu winks. The girls give up and move out.

"Bartender! Let me get the hardest thing you've got!" Ritsu waves the man and he nods.

"Hey." A low voice calls him. It was surprising that Ritsu could hear it. Ritsu turns his direction to a tall man looking down at him.

"Hmmm? Who are you?" Ritsu questions, feeling the alcohol in his body.

"Are you alright man?" The man cups Ritsu's cheeks. "You don't look so hot."

'Warm…' Ritsu thought as he moved closer to the man.

"Hey- he-" Ritsu silences Masamune's lips with a kiss.

Okay so I am still finishing the cross over series!

I just had this idea in my mind for a while now and now BAMMMMMM! It's here~

Please let me know what you guys think!

Until next time, xo.