Prologue: Meet the forces of liberty and freedom

When the Emperor of Britannia shows his intent to kill god, god has made the decision to fight back through any means.

Now the forces of liberty and freedom will openly wage war against a seemingly superior foe.

This is a mixture of Call of Duty, Wargames, World in Conflict, Muv Luv and Full Metal Panic.

I Never watch and read Code Geass until now.

A group of people are inside a room, sitting as if they are expecting someone or somebody. Now lets make a head count on who are currently in the rooms.

From the Russian Armed Forces is Brigadier General Vladimir Orlovsky, from the United States Armed Forces is Brigadier General Jeremiah Sawyer, from the British Armed Forces is Gerald Ingram, from the French Armed Forces is Brigadier General Pierre LaRoche, from the Canadian Armed Forces is Brigadier General Jean-Guy Robichaud, from the Japan Self Defense Force Brigadier General Takeo Masaki beside him is the Crown Prince Tatsu and from the German Bundeswehr is Brigadier General Friedrich Rommel.

Then sounds of doors opened revealing a figure, who wore a bright white Victorian era uniform, but the most notable of his features is a metal mask that looks like part of his face and folded angel wings. The group followed the figure with their eyes until he sat down on a chair in the center of the room.

Then Jeremiah Sawyer asked the first question. "Who are you and what is this place?" Sawyer asked the man, who was a stoic as ever not showing any emotion. Then Vladimir Orlovsky spoke. "Da, I agree with him where are we and who are you?" Orlovsky asked. Still the figure sat silently until Takeo Masaki a young man asked him. "Why we are here and why did you." Takeo gestured to the group of people around him. "Gather us in this very room?"

Then the figure stood and silently walked to a nearby window, the light covered by the curtains made him more mysterious and he slowly turned around and faced them. "I'm very sorry for doing this, but I have seen you have potential." His voice near emotionless monotone. "I have observed all of you and somethings never changed." He turned his back around and he continued.

"I have called you to fight an enemy, that if not fought will destroy all that we know." The figure continue in a graved tone getting the attention of everyone. Friedrich Rommel stood up with a frown. "Who is zis enemy?" Rommel asking everybody's question. "The so called 'Holy Britannian Empire'." The figure gravely said showing said Empire making everyone sick at the sight. Gerald Ingram immediately stood up with a pale and sick look. "My god!" Gerald exclaimed with many agreeing. Jean-Guy Robichaud suddenly exclaimed. "It looked like someone mixed the British Empire and Nazi Germany!" Jean immediately cried out.

Suddenly Pierre LaRoche stood up and look at the figure. "You got to be joking, so you say those bâtards there manage to do something that will destroy all that we know?" Pierre asked the figure who shook his head negatively. "No not yet." The figure answered the question making Pierre sat back down. "Than what do we do before that happens?" Sawyer asked the figure as everyone calmed down. "You need to fight back." The figure said to them. "Are you nuts!" Sawyer stood up shouting. "You want us to fight an Empire that controls a third of a world, with what!" Sawyer asked the figure. "I agree with the American, you want us to fight that?" Vladimir asked sarcastically while pointing at the map. "I agree with them, we don't have the manpower or equipment to do this." Pierre agreed to Sawyer and Vladimir. "I have to agree with the Yank here!" Gerald shouted in agreement.

Then the room became a shouting match as everyone started to shout their disagreement. Until Prince Tatsu grew a vein. "EVERYBODY SHUT UP!" Tatsu shouted at everyone, silencing them. "Now will you let the man talk." Tatsu calmly said while gesturing to the figure. "Thank you as I was going to tell you, men, weapons, equipment and resources are ready, you just need to study the Empire's tactics to counter them, we have given you the most advance weapons and equipment ever made." The figure said before looking at something. "And the preparations are ready." He suddenly said then he look at everyone. "Your first mission, liberate Japan." Then suddenly a white light blinded everyone.

A Few months later... Operation: Rising Sun

Months of preparations and infiltration to fruit as a massive fleet of US, UK, Canadian, French, Japanese, German and Russian warship sailed to Japan for Operation:Rising Sun the liberation of Japan. Marines, Sailors, Naval Aviators and Naval Infantries get ready for the attack while at the skies massive fleets of stealth bombers and helicopters are prepared to destroy the coastal defenses. They have manage to contact the Six Houses of Kyōto and send 4 Japanese TSF and from there they informed all the resistance groups in Japan and from there the liberation force will do the shock and awe attack all over Japan. The spear head will be the Japanese and the US Marines.

Then the radios and PA system blared. "All units this is Overlord launch Operation Rising Sun." Suddenly all the warship are on high alert, men head down to their station and positions while Fighter Bombers, Helicopters and Tactical Surface Fighters prepare to launch. While an Electronics Warfare unit hack their satellite system, 'Its time.' Are everyone's thought.

Meanwhile at the early warning system/radar installation for Area 11.

All is quiet as the radar workers watch the screens quietly in the early morning hours. Everything is quiet nothing is happening besides the TV playing the news blaring. Today the satellites were acting up today, it wasn't unusual for a minor glitch to arise in one of them from time to time, after all, they hadn't exactly perfected technology yet. Solar disturbances from sunspots or flares from the surface of the sun were the usual culprit as solar interference wasn't uncommon for Earth. When it happened, telephone lines would go down, internet would go on the fritz, and all even navigational controls would be somewhat off. It lasted usually only a few minutes until everything went back to normal, almost so quickly that people didn't even realize what had happened. Today, however, it was different.

Every single satellite on the eastern hemisphere of the planet showed multiple aircraft and sea vessels approaching from the east and west, closing in on Area 11. The Commander of the Britannian Garrison was watching from the main monitor at the front of the inner chambers of a early warning system/radar installation base, he maybe an Area Garrison Commander but he would have known if the military called reinforcements form other Areas.

"Sand Bravo." The Commander said, radioing in to the small yet important military air base in Hokkaido. "There are signs of about seventy bogeys in your area. Please verify?" There were thirty five large triangles on the screen heading towards the base. One triangle usually meant there were either two or three aircraft, but three would be the absolute worst case scenario other than four, which would mean an invasion. The man at the other end of the line laughed. "Right, very funny, station." The Operator replied. "That's a big negative, over."

At that the Commander turned to one of the men at the monitors and ordered him to perform a clean-sweep of the system infrastructure and check for a glitch in one of their radar systems. He scanned the individual satellites orbiting their part of the planet, but they seemed to be operating at full efficiency. The Commander furrowed his eyebrows and paced around the chambers, trying to figure out what was going on. He couldn't imagine that solar interference would disrupt the satellites so thoroughly that they would begin to create false imagery of aircraft and nearly four times as many sea vessels heading towards Area 11.

Then again, he had never really paid much attention in his science classes. Perhaps it was a glitch in the mainframe, not the satellites? That was certainly a possibility, as well as was the possibility of someone trying to hack into their system. The EU and Chinese Federation had attempted several times to do so in the past, so would it be such a surprise if they tried to do it again. "Sand Bravo, be advised, we're running diagnostics to scan for a malfunction." The Commander said. "The skies are clear, station." The man repeated in an express tone meaning he check the radar and the skies. "You've got yourself some phantom dots, over." Then there was a loud beep on the monitor ahead, and he turned to see what it was. Now it was reading that there were about one hundred-possibly more-unidentified aircraft heading for Kyushu.

'What's going on?' The Commander thought as he radioed that small yet important military air base. "Zulu Delta 6, you've got signs of some one hundred bogeys in your sector, please advise." The Commander called hopping a response. Then the response came and the Operator of the base had a very similar response to the Operator of Sand Bravo. "Negatory station, the scope is clear." The Operator replied in pure Confusion. "I dunno what to tell you. Think it's solar interference? There might be some heavy sun spot activity today." With that, he cut the link. There were several more beeps showing one hundred plus aircraft inbound for Kansai and Chūgoku. Kansai and Chūgoku reported that they didn't see anything on the radars.

The Commander didn't know if he should be angry or worried. There was the possibility that there were some stealth fighters stationed there. The stealth fighter is nimble, fast, and relatively stealthy fighter. If there were indeed stealth fighters being used, that could explain why no one else could see them on their radars but the problem most of those are station in the Britannia homeland, maybe new replacements? Finally, there was another beep and triangles came up that said that there were well over two hundred aircraft heading for Tōhoku , Kantō and Chūbu. Tōhoku and Chūbu are the closets while Kanto hasn't reach shoreline.

For one last time, the Commander picked up the radio and called in to the one of the base over there. "Sierra Delta, uh, we may have a minor system fault here." The Commander said with uncertainty. "Do you have anything on your scope, over?" Then the response was different. "THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!" The Operator screamed in panic into the radio. "Sierra Delta, repeat!" The Commander shouted in full alert. "What's going on?" He asked as the Viceroy and Sub Viceroy is out on an Operation in Narita. "I'm seeing fighter jets over the settlement! How the hell did they get through?" He cried out in pure panic. In his radio, he could hear the sound of fighters, bombers, and possibly troop carriers screaming through the sky. There was also the sound of explosions in the background and gunfire, which meant that there was indeed an attack going on.

Then suddenly the radar system came back to normal to show that Area 11 is surrounded by multiple enemies all escape routes are covered, from sea and air. One thought came through, 'An Invasion!'. "All stations be advised, satellite surveillance has been disabled! All systems are inoperative at this time!" The Commander watched helplessly as the satellites individually went out of commission one by one as something tampered with the network. The engineers and people monitoring the computer couldn't trace who was taking out there 'Eyes in the Sky', so whoever was down there was on their own. The Commander prayed that they would make it out alive.

At the same time Brittanian soldier who was patrolling a coastline saw something in the foggy morning, he radioed his commander about what he saw. "Command this is patrol I see some weird lights in the sea please verify?" He asked only to met with static. "Command?" Then when the fog stated to clear up, what he saw terrified him. A large armada just appeared out of freaking nowhere as he saw numerous landing ships, amphibious assault vehicles, helicopters, fighters and what seems to be flying Knightmares Frames coming out and heading straight to the beaches, only one thought that came to his mind, 'An Invasion!', he quickly radioed his commander again.

"Command!" He shouted while praying for an answer which was miraculously answered back. "What is it?" The base commander asked. "Sir we have a invasion fleet right at our doorstep and I don't know how they got here! They just appeared warn the base! Were under attack! I repeat we are under attack!" He yelled back as he saw some transports landed and the last thing he saw was the turret of an AAVP7A1 aiming at him. As the soldier aim his rifle the AAV turned him into Swiss cheese in response.

"This is Devil Dog, beach head secure, sent in the rest." Lieutenant Vasquez radioed in as he cradled his HK416 with AN/PEQ-2 IR designator, KAC RIS foregrip, and Trijicon TA01 4x32 ACOG scope. Around him Marines are securing the beaches as he call command.

"Devil Dog, this is Overlord, roger the cavalry's coming." Sawyer replied with a grinned as the entire coastline fell to the US Marines in a couple of minutes Marines in MV-22 Opsreys, UH-1Y Venoms, AH-1Z Vipers, F-18E SuperHornet 'TSF', M6A2 Bushnell, LAV-25s and AAVP7A1s secure the beaches as more men came first are more US Marines with M6A2 Bushnell, LAV-25s, M1A2 Main Battle Tanks and Humvees rolling down as more marines in M18E SuperHornet 'TSF', F-35B Lightning II, MV-22 Opsreys, UH-1Y Venoms and AH-1Z Vipers flew deeper to continue the attack.

Second Wave are the Japanese forces coming in en mass, third wave are the Russians, fourth are the French, fifth are the German, sixth are the Canadians and seventh are the British. Inside Russia the Russian VDV, Airborne Forces landed in various cities as many military garrisons found themselves outnumbered and outgunned. The VDV and Airborne Forces attack the Brittanian garrison quick and efficiently as APCs, IFVs and flying Knightmares Frames took the Brittanian garrison by surprise. The Brittanian Soldiers looked in shock as the enemy soldiers and rebels shrugged off the bullets and returning them with lethal efficiency. Unknown to them the US, UK, Canadian, French, Japanese, German and Russian paratroopers wore body armor.

Now a combine force of US and Japanese TSF, Arm-Slaves, helicopters and fighters flew towards Narita to support the JLF and Black Knights.

Cornelia li Britannia Viceroy of Area 11 is seething in anger as the Black Knights and JLF beat back her forces, the JLF has new Knightmares Frames that's more agile and faster than their Knightmares Frames and most shocking part that they are walking instead of rolling. The Black Knights used a low powered landslide to wipe out her forces after the JLF to pull back, yet it didn't reach the city outskirts, that Euphemia li Britannia Sub Viceroy of Area 11 insist to secretly evacuate.

But luckily they are still outnumbered. Todoh looked at Cornelia as he remembered what the member of the Six Houses of Kyōto said. "A miracle shall happen, we have set a timer for this." Todoh looked at the timer 10 seconds left.

"Any last words, Zero?" Cornelia asked Zero looked at Todoh who during battle sent the information and smirked. "As a matter of fact I do" Zero said with a smirk. "3,2,1" He finished the countdown, and then he shouted. "Enjoy the concert!" As he said these words which made them looked confused. "What are you..." Questioned Cornelia but suddenly they heard a music being played.

Minutes ago...

"We will be at Narita at 1 minute. Yeah got it. Colonel! Reports indicate that there is already fighting in the southern area." Lieutenant Colonel Youga reported in.

"Alright, all units head for 10 o'clock position and get ready for combat." Colonel Kengun ordered as the TSF, Arm-Slaves, helicopters and fighters flew so that they looked like a Britannian Force. "Good, we'll sweep like the cavalry. The Lieutenant Colonel can handle the rest, start the music!"

Everything was all lining up perfectly. The mood, the atmosphere, the people, even the helicopters themselves. The Britannians beat Washington, the Japanese and the EU, now it's payback time. The stereo had kicked in above the sound of wind and beating air.

Now playing: Naruto Shippuden Opening 1 - Heroes Come Back by Nobodyknows+

The helicopter started to fly in formation just like Apocalypse now.. The various Marines and JGSDF Troopers lock and load for combat.


"Here's the cavalry!" A voice boomed as the song played. All the Knightmares turned around surprised. "What the hell?!" Darlton shouted . "Up there!" A Britannian in a Sutherland said pointing on the sky, when they raised their heads, their eyes widened in shock as they saw 100 helicopters with various symbols, fighters and over 50 flying Knightmares. "Kept you guys waiting, huh?" Kengun spoke through the loudspeaker, who is inside the command helicopter with the song playing.

Kallen smiled in relief that reinforcement arrived just in time to save them. Lelouch and the rest raised their heads to witness a swarm of fighter, helicopters and Knightmares. "My god." Lelouch muttered in amazement that the JLF was able to bring such a huge army. Then he let out a grin seeing that the table has turned to his favor. Not to mention that the song sounds awesome.

"Kami." Said Ohgi wide eyed. "They are using a Japanese song!" Remarked Tamaki in excitement. "Holy..." Inoue started in awe. "...shit" Finished Sugiyama. Then the few massive helicopters open up what looked like bomb bays to show more Knightmares.

"Ok, guys! Its show time!" Kengun announced as the fighter, helicopters and Knightmares moved forward with their guns firing at Britannian Knightmares. Then behind the Britannian army, 15 TFS popped out and started to shoot at the Knightmares that are cornering Zero and his group.

"Everyone fire!" Ordered Cornelia as everyone started to shoot at the enemies Knightmares, but it was no use as they deflected their bullets with ease. The Knightmares on the cliff raised their weapons to shoot them while Lancelot readied the Varis and shot at the enemy Knightmres, but they dodged it easily, after that 5 of them took out their rocket launchers and shot at the Lancelot and the Knightmares.

"AAAH!" All the pilots of the Knightmares screamed as the cockpit ejected itself. Lancelot used its shield, but then 2 more Knightmares popped out from behind and shot the rocket launchers. "Damn it!" Cursed Suzaku as those impacts caused a great damage on the back of the Lancelot. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" Villeta shouted looking at the sky with all the helicopters, and Knightmares flying around and shooting at Britannian Knightmares while the fighters decimate the aerial forces.

"With me!" Lelouch shouted as everyone got out of their cover and soon Lelouch and the rest joined the battle. "Those bastards! They dare to use an eleven song!" Darlton shouted in anger as bullets keeps appearing everywhere, slowly the Britannian forces started to fall like flies. Them *BOOM* Andrew died as his Knightmare blew up when a Arm-Slaves sniper shot touched the core of the Knightmare, therefore getting into contact with the Sakuradite. All the JLF members started to cheer and support the only group that can withstand against the Britannians.

"Damn them!" Guilford Cursed as he kept stabbing and slashing at Tohdoh while he heard that eleven song. Tohdoh was focused on the fight, but he was also enjoying the song as it projected some sort of hope. "This song is not so bad at all" Thought Tohdoh as he kept slashing at Guilford.

"Please! Your highness we must take you to safety!" Pleaded one of the officers to Euphemia. "No! I cant leave my sister here!" Euphemia shouted back as the song continue to play. "Oh yeah! This song sure gives me a lot of motivation!" Urabe expressed. "Well, at least they are not Japanese haters" Chiba commented as she slashed another Knightmare.

Suzaku was firing at the enemy Knightmares who shot him from behind. But then unbeknownst to them, a Arm-slaves appeared behind them, it it's rocket launcher aimed at the cliff where Suzaku and several Knightmares are. Then the Arm-slaves fire hitting the cliff making it fall. "WHAT!?" Exclaimed Suzaku as he and the rest fell.

Lelouch and the rest kept firing at the Knightmares, strangely they felt that the song is raisingtheir morale. "How is this happening?!" "We are getting our ass kicked!" Shouted one of the officers inside the Mobile Base. Helicopters were shooting with their machine guns as they gunned down Britannian soldiers. While others TSF and Arm-slaves landed and started to gun down every Britannian Knightmares.

Cornelia analyzed the situation, then she heard the song again, her eyes widened in realization. "It's the song! We must shut it down!" Cornelia concluded as the song seems to increase the morale of the enemy troops. Suddenly, a TSF quickly made a vertical slash and cut off Cornelias Knightmare right arm.

"DAMN IT!" Cornelia Cursed. "Sis! Please, retreat! They are everywhere!" Begged Euphemia. "Sorry Euphy, but if I could at least take zero down, then all his soldiers may surrender!" Cornelia replied with determination. "But you must escape!" Ordered Cornelia barely trying to parry the TSF attack. "NO! I don't want to leave you!" Protested Euphy but then the communication was cut off.

Kengun's helicopter was hovering around watching the battle. "We are ready Governor!" All the available Knightmares readied their rocket launchers and aimed at Morpho's helicopter. Many Knightmares aimed their missile launchers at Kengun's helicopter and shot. But then the unexpected happened.

All the missiles exploded in mid air before more missile appeared and flew towards them. "WHAT!" Exclaimed one of the Knightmare pilots. *BOOM* Up in the skies 15 Boeing–Sikorsky RAH-66 Comanche pilots and gunners grinned at the sight. The 20mm Gatling guns use specialized flak ammo to create a wall of lead and return fire with their hellfires.

Suzaku was losing control of the Lancelot as it suffered many damages. "Suzaku! Withdraw at once! The Lancelot is losing energy!" Cecil informed. "But I must..!" Then he was interrupted by Lloyd. "THAT'S AN ORDER! GET BACK HERE BEFORE MY CREATION IS DESTROYED!" Lloyd ordered as Suzaku gritted his teeth's in anger as he complied. He maneuvered the Lancelot and left.

"What is that damn eleven doing!" Said one of the Knightmare pilots outraged that the pilot left them. Then a missile came out of nowhere and hit the Knightmare, killing the pilot immediately. "This is working! We are actually winning this battle!" Tamaki expressed with his left arm up. "Yeah! We can do this!" Sugiyama shouted.

As Tohdoh and Guilford were fighting, many bullets rained down over Guilford. He jumped backward and dashed away. "You wont escape!" "Damn it!" Guilford cursed as he dashed away, then Darlton's Knightmare appeared, accompanied with 10 Knightmares, they turned around and shot at Tohdoh while dashing backwards. Tohdoh cursed as he decided to retreat. Then they came to Guilford's left side.

"Where is her highness Cornelia?!" Guestioned Guilford in concern. "I got separated, there's just too many of them! They might surpass our own army with this kind of number!" Darlton shouted in horror at such might

"Have fun with this part Britannians!" An Electronic Warfare Officer said with a smirk as they hacked into the Britannians comms and produced an ear piercing noise that made everyone cover their ears in pain, except the ones wearing the earplugs.

"What the hell?!" Yelled Darlton with pain on his ears. "The pain!" Said Guilford in pain with his hands on his ears. "Aaaah!" Cornelia hissed with pain with her hands covering her ears as it did the rest of her squad. "My ears!" Euphemia shouted with pain while covering her ears.

"Now is our chance! Take down as many as you can! " Commanded Lelouch as everyone started to beat down all the Knightmares. Kallen was confused at first seeing Knightmares having some sort of convulsion, but she reacted quicky as she took this chance to take down as many as she could.

The Britannians were slowly being overwhelmed by the sheer power of the combine force. "We must retreat! NOW!" Suggested a Britannian soldier as he and then many others retreated."Cowards! Don't retreat" Protested a Britannian soldiers until a sniper shot hit his Knightmare.

"This can't be happening" Cornelia said in shock as she has never ever lost a battle. The Guren was able to take down every Knightmare she could encounter, even though its claw like arm was damaged, it was still capable of doing damage against Knightmares. "They are retreating!" Kallen exclaimed with joy. "We won! I can't believe it!" Ohgi shouted in disbelief.

Mobile base was also retreating as, what's left of the soldiers, pass. "All unit! We leave this battlefield at once! We have lost!" Cornelia informed. Then more bad news appeared. "Any station, any station on this net! Area 11 has been invaded, it's the Japanese Army remnant with some Britannian rebels and the EU!" At this point the battle is a complete lost as their maps shows that they had been surrounded while they were busy fighting.

Cornelia looked around devastated as the enemies Knightmares advance on them.

All around Japan the Combine Forces were greeted with happiness by the Japanese while the Britannians looked in terror, the Britannian Police Force surrendered as their Knightpolice were completely annihilated. The Britannian Garrison found themselves outnumbered and outgunned as most of their men and equipment went to Narita. By tomorrow's time Japan will be liberated and the news will spread all around the world.

While the figure in white look at the sight, all according to plan.

The Knightmares Frames that they see are Arm Slaves and Tactical Surface Fighters from Muv Luv and Full Metal Panic.

Many units and characters are from Call of Duty series, C&C Red Alert 3, Gate thus the JSDF Fought there, Wargames and World in Conflict.
