Forgotten Knight
AN:You don't need to see the movie to understand what's going on, most of the movie will be summarized, but it would be easier!Plus it's an amazing movie!
Canada gasped as another bullet hit his suit. It was bullet proof, but it still hurt and would leave a mark. Being a nation meant the bruises and cuts would heal much quicker. He ignored the pain and kept running down the dimly lit grey hallway. He had a large gash on his collar bone with blood running down the front of his suit. The guards had managed to cut him before he could get away with the information.
Matthew could still hear a pack of henchmen running and firing after him. He rounded a corner, spotted two guards facing away from him and quickly aimed his hand gun. The first one fell, bullet through the back of his head, while the other turned to him. The Canadian aimed and fired again hitting the man between the eyes.
"Forgotten, hurry up and get out of there." A British accented voice said through his ear piece. Matthew glanced around looking for an exit. "Take the stairway to your right."
"Thanks Merlin!" The Canadian said spotting the door and going for it just as the henchmen rounded the corner. Matthew grabbed a lighter grenade out of his pocket and activated it, throwing it at his followers. Canada didn't wait around to see the damage instead he started running down the stairs. "Where's the nearest exit?"
"Bottom floor, first door on your left and the window leads into an alley. If you're lucky it won't be locked." Merlin said.
"If it is I'll just have to break it!" Canada said out of breath. He heard people coming up the stairs and glanced over the railing. Four heavily armed men were coming up the stairs. Matthew vaulted over the railing kicking the tallest one in the face and running past the stunned three. One caught him by the hair and pulled him back. The Canadian growled and twisted so he could punch the man in the neck while activating his signet ring. The man jerked letting go of the small Canadian.
Canada kept running, but firing over his shoulder warning the other two not to follow. He finally reached the main floor and threw the door open and glanced around for more guards. There were several at the end of the hall not yet aware of his presence. Matthew quietly tip toed down the hall, hiding in the shadows until he reach the first door on the left and pulled on it. It wasn't locked and Matthew sighed stepping into the room. It was a small empty office. The window was wide open already and he climbed out disappearing into the city streets.
-❄️"Manners maketh man."❄️-
AN:I always use quoted as line breaks!
On his way back to the Kingsman London headquarters Canada noticed that a lot of people were out in the streets. Some of them looked like they'd been through hell. Broken bones, cuts, bruises and even bullet holes littered their bodies. Medics were everywhere helping whoever they could.
Matthew was going to stop and help, but he felt his phone buzzing in his pocket and looked to see who it was. He immediately answered seeing it was his boss.
"Sir?" He asked.
"Matthew? Are you okay?" His boss asked worriedly. "Where are you?"
"I'm fine. I'm in London for a meeting, remember?" Matthew said looking over his shoulder to make sure no one was tailing him. "Is something wrong?"
"Yes! Didn't you see? Everyone went mad! Fights broke out in the streets, even in parliament." His boss explained quickly. "Here it was mostly near the U.S. boarder, but in the U.S. it was everywhere!"
"That doesn't sound good. I did feel some unrest earlier." Matthew scratched his head and grimaced realizing that his hair was matted with blood. "We'll most likely talk about what ever happened at tomorrow's meeting."
"Alright, be careful Canada." His boss said hanging up. Matthew looked over his missed calls and realized it was the eighth time his boss had called and America, Scotland, France and Prussia had been calling him too. He didn't feel like calling them back. Matthew was surprised they remembered him in the first place.
The Canadian remembered the cut on his collar and ripped a piece from the bottom of his dress shirt to help stop the blood flow. It was pretty deep and would most likely need stitches.
Matthew made his way to one of the many secret entrances to the Kingsman HQ and took the train to the mansion. As soon as he got off Canada went over to the sink, conveniently placed just inside the entrance, and washed the blood off his hands, then pulled down his collar to get a better look at the cut. The bleeding had finally stopped and it was starting to scab over. It wouldn't need stitches anymore.
Two voices caught his attention. One belonged to a young female. She was wearing a brownish green suit with her long brown hair pulled back into a ponytail. The other belonged to a young man who looked pretty beat up. He had a split lip and soon to be a black eye. The girl was crouched down next to the boy who was sitting in an arm chair. She had a first aid kit next to her and by the look on her face; Canada could tell that she didn't know what she was doing.
Matthew walked over to the pair. "Do you need any help?" He asked.
"Yes, please!" She said exasperatedly. "You wouldn't happen to know first aid would you?"
Canada nodded and knelt down next to her. "What's wrong?"
"I think I broke my fucking foot!" The male groaned.
"Language!" The girl snapped. The boy rolled his eyes. "The left one." She gestured to the foot. "I'm Roxy by the way, and this is Eggsy. And you are?"
"My names Matthew. It's nice to meet you." He said as he examined Eggsy's foot. "It's just a sprain." Canada said grabbing some bandages and wrapping them tightly around Eggsy's foot. "Keep it rested and you'll be fine in a couple of days."
"Thanks bruv." Eggsy said.
"Ah Forgotten, I see you've met our new recruits." Merlin said stepping through the door at the end of the hallway beside the observation window.
AN: Hope you guys like it so far!